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Contest: cansecwest-misc

From: Laurent OUDOT <oudot () rstack org>
Date: Sat, 08 Jan 2005 14:59:09 +0100


You guys are welcome to submit your ideas and share your experience on
that really interesting contest...



                  CanSecWest/core05 - MISC Magazine

Win a trip to attend CanSecWest/core05.

Contest Details:

You  just have  to write  an  original article  (3500-4000 words)  for
publication  in  MISC  Magazine  on  any  topic  related  to  computer
security:  exploit writing,  (anti-)virus,  (anti-)forensics, network,
protocol   manipulation,  honeypots,  IDS/IPS,   reverse  engineering,
telecoms, and so  on... For a list of subjects  already covered in the
magazine have a look at http://www.miscmag.com/sommaire.php

The  best submitted  article  (details  below) will  win  a free  trip
(airfare, hotel) and conference registration.

All contest information available on http://www.miscmag.com/csw05-sf.php
The conference website can be found at http://cansecwest.com

The  CanSecWest/core05 conference consists  of tutorials  on technical
details about current issues, innovative techniques and best practices
in the information security realm.  Many famous researchers contribute
each  year. The attendees  are a  multi-national mix  of professionals
involved  on a daily  basis with  security work  and provide  a social
networking opportunity  to mingle with  eminent technical researchers.
It  will be  held  on May  4-6  at the  Mariott  Renaissance hotel  in
downtown Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

MISC is a french magazine focusing on information security. Each issue
features an in-depth  coverage of a specific topic  through a serie of
articles exploring the subject.  Beside this key theme regular columns
provide the reader with  advanced techniques pertaining to information
security.   Because  security can  not  be  limited  to technical  and
scientific aspects  MISC also covers  domains like law  or information

The winning article submission receives:
- registration for CanSecWest/core05 donated by the conference
- 4 nights in  the conference hotel (Mariott Renaissance)  paid for by
  the   conference   (though   incidental   costs   are   still   your
- a  round-trip to Vancouver  (Canada), paid  by Diamond  Edition (the
  winner must have a valid passport and visa if needed)
- the publication  of your article in  MISC, paid at  the regular MISC
  rate (to use as spending money on your trip).

The committee will select the  best article which will be published in
MISC  Magazine. The 5  following criteria  will guide  the committee's
1) education: how much does it teach?
2) innovation: how is it new?
3) technical level: what is the technical level of the article?
4) applicability: does it affect a lot of people?
5) style: grammar, orthography, syntax, clarity, ...

More than one article may be published in MISC Magazine, but only the
best one will win the trip.

To  have  a  chance  to  win,  send article  submission  by  email  to
csw05 () miscmag com along with the following information before the 29th
of January 2005:
1) Presenter, and  geographical location (country  of origin/passport)
   and contact info  (e-mail, postal address, phone, fax).   We need a
   real name and  real contact details or we won't be  able to pay for
   the trip.
2) Employer and/or affiliations.
3) 3 to 5 keywords describing the topic of the proposal
4) The article,  written either  in French or  English, and  using the
   style sheets available at
5) Optionally, any samples (code or whatever) related to the article.
6) The folowing declaration:

    I, <firstname name>, hereby certify that the submitted article has
    been  written by  me  and  that I  own  the intellectual  property
    contained in  it.  I, <name>,  give Diamond Editions the  right to
    publish this article in their magazines.

If a submission is incomplete,  the article will not be considered for
the challenge.  Only one submission per  person is allowed  - if there
are multiple submissions, only the last one will be considered.

Please  submit all  proposals by  January 29  latest. Results  will be
communicated to the participants on the 15th February 2005.

MISC Magazine : http://www.miscmag.com
CanSecWest/core05 : http://cansecwest.com

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