Honeypots mailing list archives

Honeypot products

From: "Andy Cuff [Talisker]" <lists () securitywizardry com>
Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2004 17:50:26 -0000

Hi all,
I'm in the process of updating the details I hold on all honeypots, though
I'm not detailing High Interaction HoneyNet tools as the HoneyNet Project
have this very well covered.

I've recently added the Japanese tool Sombria

The link to Fred Cohens Deception Toolkit seems to be down, can anyone shed
any light on what is occurring ?

I've at last renamed ManTrap as Decoy Server, still prefer the old name!!
whatever next, renaming ManHunt ??

It's been what seems like an eternity since I last visited the content
therefore if any readers know of any honeypots that I'm missing I'd really
appreciate the information.  I've embarked on the massive project of
updating a different page each day, but with over 80 pages it's difficult
staying with the schedule, I'm currently 4 days behind.  But hope to have
the site up to date by the end of Feb.

The Head Up Display page is proving the most popular at
http://www.securitywizardry.com/radar.htm and the hit rate is around 1700
per hour!

Anyway thanks for taking the time to read this mail, I hope the information
will be of use to you, any constructive criticism is always welcome

take care
Talisker Security Tools Directory

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