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RE: RE: Computer forensics to uncoverillegalinternet use

From: "dave kleiman" <dave () isecureu com>
Date: Mon, 5 Sep 2005 16:29:17 -0400

Saw this article just know, referencing UK law on the subject:


"Under existing UK legislation, companies and their senior managers can
already be criminally and civilly liable for illegal and inappropriate
images found in the workplace. Yet in a recent survey conducted by PixAlert
and The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, over 50% or
managers were unaware of this."


-----Original Message-----
From: Craig, Tobin (OIG) [mailto:tobin.craig () va gov]
Sent: Sunday, September 04, 2005 11:14
To: chromazine () sbcglobal net; full-disclosure () lists grok org uk
Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] RE: Computer forensics to
uncoverillegalinternet use

The following are my personal opinion, and in no way
represent those of my employer....

Actually Steve, the issue of "virtual children" never even
came up.  The discussion has evolved from a call from the
community for help in investigating what may or may not turn
out to be child pornography. Based on some highly
questionable advice from a member of this list (and I
apologize to the list moderators, it was the decision of the
same individual to spread the discussion here too), I and
others have intervened to bring to focus the potential legal
consequences of this persons dubious advice, that being the
willful destruction of evidence which otherwise might be used
in the investigation of crimes against children.

Just my opinion,


-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Kudlak <chromazine () sbcglobal net>
To: 'Full-Disclosure' <full-disclosure () lists grok org uk>
Sent: Sun Sep 04 10:51:42 2005
Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] RE: Computer forensics to
uncover illegalinternet use

Chuck Fullerton wrote:


      I do find this like of discussion very interesting.
However, there has been so much discussion that it's getting
difficult to folllow.  Therefore, I'd like to make the
following recommendation for future posts.

      1.  Minimize the text you to which you are replying to
the pertinent info.
      2.  Everyone use the same method of replying..  (i.e.
inline, top or bottom)  I don't care which but it's really
getting tough to follow.
      3.  Keep the discussion going as I'm really getting
alot out of this.  ;-)


      Chuck Fullerton

It is a pretty complex issue due to the questions raised.
I'll try to clip things a bit. It was hard to look at it in a
simple manner because it involves several interelated ares I
tried to break it into the main issues. Perhaps I should have
tried to spell out my points a little more clearly. But it
gets down to the whole meat of all sorts of legal things,
like the questions of knowingfully and willfully doing
something proscribed. The attempts to seperate this from just
overlooking of something or the concerns  of privacy. The
interesting thing for me was when someone brought up the
concept of  "virtual children" as that was actually legally
looked into.

What I think would be really edifying is what things are like
in other legal systems such as the EU systems and world
courts. I say this because one of the big uses of electronic
evidence in prosecutions has been with the federal courts
attempts to prosecute sex tourists and the not quite
underground in that area. By that I mean one can buy the
"Have Sex Fun in Asia" books on the secondary open market.

My suspicion is there is convert attempt to push things into
a more interventionist stance in the hopes that things might
be discovered.  The problem I see in states with extensive
privacy like California is how much one can go through a
user's files without their leave.  As far as I can tell there
has been no real legal precedent and prosecution on the ideas
of that say sysadmins are overlooking something.

The really insteresting issue is whether the beginning of
thread question behavior was highly illegal because it
involved destruction of potential evidence. That means it
would have to be pretty egregiously say "child porn" and not
just say soi disant 18 year olds who weren't. Curious that
the 18 as age of adulthood allows two precious years for porn
folks to say "Hot Teens" etc. and still be on the safe side.

Now the other interesting thing and I am worrying I am making
it more complicated than it should be is the hope by some
prosecutors that the US would sign treaties the US might have
to at least try to obey that would accomplish what they want
without getting it passed or having legal precedent in the US.

Note MI-6 tried this in reverse about another issue and it
died a quiet death. There is a site on the net run by a
certain architect and he has been a thorn in the side of MI-5
and MI-6 and "Gardie" (sorry can'r remember real spelling) in
Ireland(North and South). Due to the strong First Amendment
in the US it has been impossible to block publishing in the
US and on the Internet of this information which actually
involved pictures of Northern Ireland's Internal Police Folks
that work in terrorism supression. They were hoping a treaty
would allow them to get at the US publishers and that failed.

Overall my suspicion is that overall this end-run technique
will fail in general.  It is interesting because the failure
of the Michael Jackson prosecution pretty much left the
Federal Prosecutors as the lone rangers who seldom fail at
these various sex crimes prosecutions. It would be their
ability to win consistently and get people declared
accesories that would change things.  I don't think that ios
going to happen.

Note I won't extend this because it is already longer and
more convoluted than I intended it. I am going to kind of
shut up now because this is sort of the state of knowledge
and practice as I am aware of it. Again if someone knows
about these things in other legal systems or has any insights
into the attempts to stop people using encryption I would
like to hear it.

Have Fun,
Sends Steve

P.S. If anyone finds interesting cases or precedents I would
like to hear of them. All that stuff of knowing the cases
that set precedent like one knows good novels one has read or
movies one has watched that made a tatement has finally began
to sink in. It took a long time and a lot of reading but I
now know why they quoted things involving Youngstown Tool and
Die cases in Constitution Rights cases.;)

Have Fun,
Sends Steve

P.S. Note I have bcc'd many recipients in case they aren't on
the list and trying to keep the email to have get moderator


      From: full-disclosure-bounces () lists grok org uk
[mailto:full-disclosure-bounces () lists grok org uk] On Behalf
Of Steve Kudlak
      Sent: Sunday, September 04, 2005 1:45 AM
      To: dave kleiman
      Cc: 'Craig, Tobin (OIG)'; echow () videotron ca;
'Sadler,Connie'; jbeauford () EightInOnePet com;
'Full-Disclosure'; security-basics () securityfocus com
      Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] RE: Computer forensics
to uncover illegalinternet use

      dave kleiman wrote:



                      Hate to play alwyer here but doesn't
all of this get shot down by 3rd
                      Circuit Federal Court of Appeals
decisions regarding the FBI's
                      Innocent Images project?  It basicly
shot down the concept of  "you
                      clicked on a chold porn link therefore
you're guilty."

              Well that applies to when it is determined that
it was innocent.  This could
              be via pop-up, trojan, or maleware of some kind.

                      This is all enshired in Federal
                      Cases. No one must admit that a good
prosecutor can indioct a  ham
                      sandwich and all that. But overall that
doesn't happen.
                      Now Federal Prosecutors and
Investigations staffs are very  good at
                      sort of getting warrants and raiding
someone's house  or business and
                      going thru everything. But if the
person  doesn't scare and cop to
                      something they never did, then  federal
prosecutors generally have to
                      back off in cases where  it is just
things accumulating on disks etc.

              Well they do not usually prosecute ham
sandwiches, BLT's maybe.

              I love how everyone is quick to say things just
magically accumulated on
              their H/D.  However, they tend not back of when
a file structure is found
              with hundreds of images, often burned to CD's.

                      Futhermore in
                      states with a high privacy expectation
like California there is a good
                      reason to say "We don't go through our
customers data looking for
                      things out of the ordinary". One might
argue it to be different it
                      were one's employees. However if you
are offering a primo privacy
                      service then you can legitimately scrub
disks as a part of the biz

              Well that may be, of course you missed the
beginning of these threads, where
              Mr. Combs suggested after discovering
contraband on and employees H/D, to
              make a copy of it take the copy to the
companies attorney. Wipe the original
              and "best course of action is to purposefully
falsify the record of the
              company's response to the incident"

              The full threads can be read here:



                      Much of Law Enforcement and theiir
Public Providers of services
                      depends on scaring people and
businesses into good behavior when it is
                      neither necessary or ethical. My
suspicion is that one can ignore this
                      tactic if one wishes as one is
reasonably careful.. I am sure that
                      people will be offereing  "Computer
Forensics Services" to find the
                      scary things on your compnys disks for
$500 a pop but no good reason
                      one has to engage in such silliness.

              Yes that crazy scaring people into good
behavior....... Oh wait that is
              right only reasonably prudent people follow the
law, criminals tend to not
              care if there is law against something, they
are not scared into not
              committing crimes, that is why they are criminals.

              Kind of like the lawlessness that is occurring
in the situation you
              mentioned below.  Some people would say that
the devastation has turned
              these people into criminals. Although, the
reality is the people committing
              the crimes are the same ones that were
committing them before the

                      Excuse my flipness. I just got through
friends caught up in this call
                      people stranded and alone by the
hurricane in the SOuthland and all
                      these other things do ring silly right now.



      For a long time I sysop'd an open system, I dunno how
much time I ended up deleteing "girl with vaccum cleaner"
pictures. This is getting weirder and weirder because with
photoshop people can create things that do not exist in real
reality. Of course you have really funny things like this one
image that was from Japanese advertizing. They had a 10 year
girl with this incredibly large pretty phallic looking squirt
gun which she was squirting with a look of bliss on her face.
It was pretty funny. It was funny how when showed this image
it became a "cynicism filter". People would divide into the
group that thought this was completely enmgineerd from the
get-go and those who thought it was just some werid thing
that came out and no one noticed it, or that it was the
product of the fact that much of  Japanese Culture doesn't
quite go looking for all possible suggestive variants.  It
really became a filter.

      Now my suspicion about people in the US Southland is
that it is a bit of opppurtunism in the face of despair and
the feeling that "whitey has been shitting on us for
centuries". Me being on the North American  West Coast
doesn't notice that because there were no slave quarters and
slave markets in California, Washington, Oregon, British
Columbia and we are apt to think a "quadroon" is a small gold
coin that would be nice to find in one's progentitors coin
collection. I don't think it is because there is just a
massive criminal element hidden from us. Now some of the
behavior sounded like what I found in my tenure at a small
residential hotel. From the last week of the month to the
first week of the next month a number of curious items would
end up for sale. It was always curious to imagine where these
items came from, some were legitimatgely obtained, others
probably not. There was always an argument among the low rent
district types that universally almost always aligned as
"crazy white guys accusing mexicans of shop lifting and
reselling, whereas many of the items they had could be seen
as coming from equally questionable sources.

      Now if one talks to Federal Proscutors they will tell
you that they feel comfortable with their "Vacuum Cleaner"
approach. They feel if they do go and get everyone
questionables stuff and go through it, then one will be able
to determine how many folks had thing accumulating on their
disk and how many actively collected it etc. Now
interestingly with the Third Circuit's Decision which is
close to rock solid at this point in precdent, people like
journalists would sort of get wide descretion especially if
they were working on stories and doing investigations etc.

      Two other things come in here. In both the US Ninth
Circuit and Upper Level Courts of British Columbia it has
been held that one can not commit crimes against "virtual
children" or "animated descriptions of children etc".  This
means the general belief in liberal democracies that "thought
crimes" are questionable is beginning to be enshired in code
and precedent. I am pretty sure this is well embedded in
North American Culture and is apt not to go away even with
the idea, darfe I say spectre two very conservative
reversalist judges on the Supreme Court. Note I have not had
time to study how things work in the EU or even Australia.

      Now technoculturally want this may eventually provoke
is the use of high grade encryption by more people. Right now
I know even artists who hqave become more technologically
saavy and who encrypt things even when legal code is on their
side overall. In the 1970s and 1980s there were a number of
legal razzlements of artists who used their children as nude
models no matter how innocent. This went too far and
eventaully what got established is the concept that "simple
nudity is not obscene".  It is interesting because artists
are not usually seen as users or consumers of secuiity
products and things like encryption.

      Anyway this is all very interesting and we do live in
interesting times. So it will be interesting to see how this
will go and whether the bizness idea of trying to safe from
all possible wrongdoing or perceived wrongdoing will win out
overall. I know lots of vendors and security consultants have
been hoping that "porn protection" would turn into a
lucerative field but so far it doesn't compare to virus and
malware protection.

      Interestingly in artist circles the whole imaging thing
has turned into "sousveillence" and artists have been having
way too much fun turning the cameras back on the people who
usually use them.  It is interesting that people like Sudo
Chiles House who was one of the first people to install a
"cam" which in her case was a 35mm camera that took pictures
regularly of her bedroom is all buit forgotten in the modern
installatiion of cams in various public and private spaces.
Note the UK and places in Florida have been very much into
the "you are being watched" theory of crime control. I also
have heard tales of  "spy camera destroyers" who have been
running around spray painting cameras but I think that is not
widespread at this point.  Hmmm, indeed these are interesting
times. whether it is a blessing or a curse is an open question.

      Have Fun,
      Sends Steve

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