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Re: Android IMSI-Catcher Detector (AIMSICD)

From: "SecUpwN" <secupwn () z1p biz>
Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 13:11:54 +0100

Hi there, Justin!

The project page states your looking for crowd funding/sourcing. Considering
the mention of whisper systems this seemed obvious.


Yes, I've been thinking about that, too. Great you suggested it!

Might take some tweaking but designed with bit coin in mind and pays out
per commit. Not exactly what you want, but would help drive incentive for

Hm.. I'll discuss that with the other developers and keep you updated. Thanks!



On Mar 27, 2014 5:36 AM, SecUpwN <secupwn () z1p biz> wrote:

Good morning, George!

Hey, how are you?

Fine, a little tired, but weather outside rocks. And you? :)

I've been going through some of your code and want to congratulate you

on the amazing job you've done so far!

Thank you, I will forward these warm words to our current main developer
"xLaMbChOpSx" and Jofre Palau, who coded RawPhone in the first
place. As much as I'd like to be the one who coded the stuff that is already
there - I haven't. Nevertheless, I'm still learning and will continue to

I might be possible to contribute a bit to your project, whenever I
squeeze some free time and do what I can to help you through towards

completing it.

Oh, is that the case? Thank for your offer, you're very welcome to do so!

These are some of the things I can help you with:
- - Reverse engineering vendor RILs and/or firmware
- - Have been playing around with osmocom the past year for some
pentests and I think it could be ported to Android using direct AT
commands ( /dev/sc - something, have them written down somewhere...
- - Help with some C/C++ coding

If you're not yet registered at XDA, I encourage you to so. You should definately
participate in our official development thread here where most of the talking
takes place: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1422969 - I'll
be happy to see you there!

Have you had a chance to get a look at the replicant spin, they've
reversed engineer some of the samsung modem interfaces which could
helpful. (

Would you please re-post this on mentioned XDA-thread? I'm sure others will
profit from that, too.

Let me know what I can do for you, but I cant promise a full time

No worries. Having you here as a support is awesome enough. ;-)

On 26/03/2014 20:43, SecUpwN wrote:

Dear security enthusiasts and developers,

as you all may know, smartphones are facing a difficult time with

the tracing and data collection that is going on. The biggest security

hole is, beneath the user itself, the network of the providers.
Providers are making it fairly easy to let smartphones connect to
IMSI-Catchers, which then in turn are able to listen and record voice

calls of a victim, even reading their SMS and tapping all communication

is possible. Of course this is not, where the story ends: Have aread

this article:

to get updated that the NSA is using unmanned drones to detect and KILL

their targets solely based on metadata (websites, calls, SMS, etc.).

Those drones do not care whether the targeted person is the "terrorist"

or simply an innocent guy with a borrowed phone in his hands. To get

back to my point: IMSI-Catchers are a real problem.
And since such surveillance is not easily spotted, I would like
introduce AIMSICD - the Android IMSI-Catcher Detector to you:
http://secupwn.github.io/Android-IMSI-Catcher-Detector/. If you can

german (or know how to use an online translator), I highly recommend
read this to get you started on the basics why our project is so

E:V:A, the starter of this project and I, as well as a few coders,

writers and security freaks are currently working to develop this app

detect and prevent IMSI-Catcher attacks on the Android platform. These

days IMSI-Catchers are "not only" affordable for governments,
easy to build with a rather small amount of money and work - thus
enabling any criminals to intercept your phone calls, read & spoof

text messages and do a lot of other kinky scary stuff with YOUR mobile

phone. The purpose of our app is to warn the privacy-aware user that
is being subject to surveillance and maybe give some hints on what to


Is our app ready to use yet? No, by far not. But hey, we did start!

Feel free to check out our GitHub here:
https://github.com/SecUpwN/Android-IMSI-Catcher-Detector. If you are

of those people like me, who is happy to use apps like Xprivacy,
TextSecure, RedPhone and Pry-Fi, don't hesitate to spread the word,

this project on GitHub and (if you can) contribute. Our hardest issue

yet to come: We are looking out to find people who are able to help
deploying the baseband - indicators for an IMSI-Catcher attack are very

subtle, thus we need to digg down very deep into closed-source
internals. Any hint or help to find someone for this is highly appreciated.

In the name of creator E:V:A and myself, as well as the thousands

users out there being subject to such heavy surveillance, I would like

to welcome anyone who wants this app to come alive to have a sneak at

the already existing development roadmap as well as on our primary
discussion thread on XDA here:
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1422969. Don't be
shy to post your constructive criticism, feedback and contributions

that thread! Most importantly though, if you know any Android developer

or security enthusiasts, feel free to forward this E-Mail with warmest

recommendations. We are aiming to let this App get added to the the

Surveillance Self-Defense Project of the EFF as well as the list of

recommended by the Guardian-Project.

Thank you very much for checking it out and saving our privacy.

With very much respect to all of you

SecUpwN and E:V:A

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