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More info regarding:, the rpc.statd linux mass rooter

From: marc <marc () ZOUNDS NET>
Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 09:36:44 -0600

I've heard different things from a lot of people about this.  I do not
feel comfortable posting the script itself, but I will post some
additional information about it.

The perl script does not look like an amatuer job, it has some good coding
and error checking.  And it worked well at finding and compromising boxes,
there were quite a few logged when we found it.

I will take the full script and send it to CERT, who has requested a copy,
but I do not plan to distribute it to anyone else.

-rw-rw-r--   1 marc     marc           19 Nov 29 02:36 .config
-rw-rw-r--   1 marc     marc          105 Nov 30 01:29 207.92.root
-r--------   1 marc     marc          430 Oct 30 01:33 CHANGES
-r--------   1 marc     marc          107 Oct 22 02:26 README
-r-x------   1 marc     marc          320 Oct 13 22:23 config
-r-x------   1 marc     marc        15457 Oct 13 18:33 no
-r-x------   1 marc     marc         7273 Aug  7 21:46 pc
-rwxr-xr-x   1 marc     marc        19438 Oct 14 00:36 st
-rwxrwx---   1 marc     marc         6171 Oct 30 01:32

207.92.root:  ASCII text
CHANGES:      English text
README:       English text
config:       Bourne shell script text
no:           ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1,
dynamically linked (uses shared libs), not stripped
pc:           ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1,
dynamically linked (uses shared libs), not stripped
st:           ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1,
dynamically linked (uses shared libs), not stripped       perl commands text

pc is the port scanner.  The script has it search for only port 111.
no is a notify daemon. (?)
st is the exploit to root the box and leave the rootshell. is the perl script that runs the show.

Change log

0.2 -> 0.2+p1:
- multiple copies can run on one server now
- cleaned up the script, converted most system() commands into real perl
- added signal handler
- made more verbose errors
- auto random scans now reloops through the file, doesn't spawn children
of the script anymore

0.2+p1 -> 0.2+p2:
- fixed a big prob in +p1 that made the script not work

0.2+p2 -> 0.2+p3:
- fixed a minor prob, nothing worth mentioning
Before using you must run ./config to set required values
or the script will not function properly.

# v0.2+p3 by KraZee -  10.30.00 private
# rpc.statd linux mass rooter         [epic]
# binds rootshell on port 24765 on exploited hosts
# standard disclaimers apply

use File::Basename;

print "\ v0.2+p3 private - by KraZee\nrpc.statd linux mass

if ($histlength != "0" && $hist ne "/dev/null") {
  print "naughty boy you forgot to redirect HISTFILE\n\n";

if (not -e ".config") {
  print "* error: configuration not set, run ./config\n\n";
} else {
  unless(open (CONFIG, "< .config")) { &cleanup; die "* error, unable to
read configuration: $!\n\n"; }
    chop $config;
    ($ip, $childs)=split(" ", $config);
  if ($ip eq "" || $childs == "") {


sub help {
  print "usage: $progname <options> <subnet/iplist>\n\n";
  print "configuration:\n";
  print "server: $ip childs: $childs\n\n";
  print "options:\n";
  print "-s scan class b/c subnet\n";
  print "-f scan ips in ip database (no hostnames!)\n";
  print "-r scan random class b's (specify class a)\n";
  print "use '-r <class a> auto' to loop new scans\n\n";

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