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Re: Honeynet Project Honeywall update breakage

From: "Earl Sammons" <esammons () hush com>
Date: Thu, 23 Feb 2006 13:59:05 -0500

Hash: SHA1


More details:
Fedora is now (I dont believe they did in the past?) distributing
snort/snort-mysql RPMS in the "Extras" repo.  Since the verion they
recently posted is newer than the version currently available in
roo yum natually wants to update using those from Fedoras repo.

Since I was a moron and _assumed_ this would never happen and didnt
explicitly prevent it by adding a simple one line item to the
fedora-extras.repo config... it will happen if you 'yum update' a
honeywall.  If this does happen, you will end up with a version of
snort/snort-mysql that is NOT compatible with the honeywall.

So, if you have not already broken your honeywall (by doing above
and updating snort/snort-mysql from the fedora-extras repo) please
do this:

yum update roo-base

This will update the roo "duc tape" RPM that has a fix to prevent
updating snort/snort-mysql from fedora-extras.

I'll have a solution to fix honeywalls that have been broken by
this unfortunate event momentarily.

Please note:  I am in no way placing any blame on the Fedora folks.
 We have a customn version of snort and theirs is likely a
"generic" (straight build) verion.  This is _completely_ my fault.
If roo-2.x (Can I say that yet?) architecture goes the way I hope
it will, we should never see this type of problem there :)

More soon.


On Thu, 23 Feb 2006 13:07:37 -0500 Earl Sammons <esammons () hush com>

running 'yum update' breaks snort/snort-mysql on all versions of
the Honeynet Project "roo" Honeywall.

Fix: In the works

Temp Solution: Hold off on updating the Honeywall... Fix and more
details on the way.

Sorry about any inconveniance.

Earl Sammons

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