Interesting People mailing list archives

Organized soft`warez' piracy is flourishing on the Internet... [[ I can

From: David Farber <farber () central cis upenn edu>
Date: Sun, 12 Sep 1993 06:16:02 -0500

...just in case you didn't know.

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Date: Sun, 12 Sep 93 01:01:15 -0500
To: cypherpunks () toad com
From: remail () tamsun tamu edu
Subject: warez
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Some recent "warez" posts from

From: klaus () lds loral com (Christopher Klaus)
Subject: software piracy lists (correction)
Message-ID: <1993Aug16.201509.24808 () lds loral com>
Organization: Loral Data Systems
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 1993 20:15:09 GMT
Lines: 41

Okay, I got some email flaming me for making accusations about these 'warez'
lists.  Apparently, not all the sites in the lists contained actual warez
due to the list being outdated and as the list said it contained some sites
that were beneficial to software pirates but didnt contain any warez.  I
guess if someone wants to stress that because some of the sites werent infact
a warez site, that the lists I published werent actual warez lists. Thats fine.

So next time, Ill say this list MAY contain sites that support warez, but these
are not actual warez lists.   I hope that helps someone.  If you are the one
complaining about not going through the list and emailing each of the sites
about the possibility of a warez site, write a script for me. :)  I am not
going to work overtime to track down the evils of the net.  I dont have time
to check 400 sites if they are valid for warez.  Apparently quite a few sites
must have had actual warez, otherwise  Anti-track and other
pirates would not have been irate about such lists if it didn't contain
any 'warez sites'. 
   I find it ironic that many of the admins complained the lists were outdated
and useless (maybe they have access to better lists than me) while the pirates
complained it was one of the best lists ever produced.  In publishing
those lists, my point was that there is an organized crime on Internet
that maybe some admins should be aware of. I do not believe by publishing
those lists that much piracy has been crushed on Internet.

As far as the guys saying how insecure fsp and ftp is because it is so
easy for an admin to look at network statistics and notice the large amounts
of traffic for software piracy, I find it funny those so much pirating
is done without admins ever noticing. And it usually gets noticed
because of lack of hard drive space, not amount of network traffic.
And when 200 users are using some LAN, I really doubt you would notice
an enmormous jump in network traffic anyways, due to people ftp'ing
all the time as it is.  Not to mention it would be rather hard to
find out what kind of network traffic is going through
all the ports, without violating the privacy of the users.

- -- 
Christopher Klaus
klaus () mail lds loral com cklaus () hotsun nersc gov

From: coup () gnu ai mit edu (Christopher Klaus)
Subject: warez list2
Message-ID: <1993Aug11.200800.20903 () mintaka lcs mit edu>
Sender: news () mintaka lcs mit edu
Organization: Free Software Foundation
Date: Wed, 11 Aug 1993 20:08:00 GMT
Lines: 247

Here's another list found in some /tmp of warez dood sites..

        Please Inform me if U have sites/info not on this list
        And Any Updates To: an874 () anon penet fi (irc: semi)
        (Please use same format in msg as I use on list so it s
        easy to update.)

        So If there is not you anonymous mail address on this list
        get one and tell it to me.. 
        Also I allways love to receive sites info and also I like
        to get info about realiable users as well as "antipirates".

        Soon I start working with WarBot and #site in irc but
        I tell 'bout that later

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