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Re: Obama and my mom

From: Rich Kulawiec <rsk () gsp org>
Date: Sun, 12 Oct 2008 15:04:16 -0400

On Sat, Oct 11, 2008 at 11:52:26PM -0500, Gadi Evron wrote:
My mother told me authoritatively about Obama from what she saw in the news... 
and read in a spam message.

I have been working on voter registration etc. for most of this year,
and have done a sizable amount of door-to-door canvassing.

I have been solemnly assured that:

        - he's a terrorist (I think we can retire that word now)
        - he was a co-conspirator with Ayers (he was 8 years old, see also
                letter from William Ibershof, the guy who *prosecuted* the
                Weathermen case, in the NYT, pointing out how stupid this is)
        - he's an Arab (as if this was a bad thing)
        - he's a Muslim (as if this was a bad thing)
        - he's black (as if this was a bad thing)
        - he's half-black (as if this was a bad thing)
        - he's half-white (as if this was a bad thing)
        - he will fully legalize all forms of abortion (I wish, but unlikely)
        - he will take away all the guns (I wish, but unlikely)
        - he will hand over the country to Iraq, Iran, or France
        - he's behind voting fraud (he's not, and ACORN's problems appear
                to be with voter REGISTRATION fraud, not voting fraud --
                these are quite different issues)
        - he has some unspecified hidden medical problem (maybe it's an
                alien that's gonna hatch from his stomach)
        - he's a Manchurian candidate who will sell us out to North Korea
                (movie plots, woo-hoo!)
        - he's a traitor (I do not think that word means what you think
                it means, says Inigo Montoya)
        - he's not the father of his children (right, see alien theory above)
        - he's been communicating in secret hand signal code (ah, yes,
                the "terrorist fist bump")
        - he's not a patriot (as if a flag pin counted for more than
                upholding and defending The Constitution)
        - his law school papers were ghostwritten (right, because the
                man is clearly unable to speak or write in cogent prose)
        - he will destroy the economy (too late, already done)
        - he will cripple the military (too late, already done)
        - he will damage our reputation worldwide (too late, already done)
        - he will spend money foolishly (too late, already done)

I have expended far too much time attempting to refute this nonsense, and
have finally learned to accept the proverb "Some ignorance is invincible".

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