Interesting People mailing list archives

Survey of International Cryptosystem Availability -for non USA and non Canadians -- pass it on pleas

From: David Farber <>
Date: Mon, 14 Feb 1994 19:07:59 -0500

(signed portion begins with this line inclusive)

if you are a non-american (and non-canadian), please take the time to
answer these few yes/no questions. this survey is intended to collect
information about your cryptographic capabilities, to further the case
for the dismantlement of ITAR, the US "International Trade in Arms
Restrictions," as they apply to cryptographic software and hardware.

completed surveys should be mailed to:

        itar-survey () gnu ai mit edu

all responses will be processed by hand, by me, and any extra comments
you provide will be duly noted. feel free to send your response
anonymously, though verifiable responses carry more weight as far as
policy makers are concerned. to drive the point home, why not PGP-sign
your response? :-) also, please pass this survey around via email so
that it can reach non-americans without netnews access.

on 15 March (1994) i will tally all responses in some sort of digest,
which i will post to this group.

__Survey of International Cryptosystem Availability__

1) where are you from? (simply the name of your country)

2) do you presently have software in source code form that, when
   compiled, performs RSA encryption and decryption with prime moduli
   longer than 600 bits?

3a-b) a) do you have software in source code form that, when compiled,
   performs DES encryption and decryption? b) have you made the
   obvious extensions to perform "triple-DES" encryption and

4a-e) a) have you made, b) do you make, and/or c) would you be willing
   to make this cryptographic software available to others in your own
   country? d) to others worldwide? e) do you have the requisite
   resources to do this, i.e. a network connection or a BBS with at
   least one dedicated phone line?

5a-c) do the laws of your nation restrict the a) import, b) use, or c)
   export of cryptographic software?

6a-c) is your understanding of the mathematics of cryptography
   sufficient to allow you to create a) your own implementation of
   RSA, b) other robust public key cryptosystems, and/or c) other
   robust symmetric key cryptosystems?

7) do you give the survey taker permission to cite your name and email
   address in documents that are made generally available?

thanks for your time!

(signed portion ends with this line inclusive)
Version: 2.2


-daniel (douzzer () athena mit edu)  i've been here and i've been there and
 key  0B 99 0D 4F E8 55 9A 95     i've been inbetween. i talk to the wind,
print 43 C1 7F B5 DF 8F E3 33     my words are all carried away.
key: finger douzzer () ai mit edu    the wind cannot hear.

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