Security Incidents mailing list archives

Re: More /sumthin

From: "D.C. van Moolenbroek" <dc.van.moolenbroek () chello nl>
Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2003 01:59:08 +0100

It's safe to assume that this "./openssl" is the openssl-too-open[1] mod_ssl
exploit by Solar Eclipse. The "-a" switch is used to specify a target type.
These target types are indeed listed by OS and apache version, not by
OpenSSL version, because the exploit needs offset information for the
specific target platform, for which the SSL version only is not sufficient.
On the other hand, the combination of OS (or actually, distribution) and
apache version is usually sufficient to guess the SSL version, although I
don't know whether the exploit actually needs the exact SSL version number
at all, in order to exploit it successfully.

Anyway, the error text in the handle_timeout() function (I quote, "Fuck it.
Next..."), and the fact that stderr is used for output throughout the whole
program, suggest that this http version grabber is being used as part of
some mass scanner, which of course explains why so many people have seen the
/sumthin stuff in their logs.

It looks like a very inefficient tool indeed, as it starts the exploit
without doing a simple mod_ssl version check - especially considering the
fact that mentioned exploit opens thirty connections to the target host by
default, before even verifying that the target is vulnerable. Note, though,
that the exploit terminates immediately if port 443 is not open; also, my
guess is that the attacker or masshack program would have mass-synscanned
for port 443 before actually trying to use this tool on potential targets.




----- Original Message -----
From: "Jonathan A. Zdziarski" <jonathan () networkdweebs com>
To: "'Philipp Hug'" <securityfocus () hugit ch>; "'Sverre H. Huseby'"
<shh () thathost com>; <incidents () securityfocus com>
Sent: Wednesday, February 26, 2003 10:14 PM
Subject: RE: More /sumthin

Well whatever bugs this exploits, it seems that from the source code, it is
more related to the version of Apache than it is the version of SSL; perhaps
something to do with the way they interact.  It doesn't even use port 443.

Also being that ./openssl was called and not just plain old openssl, and
that -a doesn't appear to be a valid openssl command, it's probably calling
a script of sorts and we have no idea what that script does.

-----Original Message-----
From: Philipp Hug [mailto:securityfocus () hugit ch]
Sent: Wednesday, February 26, 2003 9:23 AM
To: Sverre H. Huseby; incidents () securityfocus com
Subject: Re: More /sumthin

I found the root of all evil ;-)

the /sumthin tool is attached. I got it from an "owned" server.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Sverre H. Huseby" <shh () thathost com>
To: <incidents () securityfocus com>
Sent: Monday, February 03, 2003 9:52 AM
Subject: More /sumthin, maybe

I got a couple of E-mails from a guy that _may_ have more info on the
/sumthin case.  One of his servers was "owned", and he _thinks_ the
/sumthin request was the start of the attack.  His E-mails follow:


    I got hit with the same thing.  /sumthin is exactly what everyone
    thinks it is - a probe.  Someone used my version info to exploit a
    bug in SSL.  I still don't know what the bugs are yet, but it's
    really evident.  From there, he looged in as my webserver, and
    totally F$%^&D my server.  He set up some kind of irc server, and
    compromised so much of my server I'm having to rebuild from the
    ground up.  He redirected the root .bash_history to /dev/nul and
    redirected the mail logs and he set up an account called tcp so he
    could log in through ssh.  Most of the services were shut down
    (that's how I figured something was up - I couldn't get my mail).

    even though he did wipe the root history, he forgot to wipe
    wwwrun's history, it's too long to post, but it will be up for a
    short while at http://XXX [Sverre sais: URL removed.  log file

    He also replaced bash and set the default runlevel to halt, so
    when I restarted the system just stopped (what a pisser).

    When I went back and grepped all the logs, the /sumthin only shows
    up in the logs of one domain (despite the fact we host around [N])
    and starts sometime around mid October as everyone else has


    I found things like this in /tmp and /var/tmp:

    drwxr-xr-x   3 wwwrun   nogroup       153 Jan 26 04:10 a
    -rw-r--r--   1 wwwrun   nogroup     14138 Jan  4 20:32 a.tgz
    -rw-r--r--   1 wwwrun   nogroup     14138 Jan  4 20:32 a.tgz.1
    -rw-r--r--   1 wwwrun   nogroup     14138 Jan  4 20:32 a.tgz.2
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 wwwrun   nogroup     19577 Nov 28 15:55 alarmd
    drwxr-xr-x   5 wwwrun   nogroup       635 Dec 22 17:00 orbit-root
    drwxr-xr-x   9 wwwrun   nogroup       553 Jan 12 09:52 psybnc
    -rw-r--r--   1 wwwrun   nogroup    596571 Oct 17 23:19 psybnc.tar.gz

    after that I did a find / -user wwwrun and found a bunch of stuff
    and then discovered several other uids involved.


The attached shell history file shows what appears to be a manual
attacker downloading and installing several files using wget.  Some of
the files are no longer available, but the few I managed to download
seem to be either related to IRC (server and bot), or to Linux local
exploits.  (I only spent a couple of minutes downloading and glancing
at the files.)


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