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IP: US Cryptography Policy: Why We Are Taking the Current

From: Dave Farber <farber () central cis upenn edu>
Date: Mon, 26 Aug 1996 17:27:48 -0400

<smaller>US Cryptography Policy: Why We Are Taking the Current 


July 12, 1996

We live in an age of electronic information. Information 

technology is transforming society, creating new businesses, 

new jobs and new careers. The technology also

creates new opportunities for crime, and new problems in 

investigating and prosecuting crime. As a result, electronic 

information, be it corporate trade secrets, pre-release

government crop statistics, or a patient's medical records, 

must have strong protection from uninvited modifications of 

disclosure. Cryptography enables that protection.

The United States is the world leader in information 

technology. US firms continue to dominate the US and global 

information systems market. Retaining this leadership is

important to our economic security. The Clinton 

Administration, through its National Information 

Infrastructure initiative, has long recognized that 

government has an

important role as a facilitator and catalyst for the 

industry-led transformation of the way we use computer and 

communications technology to work and live.

In particular, government has a strong interest in promoting 

the legitimate use of robust encryption to support US 

international competitiveness, foster global electronic

commerce, prevent computer crime, and ensure that the 

information superhighway is a safe place to conduct one's 

business. At the same time, there is a growing

recognition, affirmed most recently by the National Academy 

of Science that the use of encryption to conceal 

illegitimate activities "poses a problem for society as a

whole, not just for law enforcement and national security." 

In brief, criminals can use encryption to frustrate legal 

wiretaps and render useless search warrants for stored

electronic data. We know of no technical solution to the 

problems that would result from the global proliferation of 

strong cryptography (see box). The implications of this

are no small matter.

Encrypted computer files have hampered the prosecution of 

child pornographers. Militia groups advise their members to 

use encryption to hide illicit weapons, financial,

and other criminal activities. Aldrich Ames was instructed 

by his Soviet handlers to encrypt computer files that he 

passed to the Soviets. And international terrorists and

drug dealers increasingly use encryption to prevent law 

enforcement officials from reading their voice and data 

transmissions. Grave crimes, such as a plot to shoot down

several airliners over Chicago, have been foiled by the use 

of wiretaps. Had the FBI been unable to read those 

transmissions, however, a major tragedy might have


No restrictions apply to the US domestic use of 

cryptography, and the Administration has no plan to seek 

restrictions. Cryptography has long been controlled for 


for national security reasons, so as to keep it from getting 

into the hands of foreign governments. But is has today 

become a dual-use technology, and international

businesses want to use the same security products both 

domestically and abroad. The Administration is thus under 

strong pressure to provide relief from cryptography

export controls.

For our cryptography policy to succeed, it must be aligned 

with commercial market forces and operate on an 

international basis. Further, it should preserve and extend

the strong position that US industry enjoys in the global 

information systems marketplace. Accordingly, the US 

government is working with US industry and our

international trading partners on an approach that will 

protect information used in legitimate activities, assure 

the continued safety of Americans from enemies both foreign

and domestic, and preserve the ability of the US information 

systems industry to compete worldwide.

Key Management and Recovery

A consensus is emerging around the vision of a global 

cryptography system that permits the use of any encryption 

method the user chooses, with a stored key to unlock it

when necessary. The encryption key would be provided 

voluntarily by a computer user to a trusted party who holds 

it for safe keeping. This is what many people do with

their house keys -- give them to a trusted neighbor who can 

produce them when something unexpected goes wrong. 

Businesses should find this attractive because they do

not want to lock up information and throw away the key or 

give an employee -- not the company -- control over company 

information. An individual might also use this

service to ensure that she can retrieve information stored 

years ago. This will require a new infrastructure, 

consisting of trusted parties who have defined 

responsibilities to

key owners. Under law, these trusted emergency key recovery 

organizations would also respond in a timely manner to 

authorized requests from law enforcement officials

who required the key to decode information lawfully obtained 

or seized from a subject of investigation or prosecution.

The Federal government will use key recovery encryption on 

its own computers because it makes good management sense. It 

would be irresponsible for agencies to store

critical records without key recovery, risking the loss of 

the information for programmatic use and the inability to 

investigate and prosecute fraud or misuse of the


A number of US and international companies are working with 

the US and other governments to create a system of trusted 

parties who are certified to safeguard the

keys. In some cases, organizations might guard their own 

keys. In other cases, persons will use the key recovery 

services provided by third parties, one of a suite of

services that will include electronic directories and 

electronic "notaries" in support of online commerce. Persons 

will be free to choose the type and strength of encryption

that provide the degree of security they believe appropriate 

for their use. Taken together, an overall key management 

infrastructure is needed to make electronic

commerce practical on a global scale.

Some commercial products and services which provide 

emergency key recovery are already available. Testing and 

refinement is needed before a widespread, robust

infrastructure is put in place. The US government is 

committed to supporting the development of such a key 

management infrastructure through pilots and experimental

trials. The State Department is expediting the review of 

several export license applications that test commercial key 

recovery on an international scale. An interagency

working group is identifying several potential governmental 

uses of commercial cryptography - both internal transactions 

and in communications with the public - where

key recovery can be tested. A plan outlining these 

government tests will be available in August. The government 

will be purchasing key recovery products for its own use,

and will adopt a Federal standard for evaluating such 

products to assure agency purchasers that the key recovery 

features operate properly. The Department of

Commerce will be establishing an industry-led advisory 

committee to make recommendations regarding such a standard 

this Summer.

While we are open to other alternatives, a key recovery 

system is the only approach we know of that accommodates all 

public safety interests. And even it is imperfect.

Some people will not join voluntary systems, preferring to 

run the risk of losing their keys and being unable to 

recover their encrypted information. Although in some

countries (e.g., France) mandatory key escrowing is already 

in effect, we are pursuing a market-driven approach in part 

because we hope and believe that key recovery

will develop as a cost-effective service in an electronic 

commerce infrastructure. We are encourage in this effort by 

recent discussions we have had at the Organization for

Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) that are leading 

to international cryptography management principles which 

support key recovery.

Export Controls

No matter how successful we are in realizing this vision, 

American users of computer technology are demanding stronger 

encryption for international use now. Although

we do not control the use of encryption within the US, we 

do, with some exceptions, limit the export of non-escrowed 

mass market encryption to products using a key

length of 40 bits. (The length of the encryption key is one 

way of measuring the strength of an encryption product. 

Systems using longer keys are harder to decrypt.) US

industry asserts that it is losing overseas sales to its 

European and Japanese competitors because it cannot include 

stronger cryptography as a component of its

commercial software and hardware products. It warns that 

loss of a significant share of the world information systems 

market would cause serious economic damage to

the US economy, and could reduce the US government's ability 

to influence the long term future of global cryptography. It 

also argues that because customers do not

want to use one product in the US and a different one 

overseas, export controls are causing US firms to provide an 

unsatisfactory level of protection to their electronic

information, making them vulnerable to industrial espionage 

by their competitors and foreign governments.

While 40 bit encryption products are still strong enough for 

many uses, the Administration recognizes that some export 

liberalization may be useful to build support for a

key management regime. Accordingly, we are actively 

considering measures that would provide limited, temporary 

relief from cryptographic export controls in exchange

for real, measurable commitments from industry (e.g., 

investments in products that support key recovery) toward 

the building of a key management infrastructure. The

liberalization proposals under discussion, which would 

continue the current one-time review of products by the 

National Security Agency, include: permitting products

using longer key lengths to be exported to specific industry 

sectors such as health care or insurance (similar to current 

policy for the financial sector); allowing export of

non-escrowed products to a list of trustworthy firms beyond 

those sectors, with provisions for monitoring compliance to 

prevent product diversion to other firms; export

of cryptography-ready operating systems; and, most 

dramatically, the transfer of jurisdiction over commercial 

encryption products from the State Department's munitions

list to the Commerce Department's list of dual-use 

technologies. Our goal is to obtain commitments from 

industry by the Fall.

We must, however, be careful in any relaxation of controls. 

Other governments' law enforcement and national security 

needs to access material encrypted with US

products could drive them to erect trade barriers by 

imposing import controls on strong non-escrow encryption 

products. In addition, we do not want to do anything that

would damage our own national security or public safety by 

spreading unbreakable encryption, especially given the 

international nature of terrorism. Even 40 bit

encryption, if widespread and not escrowed, defeats law 


It is for these reasons that we oppose the legislation 

(S.1726) introduced in this Congress by Senator Burns and 

co-sponsored by Senator Lott and former Senator Dole.

Although it contains some provisions, such as the transfer 

of export control jurisdiction for commercial cryptography 

to the Commerce Department, with which we could

agree if constructed with appropriate safeguards, the bill 

is unbalanced, and makes no effort to take into account the 

serious consequences of the proliferation it would


The importance of the US information technology industry, 

the security stakes, and increasing Congressional interest 

make it clear that there is an urgent need for clear

policy and direction. The Administration's proposed approach 

is broadly consistent with industry suggestions and 

conclusions reached by the National Academy of

Sciences in its report. That report recognizes the need to 

address a complex mix of commercial and security issues in a 

balanced manner. We agree with that need. We

also agree with the report's recommendation that export 

controls on encryption products need to be relaxed but not 

eliminated, and are actively considering ways of

providing short term relief. (We do not agree with the 

report's recommendation that we eliminate most controls on 

56-bit key length products.) Finally, we agree that key

escrow is a promising but not fully tested solution, and are 

promoting the kinds of testing the report recommends as a 

way of demonstrating the solution's viability while

providing stronger encryption internationally.

We will continue discussion with industry, other members of 

the private sector, the Congress, and governments at all 

levels to arrive at a solution that promotes a future of

safe computing in a safe society.

Cracking Coded Messages

We should not underestimate how difficult is to decode 

encrypted electronic information. One approach advanced in 

the popular debate is to provide our law

enforcement officials with more computing power. At first 

glance, this suggestion seems promising, because in theory 

any encrypted message can be decoded if enough

computing cycles are applied. This approach fails for five 


First, it relies on mathematical theory, not operational 

reality. Digital technology reduces voice, faxes, images, 

and text in any language to indistinguishable 1's and 0's. A

great variety of encryption products are also available. 

Under ideal conditions -- if the type of communication or 

file, language, and encryption algorithm are known with

certainty, and a short key is used to encrypt the 

information -- a large, specially-designed computer could 

decode a single message relatively quickly. But State, 

local, and

Federal law enforcement officials do not operate in the 

clean confines of a high-tech computer center. They must 

first capture the 1's and 0's and discern what kind of

encryption they have encountered.

Second, after the decoding problem is isolated, acquiring a 

machine to decode a message is neither quick, easy or 

inexpensive. Commercially available computers could

not be used because they will not have sufficient capacity. 

It would, for example, take years for the computers used to 

process all social security claims, payments and

earnings years to decode one message using the Data 

Encryption Standard (DES), a widely used system originally 

developed by the US government that uses a 56-bit


Third, this approach betrays a misunderstanding of how 

crimes are prevented. Used only in the most critical cases, 

legally authorized wiretaps provide crucial information

just before a crime is to occur. Thus a near real-time 

ability to decode messages is needed. Days or weeks are too 

long to wait to find out that a terrorist attack is about

to happen.

Fourth, this approach fails to acknowledge the volume of 

messages that could need decoding. Each wiretap results in 

the collection of thousands of messages relevant to

the investigative purpose of the wiretap. Even under the 

most ideal conditions, had these messages been encrypted, 

the computing resources required to decrypt them

quickly would simply not be available. And this example does 

not include the additional burden of decrypting, if 

possible, any digital information such as computer disks

that are seized as evidence after a crime has been 


Finally, revealing the precise capabilities of law 

enforcement agencies to decode messages, as would be 

necessary in order to present the fruits of that work as 

evidence in

court, could provide a tutorial to criminal elements bent on 

eluding law enforcement.


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