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RE: Microsoft's Early Xmas Present.

From: Eric Jon Rostetter <eric.rostetter () physics utexas edu>
Date: Thu, 03 Jan 2002 13:04:54 -0600 (CST)

Quoting H C <keydet89 () yahoo com>:

One thing that irritates me is the notion that "the
patch has been out for x
months and companies should be patched."  

I would have to agree.  I have conducted assessments
at enough locations to know that simply arbitrary
installing a patch can do more harm than good.  And
not all organizations have the staff, technical
know-how, or hardware to test out patches.

This is very true.  However, it is more true on some systems
then others.  Solaris patches tend to blindly overwrite config
files, removing any customizations you put in (like security
changes, for example).  Solaris patches install software that
wasn't installed, even on rare occassion starts services that
were not previously  running.  Lots of fun...  Tru64 avoids 
most of these issues, but still has problems.  Linux RPMS try 
to avoid these problems, but do so in various inconsistent ways
depending on the RPM author and his upgrade theory (config files
may be saved as *.rpmsave, or not installed over the old as
*.rpmnew, or other variations.  You have to check after a new
RPM patch to see what if anything it did, or carefully inspect
the RPM before installation to see what it will do).

But what is worse is windows.  At least with an RPM or a Solaris
Patch, I can check the patch before installing it and see 
exactly what it will do (replace files, patch files, move files
out of the way, change permissions, etc).  It is relatively
easy to inspect the patch to see what it will do and how it will
do it.  Windows patches tend to be binaries that run and perform
the patching.  AFAIK, I can't tell what they are going to do
before hand, and can only install them and then try to 
determine what they did after the fact.  (This may prove my
ignorance of windows patches, but I can live with that).

As an Unix admin, I routinely check the patch *before* I install
it, so I can backup any needed files before hand, and make sure
it won't cause my undo problems.  As a windows user, I have no
clue how to do this, and simply blindly install the patch and
hope for the best.

However, I do think that more should be done by
individual organizations to come up with *some* means
of dealing with these issues.  Yes, Microsoft has done
quite a bit with their products to make them a
management and administrative nightmare, but I am also
quite sick of hearing the excuse that organizations
aren't subscribing to the Security Bulletins b/c there
are just too many to deal with.  It doesn't take much
more than a few seconds to see if the issue affects
you at all...if you use Eudora, then an OutLook
vulnerability won't be an issue, will it?

Well, I find things are not so easy in windows.  Just because
you don't use software doesn't mean it isn't installed.  And
just because you don't know what it is, doesn't mean it isn't
running as a service on your machine.  Now, in theory a good
sysadmin would know what is running, etc.  But sometimes it is
difficult in the windows world.

Case in point is the Universal Plug and Play discussions.  Which
services should be disabled.  If you disabled them all, then you
not only disable the vulnerability but also other services which
depend in some way on the non-vulnerable Universal Plug and Play
components...  So just disabling all the UPnP services can cause
other things to break which may cause problems for users...

Another case in point is the "I don't run outlook so it doesn't
affect me" (say I use Eudora).  But I do manage to have window's
address book installed (say, to sync/backup my palm pilot).
Then a virus/worm gets in from something other than email 
(floppy, network share, remote exploit, web page, etc) and runs
and sends mail out (via its own smtp server) to everyone in 
my address book.  Why didn't I patch this?  Well, there are no
patches yet, the virus vendors don't yet have a new footprint
for the virus, so I'm SOL.  Subcomponents can creep in from a
variety of sources.  Sometimes there is almost no way to stop
such things...

Arbitrarily installing every patch that comes out
isn't the answer.  But neither is doing nothing.  Do
router/firewall ACLs need to be updated?  What about
IDS signatures?  

100% agreement here.

Eric Jon Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin
Austin, Texas 78712-1081

Office:    RLM 7.126
Telephone: 512-471-5821
Email:     eric.rostetter () physics utexas edu

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