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Re: Misinformation in Security Advisories (ASN.1)

From: "Jeremiah Cornelius" <jeremiah () nur net>
Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2004 11:14:47 -0800

Who is "John Compton"?  He speaks pretty authoritatively for someone with no list history on Bugtraq or  
full-disclosure.  There is a "john compton" who posted from a different webmail address in 2002 - with questions about 
an ssh2 exploit in RedHat.  Other than that, no questions or commentary searchable on SecurityFocus, Neohapsis, Netsys 
or even Google.

It seems that misinformation is included in security advisories far too often, 
and for many different reasons. I'd like to point out a
couple examples, and promote discussion as to how this misinformation affects the 
security community and the non-experts who rely on this
information to be valid.

There is possibly misinformation in security advisories.  Does Microsoft break its patch schedule based on 
misinformation?  Do they waste six months NOT verifying these findings, before releasing a patch?  Do they label such a 
patch CRITICAL, based on unverified assertions?  The theme of unverified assertion is important - as it seems to be the 
thread of continuity binding your argument together.

First of all, there is good news for those of you out there who are worried about the
new ASN.1 vulnerability in Microsoft operating systems. It is NOT exploitable to run 
arbitrary code in anything approaching a real-world scenario. 
You are likely not going to see any more than the DoS exploit that has already come 
On what evidence do you base this assertion?   Have you reproduced the conditions eEye established, and verified this 
with the eEye POC code?  In the absence of scientific validation/repudiation methodology, the larger security community 
relies on reputation.  Mr. Maifrett has established his.  "John Compton", and his unnamed security start-up have not.

For those of you interested in the technical explanation of why, it is included below 
(it's honestly beyond my complete understanding). Most of the security researchers 
I've spoken to agree with this assessment and the information below.

Who have you spoken to?  Are they under NDA?  Are you? Was this written inside MS, to cover a dev teams ass?  It SOUNDS 
authoritative.  It is also - in the context of your message - unverified assertion, unaccompanied by well-known 

 However, this impact of this misinformation is that many corporations out there spent 
tens of thousands of dollars (or more) in resources and manpower last week to get this 
issue fixed enterprise-wide.

Why? Because they were not enabled with an enterprise patch-management strategy?  Because they were unable to assess 
the different degree of risk in different systems regarding exposure and sensitivity of content?  If they don't have 
these acts together - God help 'em!  They are stuck with an unmanageable situation, that is itself a critical 
operations vulnerability.  Good operations and management could result in patching high risk/exposure hosts reactively, 
and a timely, scheduled remediation for the remainder of the organization. 

 I work for a start-up security-intelligence vendor, 

Me too. I'm not posting on their behalf, so I'm not naming names in this post.  You are using your vendor status to 
give the appearance of concern and establish a sense of credibility.  Without disclosing this, you try and impeach the 
credibility of eEye?

and we warned our customers that this bug was only exploitable as a denial of service, 
yet many of them were not willing to take the risk that the next Blaster might appear 
over the weekend, despite our in-depth explanation of why this bug is not exploitable. 

Let me see if I get this straight...  You are a security vendor - who has not scientifically repudiated the claims of 
an established researcher - and you are DISCOURAGING your clients from action that could limit their risk in the face 
of an issue that Microsoft labeled "CRITICAL" after six months of familiarity?  

Why wouldn't they believe us?

"Once bitten, twice shy".  


In that post to Bugtraq, dated February 10th, Mr. Maiffret claims that Eeye has
developed a functional exploit that they used to compromise an IPSec-protected 
network. Setting aside his claims of "Client side, server side, world wide", he goes 
on to claim that users are all affected and that they shouldn't even think twice but 
simply install the patch.

For some of our clients, installing the patch means deploying it enterprise-wide 
across tens of thousands of machines. It means deploying it in test environments 
before rolling it out on production servers. It doesn't mean just clicking on 
"Windowsupdate.microsoft.com" or that icon in the system tray. 

We know what this means.  See the above response about management and operations frameworks for risk management.

I think that Mr. Maiffret's inaccurate statements are costly to others. If large 
enterprises knew that this bug could only be exploited as a denial of service 
condition, their approach would be considerably different, and their associated costs
significantly lower.

Again, you think that the operational costs in establishing good risk-management exceed the risk of loss in a 
compromise?  This goes beyond the issues of a single incident/vulnerability.  Ultimately - even if 20% of alerts are 
"duds" - the ability to respond is crucial.  If you are not assisting your enterprise customers in achieving 
response-ability (responsibility), at least do not hinder them with poor advice.

Sometimes misinformation in security advisories is unintentional, however in this case 
it appears to be intentionally misleading 

Let's call a spade a spade.  I think YOUR misinformation appears to be unintentional, however it may very well be 
"intentionally misleading".

and I think it's time that someone spoke 
openly about it. 

Another give-away statement that may betray disingenuity on your part.  "Someone" speaks openly about this issue all 
the time.  It is an obsessive fodder for rumination and debate on full-disclosure, and a lesser extent on BugTraq.  It 
is the "meta-topic" of the decade.  

"What the heck is full-disclosure?  Responsible disclosure?  What is FUD? What is appropriate response to risk?  How is 
risk assessed, defined and validated?  What is the role of investigative research? Is the inclusion of vendor-interest 
benign or coercive?

You may simply uninformed, and not setting up a "straw-man".  If so I apologize - but your posting is frankly, 

I'm trying to promote discussion about misinformation in our 
industry, and it's not my intention to directly attack Eeye, however they have done 
this in the past.
"When DID you stop beating your wife?"
A less blatant example of misinformation in a security advisory, yet one reminiscent 
of ASN.1, would be:


This bug, as some of you may remember, affected the SunRPC xdr data translation, and 
could be considered a serious risk to some networks if it allowed remote code 
execution. Eeye certainly seemed to think that it was:

 High (Remote Code Execution/Denial of Service) "

When Sinan Eren questioned the exploitability of this issue, there was no response 
from Eeye:


However, there was still a Cert advisory, and multiple vendor-released advisories,
which all stated that this issue might be used to execute arbitrary code. Again, we 
told our customers about the limited exposure they faced from this issue back in March 
of last year, yet many of them chose to ignore our advice and agree with the industry > consensus of exploitability.

Ahh.  At last, a name we know.  Sinan disagreed with a number of vendors, based on his knowledge.  That knowledge is 
extensive - he engineers the Entercept HIPS.  So he DOES disagree, and IS creditable.  But he didn't run the code.  A 
pity the thread dies with his message.  Such a disagreement is hardly "deliberate misinformation".  CERT doesn't issue 
warnings based on my friggin' mail threads.  I hope they don't retract 'em on yours!

For a company that does so much quality vulnerability research and employs many 
talented people, it's very disappointing to see what honestly can't be characterized 
as anything but deliberate misinformation. 

You build what you describe as an honest characterization?  This is an /ad-hominem/ attack, badly dressed up as 
researched investigation.

I HOPE you are not professionally employed to undermine eEye or vulnerability disclosure process.  Your motives are 
either immature emotional reactions, or deliberately coercive.  In either case - they are sloppy and poorly conceived. 

I'd like to ask someone from Eeye to respond to these claims, but honestly they're not 
the only security researchers guilty of this.

Again, with the "honestly" business.  It seems like some magical incantation, periodically invoked to produce an effect 
not otherwise in evidence.

I'd be interested to hear opinions from other perspectives, as I do not do security 
research nor roll out protection for security bugs for a living.

Ferchrissakes! NOW you tell us!  You're a columnist!



<SNIP of 'could be true, who knows the source?' assertion>

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