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Re: hybrid virtual honeynets

From: joe smith <joe () joesmith homeip net>
Date: Fri, 24 Sep 2004 11:02:07 -0500


Assuming you are using one machine for gateway and one for VMware host

Gateway: yes you need to bridge your external and internal interface.
HostOS: VMware will install the necessary kenel modules for bridging. If you set your vm network setting to bridge, you are good to go.

Assuming you intend to run sebek server and rc.firewall script on the gateway, hybrid does not have any affect. To the gateway, the virutal machine is just another host on the interal network.


Angel Avila wrote:

Hi, I've recently became real interested in honeynets.
I am trying to build a hybrid virtual honeynet.  I've
been following the KYE: Gen II honeynet and Learning
with VMWare whitepaper as guides for the development.

The question I have pertains to bridging.  Will I have
to have a bridge running on both machines (gateway,
hostOS of honeypots)?  How does running a hybrid
affect running tools like sebek or rc.firewall script?

I am assuming that on the gateway side I will have the
rc.firewall's LAN_IFACE variable and bridge interface
set to ETH1 (my gateway only has 2 eth cards).  This
will be the same for the other tools such as
snort_inline and snort.

I am not sure on the hostOS side.
I've kinda gotten confused, since I am trying to
follow the two whitepapers.

I would appreciate any suggestions.


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