Interesting People mailing list archives

Interesting post ....

From: David Farber <farber () central cis upenn edu>
Date: Tue, 28 Jun 1994 21:41:19 -0400

from an IPer

This is a post I saw on the Communet mailing list.

Could we get some IPers from the cable industry to react to this?
[attributed or not .. djf]

The following is an unsolicited testimonial from a University of Central
Florida student that lives in the Orlando FL neighborhood selected for Time
Warner Cable's interactive cable testbed.  His sentiments, so purely
expressed, are indicative of the gap between the intent of the commercial
providers the NII is putting its hopes on, and the desires and
expectations of the computing public.

BTW, we have a nascent startup committee forming for GO-Net (Greater
Orlando Network)...)


            Tom Bayston Jr.
           Executive Director
        UCF Computer Users Group
      University of Central Florida
       bayston () pegasus cc ucf edu

Greater Orlando GO-Net Steering Committee


Tom, you won't believe this. I was on the phone with Time Warner Cable
today. I was hoping to find out about the fiber optic services and
getting my modem connected to the network of interactivity. What a let
down!!! I was informed that there are no plans to allow an interface with
a computer neither through a direct link or through a modem!!!! As it was
put to me by the FSN (Full Services Network), the division running this
whole deal, is that the fiber optics are merely to handle the TWC
incresed load! Excuse me while I throw up!

Then I asked "What about the information super highway that TWC is
boasting about?" Are you sitting down Tom? Good, the information
superhighway that TWC is talking about is the interactivity with the
program network. In other words, you can order movies from your house. Oh
wooopie!!! So now when Im too damn lazy to get in my car and drive two
blocks to my local video store, I can sit on my fat ass, and have movies
and pizza delivered to my house.

I think this should be called the ripoff superhighway. It seems to me that
there is a huge promise for a service that will do little more than
provide a means for Time Warner Cable to pump more crap into my home and
charge me more money for doing it!! If you look at pay per view, that is a
joke. They offer movies that are out on video cassette for about $5.00 a
movie. The video store is about $2.00. I can just imagine what this
service is going to cost when we have to pay for all this fiber optic line
and equipment.

Well its sad to see that a service that seemed to have so much promise for
the consumer, has turned out to be nothing more than a way to increase
subscription rates and eliminate the jobs of TWC service personnel
(because all connects and disconnects can now be done via a computer, and
cut lines can be rerouted).

I guess now I will concentrate on finding a way to get a SLIP connection
to my house. It is a shame that ignorance and greed can slow the growth of
a nation. No wonder we are no longer the technologically supperior nation
that we once were. It is a shame to see that the same thing is going on
with our own school!!!

Well I must go to class and learn how to do stuff manually that my
computer would do quicker and more efficiently. Talk to you later.

     * Dean Krekos              *   U.C.F. ENGINEERING: *
     * Computer Engineering     *                       *
     * and Mathematics          *   Where Busines       *
     * University of            *   Majors are made.    *
     * Central Florida          *    :>    :>    :>     *
     * Orlando, Fla.            *                       *

Thomas Kalil                                      "The NII - just do it!"
tkalil () arpa mil
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