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From: lcamtuf () ghettot org (Michal Zalewski)
Date: Sun, 15 Sep 2002 20:31:21 -0400 (EDT)

On Sun, 15 Sep 2002 silvio () big net au wrote:

because.. a binary that runs knows about all the shared libraries
involved. look at the link map list.. you can just count them, and if
you have too many.. something is whack.

Forensics of binaries by running it at full speed under a software
tracer tool of any kind is extremely convinient, but also it is a very bad
idea, regardless of the tool you have. Heck, it's not always a good idea
to run a tool under a step-by-step debugger; back in DOS times, there were
quite a few self-modifying applications that were able to fool certain
debuggers big time.

Run-time analysis works as long as you can outsmart the bad guy - but as
soon as he gets clever enough to detect the tool (or a general approach)
you're using, you have no way of telling he's not pulling your leg by
controlling your tracer, or not running a slightly different code that has
one subtle, but important change. And, face it, just using strace / ltrace
/ LD_PRELOAD / ld.so.preload and hoping he wouldn't notice is pretty much
an insult for the attacker. Yes, they typically do not check for that, but
a typical *nix worm is still fairly primitive - it's changing, however.
I'm surprised how slowly this is happening, but I guess the main
contributing factor is that so many boxes that are very low-effort targets
with inexperienced admins - thus, there's no real need to design very
stealth, portable and smart 0-day worms just to compromise 100,000
computers, more than enough to cause serious havoc and to DDoS CNN.

Face it - characteristics of the environment WILL change when you observe
it in software (hardware tools have other problems, no need to elaborate).
Typical tools have a very limited number of methods to use - kernel-level
breakpoints/traps, in two flavors - ptrace or your own version of the same
thing; or in-code breakpoints / traps. All those affect some parameters of
the environment and can be detected in standard ways.

And no, even solutions like running user-space Linux or VMWare under a
tracer are, in my humble and erroneous opinion, not exactly undetectable.
But I admit to being wrong already, please call back your lawyers.

So far, the general approach many people have chosen for *nix
anti-debugging is to simply "go nowhere" when a debugger is detected -
crash, exit, trash the debugger - making it apparent there's an
anti-debugging routine. If such a code was well-hidden and would decide
about calling some obscure, self-modifying subroutine, perhaps not even
contained within the binary itself, I wonder how many people would miss
it. It is the author's courtesy to let you know there's an anti-debugging
code that detected your debugger / tracer, period. Don't take it for
granted ;>


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