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IP: Satellite 'Big Brother' eyes parolees (fwd)

From: DAVE FARBER <farber () cis upenn edu>
Date: Sat, 10 Apr 1999 21:38:13 -0400

Date: Thu, 8 Apr 1999 14:57:27 -0700 (PDT)
From: 7Pillars Partners <partners () sirius infonex com>
Reply-To: iwar () sirius infonex com
To: g2i list <g2i () xmission com>, IWAR list <iwar () sirius infonex com>
Subject: [IWAR] PRIVACY SECURITY Satellite 'Big Brother' eyes parolees

Satellite 'Big Brother' eyes parolees

  By Gary Fields, USA TODAY
  Military satellites designed to guide nuclear missiles are being used to
  monitor prison parolees and probationers in a technological advance
  designed to reduce the nation's skyrocketing prison population. But
  critics say it also raises the specter of an Orwellian future.
  The ComTrak monitoring system uses 24 Defense Department satellites
  orbiting 12,500 miles above the Earth to track 100 people in nine
  states. The people under surveillance range from sex offenders in
  Chicago to juvenile delinquents in New Jersey. The cost of monitoring
  each person is $12.50 per day.
  It is a long way from a system originally designed by the Defense
  Department to help guide nuclear missiles. The Pentagon began leasing
  satellite time, allowing others to use the satellites, after the Cold
  War ended. "It's bullets to plowshares," says Jack Lamb, president and
  CEO of Advanced Business Sciences Inc., the Omaha-based company that
  developed the ComTrak system.
  The system has three main components: a bracelet the size of a
  wristwatch, a 3-pound personal tracking unit that resembles a
  walkie-talkie, and the battery charger/base that is kept at the
  monitored person's house and transmits information by telephone to a
  monitoring center . If the bracelet is broken or removed or the wearer
  is more than 50 feet from the tracking unit, an alarm is sent to the
  monitoring center.
  The system is programmed to set up zones where a person monitored can
  and cannot go, depending on the crime committed. For example, people
  with drunken-driving convictions can be tracked to set off an alarm if
  they enter local bars. Exclusion zones for a sexual predator can include
  schools and parks in a designated area. And an abusive husband can be
  tracked to ensure he stays clear of his wife's workplace, home or places
  she visits.
  When a person being monitored enters an exclusion zone, the tracking
  unit sends an automatic alert to monitoring centers in Omaha. Law
  enforcement authorities are alerted within minutes.
  At night, the tracker is placed in the charger, which downloads all of a
  person's movements that day - right down to the precise route the person
  took to work - and sends the record of movements to the monitoring
  Lamb says the potential for growth is "phenomenal." There are nearly 4
  million people under some form of supervision in the USA. Of those, only
  about 11,000 are monitored electronically under the old system, which is
  unable to track a person's movements once he or she has left home. Some
  see the new system as a tool for judges grappling with a prison and jail
  population of 1.8 million people at a cost of more than $40 per day for
  each inmate.
  Percy Luney Jr., president of the National Judicial College at the
  University of Nevada, Reno, where judges receive training in such issues
  as alternative sentencing, says the system "gives judges an option for
  keeping people out of jail and away from all the negative influences
  there. It's also a cost-saver for the taxpayer."
  Lamb says his system also is an improvement over older technology, which
  can tell only if those being monitored leave home during restricted
  hours. "The problem with the old system is once they leave home, you
  have no idea where they are or what they are doing," Lamb says.
  Others involved in the prison industry, from defense lawyers to
  probation and parole officers and judges, acknowledge that the advanced
  monitoring system has potential. But there are some concerns about how
  far the use of such surveillance will go.
  Paul Rothstein, a law professor at Georgetown University, says the
  system has the potential "to change the face of law enforcement and
  incarceration." Nevertheless, he sees the "potential for creating a
  Rothstein is concerned that the advances in technology could result in
  more and more people being subjected to electronic monitoring - not just
  those on parole.
  "You could end up with the majority of the population under some kind of
  surveillance by the government," he says.
  Jack King, spokesman for the National Association of Criminal Defense
  Lawyers, says his organization supports the electronic monitoring. He
  sees it as especially helpful in the case of someone who should be out
  on bail but is too destitute to pay it.
  He says he is concerned about such technology being used to monitor
  people who have served their sentences and paid their debts to society.
  "If it's to track someone who has done his full term, like a registered
  sex offender or a formerly dangerous felon, then the use of this
  technology becomes Orwellian with all the dangers to all our freedoms
  that suggests," King says. "Who would they be tracking next?"

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