Interesting People mailing list archives

IP: a meeting sponcored by the Democratic Policy Committee on

From: Dave Farber <farber () central cis upenn edu>
Date: Sat, 24 Feb 1996 15:56:28 -0500

Posted-Date: Sat, 24 Feb 1996 12:45:21 -0500
From: Steve_Clemons () bingaman senate gov
Date: Sat, 24 Feb 96 12:06:44 EST

     Dear Friends, Colleagues and others:
     I thought that you would like to know about an important conference 
     that our office has been helping to produce.  The event is a day long 
     session that will focus on various strategies to kick-start long-term 
     economic growth, shared with working families, here in the United 
     States.  Senator Jeff Bingaman will be presenting a legislative 
     package of specific bills that attempt to comprehensively and 
     specifically respond to some of the systemic market failures 
     manifesting themselves in our economy.  
     The agenda is filled with thoughtful people, all of whom will share 
     varying perspectives on a similar theme of how to move the economy 
     forward in a way that forwards the interests of America's working 
     families, but not at the expense of American corporate competitiveness 
     abroad.  We will be suggesting major changes in the tax structure of 
     the nation which will shift some of the tax burden to foreign firms 
     that often pay nothing or far less despite having managing a 
     significant and profitable presence in the U.S.  Our proposals also 
     give clear support to exports, rather than to imports.
     Speakers will include:  Senators Jeff Bingaman, Thomas Daschle, and 
     Edward Kennedy among others; House Democratic Leader Richard Gephardt, 
     Lazard Freres Managing Director Felix Rohatyn, National Economic 
     Advisor to the President Laura D'Andrea Tyson, Labor Secretary Robert 
     Reich, Barry Bluestone, William Paul, Sandy Nelson, Lawrence 
     Chimerine, James Fallows, Anthony Carnevale, and Jeff Faux.  John 
     Sweeney, President of the AFL/CIO, may also attend but is not finally 
     confirmed.  And author of End of Affluence, Jeffrey Madrick, will also 
     I hope you can attend.  We have about 80 seats, and I'd like those who 
     are interested to be able to get in.  An agenda follows.   CALL ME as 
     soon as possible if you would like to join us so that we can give 
     access to those who first respond.  My direct number is 202-224-4266.
     For those of you who are interested in the legislative packages, I'll 
     have a report sent to you after Wednesday if you send me a note.
     All the best -- and I hope to see you Wednesday, 2/28, in 366 Dirksen 
     Senate Office Building (9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.),
     Steve Clemons
     Senior Policy Advisor
     Office of Senator Jeff Bingaman
     202-224-4266 direct phone    202-224-2852 fax
     E-Mail: steve_clemons () bingaman senate gov
     Corporations, Labor, Securities Markets, Government:
     Building Allies for America's Working Families
     An American Economic Interests Program
     sponsored by
     Democratic Policy Committee
     Wednesday, 28 February 1996
     366 Dirksen Senate Office Building
     Washington, D.C.
     9:00       Coffee and Registration
     9:30       Welcoming Remarks/Press and Public Session
                Senate Minority leader Tom Daschle (D-South Dakota)
                House Democratic Leader Richard A. Gephardt (D-3-MO)
     9:40       Presentation of Core Report and Legislative Initiatives
                Democratic Proposals to Restore Long-Term Growth, Shared    
                with Working Families, in the U.S.
                Senator Jeff Bingaman (D-New Mexico)
     9:55       Additional Comments on Jobs, the Economy, and Long-Term     
                Economic Growth
                Senator Edward M. Kennedy (D-MA), Senator Kent Conrad       
                (D-ND)*, Senator Joseph I. Lieberman (D-CT)*, Senator John  
                Breaux (D-LA)*, Senator Byron L. Dorgan (D-ND)
     10:10      Questions
     10:25      Break
     10:30      Comments on Achieving Long-term Economic Growth
                Felix G. Rohatyn
                Managing Director, Lazard Freres & Co., LLC
     10:45      Questions
     11:00      Panel Discussion
                Corporations, Labor, Securities Markets, Government:        
                Building Alliances that Work
                Barry Bluestone, Harvard University
                Moderator and Chair
                John Sweeney*
                President, AFL/CIO
                William F. Paul
                Executive Vice President, United Technologies
                        and Chairman, United Technologies International
                Sandy Nelson, Chairman, Inland Steel
     12:00      Questions
     12:15      Lunch Break
     1:00       Comments on the American Economy
                Laura D'Andrea Tyson
                National Economic Advisor to the President
     1:25       Questions
     1:40       Break
     1:45       Panel Discussion
                "Is's Still the Economy, Stupid"
                Discussion of Comprehensive Approaches to America's         
                        Economic Growth Problems
                James Fallows, Washington Editor, The Atlantic
                Moderator and Chair
                Lawrence Chimerine
                Managing Director & Chief Economist
                Economic Strategy Institute
                Anthony Carnavale, Vice President for Public Leadership,    
                Educational Testing Service
                Jeffrey Madrick, Author, End of Affluence
                Jeff Faux, President, Economic Policy Institute
     2:30       Questions
     2:40       Break
     2:45       Rewarding Corporations for Doing the Right Thing
                Robert Reich
                Secretaty of Labor
     3:10       Questions
     3:45       Adjournment

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