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Re: [privacy] U.S. House Vote on 'Illegal Images' Sweeps in WiFi,

From: der Mouse <mouse () Rodents Montreal QC CA>
Date: Thu, 6 Dec 2007 15:12:47 -0500 (EST)

(Canada's laws are so much better here... If it looks like porn and
looks like a child, then it is illegal child porn.  Freehand drawings
are just as applicable as photos.)

(a) I'm not at all sure that's "better".  Given the supposed basis for
CP laws, it's mission creep, and I think it's mission creep in an
undesirable direction.  That way lies thoughtcrime.

(b) While I haven't investigated it myself (the exact boundaries of
what is and isn't legally kiddie porn are not all that relevant to me),
someone who normally knows what he's talking about told me (offlist,
when the subject came up on another list) that there is case law from
the Supreme Court throwing that aspect of it out.

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