Interesting People mailing list archives

##10 YSN/MYSN/... Digests

From: John Quackenbush <johnq%molly () Sdsc Edu>
Date: Sun, 8 Aug 93 22:00:02 PDT

[See also YSN #1307.  -ed.]
  In his post of 26 July, Mark Flynn expresses some of the disgust that
many of us have felt sorting through the pages of "flames" that have
overloaded YSN.  As a suggestion to end this, he proposes a strategy
that requires more work of an overworked ysn-adm (a vote to table debate
followed by editorial fiat).  I would prefer that to be a last resort.
  I have a counterproposal that requires nothing more than self
discipline.  If you see an offensive post that you vehemently disagree
with (especially one making clearly outlandish statements), send a reply
to the poster rather than YSN.  I have used this strategy on occasion
when I have felt the need to express myself without burdening the rest
of YSN with another rehash of what many have already said AND without
providing the original poster with the opportunity for a public rebuttal
(I always welcome private rebuttals - which occasionally turn into
constructive conversation rather than electronic public shouting.).
  Finally, let me point out that when times are tough, it's always
easier to blame someone for the problems that exist.  There are many
(often tragic) historical examples of just this happening.  Let's all
take some time and think before we type.  


From: guy () slustl slu edu (Guy Smith)

[Abstract - see YSN #1307 for the post.  -ed.]
  The argument that it is time for YSN to evolve is well taken. While I
see no need to change YSN as such, it has some definite limitations.
There has been some discussion of a "Selected" YSN. I propose the
following, which I think adds something significantly new to the idea
and opens some avenues for discussion that YSN is not well suited to
handle.  The essence of the proposal is for a YSN "Journal", operating
in tandem with YSN "Classic" [YSN Digest -ed.], which would provide a
forum for longer articles than are currently practical. The following
proposal has been circulated to the YSN editors. There was enough
positive response that I put it to YSN as a whole.



[Summary - see YSN #1307 for the article.  -ed.]
  Based on my previous post (YSN #1306) and at the suggestion of several
others, I made a proposal to experiment with a change in the YSN digest
structure.  Instead of dividing the posts up by disciplines, I propose
we divide it up by topic.  Some topics would be semi-permanent and
others would be added and deleted as the amount of traffic permits.
Topics could include proposal tips, consulting advice, the tenure debate
and any other new and constructive topics.  This would help YSN in two
ways: 1) providing a way to share ideas that can help incoming
scientists; and 2) to guide discussion to those important issues that we
should be addressing.  This type of format would be helpful in
summarizing discussions and could also be used to help develop something
like a YSN position statement that could be issued to the rest of the
scientific community or government when issues of interest are being
considered in Congress.   I believe this is the first step we would need
to take to develop YSN into an organization that could provide a useful
benefit or service to younger scientists.  YSN could provide a mechanism
to inform the government, public, and industry about the bigger picture
concerning the health and welfare of the whole scientific community.

[YSN is *not* usually organized by topic as is MYSN.  The time required
 to do this may be significant.  -ed.]


From: jstott () WPI EDU (Jonathan Stott)

  Bill Worthington wrote [YSN #1306]:  "I propose that we experiment
with the following format.  Organize the digest by topics of discussion
such as 'consulting advice,' 'The tenure debate,' or any other topics of
interest plus one for general postings...."
  As an alternate, but similar idea, how about the style used in RISKS
Digest?  New threads are presented at the start of each digest, and
responses to old threads are grouped together and placed afterwards.
Conference and similar (large) one-time notices go last.  This has the
advantage of being clear, easy to follow, and less painful for the
editor than deciding which topic a post falls under (just group things
by subject line).


From: aboufade () scus1 ctstateu edu (Ed Aboufadel)

[Shortened version of the YSN #1308 post.  -ed.]
  There are a lot of ideas floating around about modifying YSN.  I'm
starting to wonder if we should follow Congress' Base Closing Commission
idea and form a subcommittee to draft a proposal.


From: Norman.Barth () cerfacs fr (Norman Barth) [#1309]

  Last week, a proposal for "SYSN" was posted: "SYSN states "up front"
that only selected postings to that only selected postings to ysn@zoyd are contained therein.  SYSN
would appear less frequently than YSN Digest, but perhaps more often
than MYSN.  It would be best if it had a revolving editorship.  The
editor/editors would have their names in the SYSN header."
  This project is moving forward, but to make it work, it would be best
if we have a few more people involved.  I still don't know what the
"time commitment" will be, but likely a flexible system will be used
wherein editors can pick up files, and make selections when they have
the time to do so.  Details are still being worked out.
  All this to say that it would be nice to have a few more volunteers.
Please send me a message if you are interested in helping out.  Thanks.


End of Digest

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