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Re: Did you miss us yet?

From: "Dunceor ." <dunceor () gmail com>
Date: Tue, 2 Aug 2005 11:05:10 +0200

Probobly since in rthe new Phrack it says Phrack will start again with
a new staff in 2006/2007 and this guy is mailing from a gmail addy

On 8/1/05, Dinis Cruz <dinis () ddplus net> wrote:
Surely this is a hoax? 

Dinis Cruz
.Net Security Consultant

Phrack Staff wrote: 

 =: P H R A C K - R E B O R N :=

 ... Phrack is dead. Long Live Phrack. 


 Deadline: 15
October 2005 at 11:59pm
 Submissions : phrackstaff () gmail com

 The New
Phrackstaff are pleased to bring you the third new
 release of PHRACK.

originally stated, Phrack strayed from its original purpose
 nearly 62
issues ago. Because of the irresponsible use of the
 Phrack forum, the
commercialisation of hacking has been allowed
 to occur -- neigh --
encouraged. The old Phrack has been a long-time
 in dying. The past few
issues have been coughing up blood (this
 could have been due to a severe
case of industry rape). But now
 that death has come to the old Phrack, like
Gene Gray, Phrack
 is reborn.

 Submissions should _NOT_ disclose new
exploit methods, new backdooring
 methods, or any other information that may
be used by the information
 security extortion industry to further increase
their profit margins.

 Some article ideas:
 - White-hat 12 Step Program
aka. "OMFG I'm a white-hat, How do I Stop?"
 - B4 They were famous.
"Profiles of White-hats they would like to forget."
 - HoneyNet Project: Be
Your Enemy
 - Saved by Project Mayhem
 - Setting up your own "I'm a
White-hat get me out of here" program.

 As a special treat to our readers,
this CFP includes a sample
 of the material we look forward to bringing you,
our new Phrack
 readership in the future. 


|=-----------=[ C O N T A C T
P H R A C K M A G A Z I N E ]=---------=|

Editors :
phrackstaff () gmail com
Submissions : phrackstaff () gmail com
Commentary :
phrackstaff () gmail com
Phrack World News : phrackstaff () gmail com
Porn : phrackstaff () gmail com -- We're open minded.

 #, . .P
 hr, . ..
 'K#ph, .. . .rAcK'
 #ph'Rac, . . .K#P'Hra
 Ck' #PHr ... .aCk' #Ph
'cK#, .pHr' .AC
 'K# 'Phr, .aCk' #P'
 ... rAc ' .K.#P Hra ...
 . cK# .pHR
.a, cK# .
 . .. pH, .rAc' . 'k#P .HR . ..
 .. . 'Ac .K#' . 'PHr. '' .. .
. aCk ' . '#PH, . .
 ... .rA.'cK' . .. '#PH, ...
 .rAc' k#, ..... .PH 'rAc,
.K#P' 'Hr . aC' 'k#P,
 .hRa' cK# . pHr 'aCk,
.#Ph'____________________________ rAc
 ... cK'
 #Pr aCk
 #Ph rAc
 K#, .Ph
 'RA CK'

 Or contact us via seance

S A M P L E A R T I C L E ]=------------------=| 

With the recent trend of
everyone writing a book, the phrack staff have
taken a break from our usual
research to give it a try. For your reading
enjoyment, we give you a sample
chapter from our upcoming book, "Know
your enemy: The Security Industry".

The first chapter is titled "The Art of Being Pwnd." I'm not sure I
the title, but the rest of the staff tell me it fits. Give it a
read, and
let us know what you


 The Art of Being Pwnd

 If you don't like your job you don't strike.

 You just go in every day and do it really 
 half-assed. Thats the American
 -- Homer (Simpson)

It was another uneventful 2600 meeting for
C1tiZ3n, the New-York kids
were bragging about their latest 'big' hack and
passing around the new
Mitnick book, "The Art of Intrusion", while trying to
avoid the advances
of Emanuel in his halter top purchased at CCC. For
C1tiZ3n this was
particularly a concern, as he was unusually fit for a
hacker, probably
lucky genetics. When things would get desperate, C1tiZ3n
had taken to
pretending to listen to rebel, just to avoid Emmanuel (and

With the meeting over, The Mitnick book kept rolling through his
As a younger kid, C1tiZen had looked up to Kevin as a role model.
room still had some of the 'Free Kevin' stickers from the campaign
release him from his wrongfull imprisonment (and suitable friendship
'Bruno'). C1tiZ3n had wanted to be just like kevin -- able to
launch a nuke
by whistling thru a telephone. But no more. 

After his release, Kevin had
turned his back on all that he once was --
selling out his hacker ethic for
a business of selling snake oil to fat
executives who wanted to hear him
talk about social engineering and
hacking. Business had been good for Kevin,
from what he would say when
he came to the 2600 meetings, he was making a
killing at his speaking
engagements. It was sickening to listen to him go on
about it. Kevin had
become just another white-hat -- profiting from
manufacturing fear in
his clients, and then by offering solutions at a
highly exorbitant cost.
He was now no different from Custom Shimomura -- a

In the depths of his anger and despair, C1tiZ3n remembered reading
Kevin's latest book something about how secure his systems were, and
much it would mean for someone to hack him. Grabbing his copy of
"Art of Intrusion", he looked for it. There it was:

 "Hackers play
one-up among themselves, Clearly one of 
 the prizes would be bragging
rights from hacking into my 
 security company's Web site or my personal
 -- K3v1n Mi7n|cK

Maybe, just maybe Kevin could still be saved,
and if not -- convinced to
give up his sinful ways and follow his anger back
to the true way. An
idea was forming in C1tiZ3n's head, a little bit of his
own Project
Mayhem -- PHC style. He would need help for this, especially if
he was
to do it right. 

Another Day, Another Half-hour

back in his room, Kevin took a few minutes to catch up on email.
conference organizers had just hit him with a surprise interview.
This had
been a re-occurring problem, but Amy had worked out a solution.
In his email
was an email that Jen had sent on his behalf from
mitnick () newleafproductions com account. 


 Please correct
the following balance to Mr. Mitnick's 

Bla, Bla .. more money
talk. "This is why I pay her to take care of 
me." A paragraph lower down in
the email caught his eye:

 Further, in section 3.03, the contract states,
"For each 
 additional interview, up to thirty (30) minutes in length, 
Speaker requires one additional night in the event venue, 
 all room and tax
charges, all meals for one (1) additional day, 
 Internet service, laundry
service, and ground transportation. 
 All of these expenses must be pre-paid
by the Client in USD 
 prior to the delivery of the extra interviews."

is so sexy when she talks legal", Kevin thought. That should help
put an end
to these surprise interviews. "My clients are already cheap
bastards, they
will definitely think twice now before trying to spring
an interview on me".
Despite this, somehow the phrasing of the paragraph
bothered Kevin.
"..delivery of the extra interviews.", That makes me
sound like a whore
selling my 'wares' to the 'Client'. "Jen will have
to reword that, but its
good enough for now.", he thought.

The next email was from Gonzalo Zapata
<gonzalozapatac () hotmail com>
the Argentina conference.
"Why the fuck do those spicks have to put that in
all caps? God, I wish
i could just hack a bank or something so I wouldn't
have to put up with
these armatures." Kevin signed, fired off a quick email
to Matthew C.
Beckman (aka nulllink () nulllink com), inquiring why he wasn't
to email. That done, kevin closed his laptop. Time for some
drinks at
the bar, courtesy of his suffocating fan-base. 

He paused,
remembering to take some business cards with his 'junk' email
address to
give to losers he never wanted to hear from again -- like
that Scott Madison
guy he met at the Sydney workshop at the Sofitel.


C1tiZ3n has been busy researching his mark. Apparently, he
had his work cut
out for him. Not only was kevin running on a
ultra-secure freebsd
web-hosting provider, they used some of most
advanced security software that
money could buy -- Snort.

With top security experts working at Mitnick's
company and more still in his phone book, C1tiZ3n thought that

this would be the hardest job yet. He was soon to learn he was

Kevin had left demo scripts publicly available on his web-site.
the demo scripts were for sql injection vulnerabilities. That is
that is necessary. C1tiZ3n had a older UDF that he wrote months ago
his laptop, all that was necessary was to store it into the database
then drop via INTO OUTFILE. 

A couple minutes work later, he was greeted
with a login shell to
kevin's site:

$ls -l

total 5562396
drwx--x--x 9
mitadmin mitadmin 4096 Jun 14 16:50 .
drwx--x--x 90 root root 4096 Jun 7
22:41 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 mitadmin mitadmin 5650470878 May 9 01:24
-rw------- 1 mitadmin mitadmin 3919 May 27 16:22
-rw-r--r-- 1 mitadmin mitadmin 399360 Apr 28 13:55
-rw-r--r-- 1 mitadmin mitadmin 399360 Feb 23 10:58
-rw------- 1 mitadmin mitadmin 25 Jun 14 16:14
-rw-r--r-- 1 mitadmin mitadmin 10 Feb 9 18:25
-rw------- 1 mitadmin mitadmin 1682 Jan 24 02:18
drwxr-xr-x 3 mitadmin mail 4096 May 23 09:19 etc
34 mitadmin mitadmin 4096 May 23 09:19 .htpasswds
-rw------- 1 mitadmin
mitadmin 14 Jun 14 16:14 .lastlogin
drwxrwx--- 3 mitadmin mail 4096 Jan 17
21:38 mail
-rw-r--r-- 1 mitadmin mitadmin 38559604 Apr 25 10:15
-rw-r--r-- 1 mitadmin mitadmin 399360 Jan 31 07:24
drwxr-xr-x 3 mitadmin mitadmin 4096 Jan 17 17:00
drwxr-xr-x 40 mitadmin nobody 4096 May 23 09:19
-rw-r--r-- 1 mitadmin mitadmin 13 Jun 14 16:14
-rw------- 1 mitadmin mitadmin 24 Mar 28 03:33
drwx------ 6 mitadmin mitadmin 4096 Jan 24 02:16 tmp
drwx------ 2
mitadmin mitadmin 4096 Jun 14 16:26 .trash
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 11 Jan 17
17:00 www -> public_html

Quickly looking through the directories, C1tiZ3n
made note of some directories
that looked particularly intresting. Pausing
for a second, C1tiZ3n chuckled as 
he looked at ralph's directory:

$ls -l

total 6272
drwx--x--x 2 mitadmin
mitadmin 4096 Jan 24 15:49 .
drwxr-xr-x 40 mitadmin nobody 4096 May 23 09:19
-rw-r--r-- 1 mitadmin mitadmin 6391141 Jan 23 03:43 Deltron 3030-
-rw------- 1 mitadmin mitadmin 4 Jan 23 03:28 .ftpquota
1 mitadmin mitadmin 142 Feb 20 08:49 .htaccess

"Fanboi", C1tiz3n thought.
"Enough of this browsing, now work really begins".

30 days and $1,436

much was it?" Kevin was insensed.

"One thousand, four hundred, thirty five
dollars and ninety-nine cents",
Caroline repeated calmly, adding " Its
mostly from the international
calls while you were in Greece and South

"Pay it.", he snapped. Adding, "We need to find a more cost

TMC had been good to kevin. Their prices were not that
exorbitant, and their
service had been acceptable. This bill though, it was
almost seven times 

"About the books for your signings.",
Caroline was wanting a different
subject badly. "I had them shipped to you
at the 7113 West Gowan Road,
Las Vegas address. From what the publisher
said, the advance orders are
going very well."

"Good. Ive already been
contacted about the identities of one of the
chapter's subjects. Seems the
FBI is investigating, and they decided
to pay me a visit."

"What will you
do?", ask Caroline.

"I don't want any more trouble from them, I just gave
them what they wanted. 
They promised it would not be attributed to me. If
word of this got out,
no one would ever dare talk to me again." Kevin never
really recovered
from his stay in club fed. The beatings, the brutality,
Bruno. He had been 
betrayed by his friends, and now he would do whatever it
took to stay out 
-- even if itment being the low-life type narc that landed
him in jail in the 
first place.

"You did what you had to. After what they
did to you the last time, I don't
think anyone can blame you. Besides,
better them then you." Caronline consoled 
him. He was her meal ticket, and
she knew it. 

"Well, enough. I'm going for a jog. Talk to you

Surveying the

Looking through the directory listing, C1tiZen noticed that
apparently kevin
was not above the use of pirated files in his company.
Compuware's softice, Core Impact and CANVAS. It seemed
that the files were
purposefully placed in world accessible directories
for download during
penetration tests.

All through the site were power point presentations that
kevin used in
his engagements. Janis's home directory contained most of them
password is crypt0).

And there was the presentation that C1tiZ3n had
seen before -- the art of
intrusion power-point.

"He needed to update his
definitions of a black hat hacker", C1tiZ3n
though. "Not only do they hack
for personal or political reasons, but
also for financial gain. Like when
TWD was hacking sites to feed his
heroin addiction. On second thought,
white-hats are not much different
-- they exploit the fear of their clients
for financial gain to feed
their addictions. "

C1tiZ3n sighed, "How the
mighty have fallen.", he thought.

Moving further down the file listing, the
'pen-testing' directory caught his
eyes. Inside was a treasure trove of
files from penetration testing jobs that
kevin had sold to unsuspecting

There were reports, and logs, and the most
interesting files were trophies 
that kevin retained from his exploits. "Old
habits die hard, heh."

C1tizen downloaded and opened one report -- for
Midland Credit
Management. "This form looks very familiar." It was rare that
companies would have the same layout and style for a report, and
had seen a report like this before. "Here it is. " C1tiZ3n
"Mitnick has ripped off a template that looked excatly like one
when he had owned rooted.net"

-- A weekend previously
In a frenzy of
irc hacks, C1tiZ3n had encountered a guy on one of 
his many ereet SILC
servers, Mrx. Mrx was particularly 
smug and often liked to talk about his
many eveningz with Mitnick along
with a nice chianti and vava beans. These
SILC conversations would often
 involve the conversations normally reserved
for special evenings with Kevin
C1tiZ3n felt the occassional anal rape was
worth standing so he could find an
angle onto the great

C1tiZ3ns shell from rooted.net was enough to provide
access to Mitnicks social
calender, emmanuals 2600 "money shots" and his
life, including corporate 
reports and a kick-ass email address
(c1tizen () anally rooted net). 

---- The Present day

The midland report made
for interesting reading, but what was more
interesting was what it didn't
say. It said nothing about the credit
record files that kevin stored in the
penetration directory, publicly
accessible to the world, that were
downloaded from Midland. "Kevin's
retirement plan", C1tiZ3n

Disgusted, CitiZ3n closed his connection. "I can't take it
Kevin used to be _the_ hacker of hackers. Now he's just another
white-hat. The community used to rally around him, but now he
betrays us
-- exploits us for his financial gain. Exploiting his own clients
first their fear, then their trust. "

"Free Kevin?", thought C1tiZ3n,
"No.. Put kevin back,


So, what do you think of the first chapter of our new book, "The art
being pwnd?" I enjoyed writing it, and I hope you enjoyed reading it.
tuned for our next chapter, "How to Own a


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