Full Disclosure mailing list archives

RE: Please post to the list

From: ratel <ratel () mailvault com>
Date: Sat, 23 Nov 2002 02:07:50 -0500 (EST)


On 22-Nov-2002 12:19:52 -0500, you wrote:

in your ideal world, how would you help
me stay secure and prevent all the attacks that bludgeon my

This is a legitimate question, and I would appreciate a legitimate 

answer, rather than the usual blather that has dominated this

Two words: AIR GAP.

Not an option, therefore not worth discussing.

Actually, it is an option, just not one you're in a position to take.
Someone in your institution chose convenience over privacy long ago,
fine. So did nearly everyone. But you can't pretend it's not a

do you really think those delightful fellows 
employed by JTF-CNA, NSA &c. really run to tell Microsoft and other 
vendors everytime they find a hole/sidechannel/backdoor in their 
software? Do you honestly think any man jack of them spends two
concerning himself with this kind of anguished hand-wringing debate?

Do you really think the average sysadmin cares?  

No, not at all. I know the average American doesn't give a damn about
anything beyond comfort and convenience. Who cares about abstract ideas,
what governments do or what's happening our civil liberties as long as
we've all got our cushy sysadmin jobs, TV, porn, and cold beer, right? I
think the fact that so many intelligent and talented people are so
complacent and apathetic is a real shame. 

All this is nothing but side-show to distract from the weakness of the
blackhat argument.

Where did that come from? I'm not trying to distract anyone from
anything. I speak for myself and only myself, my arguments are my own.
The points I made might be a "side show" to you in the context of the
past six months worth of discussion here, but you can't dismiss what I'm
saying by referencing someone else's posts. I tried to put the dicussion
in a broader framework, that's all.

You sidestep the whole issue of the implication of governments being
all-too-willing to keep vulnerabilities to themselves by dragging in
something somebody else happened to have said in the same forum. Good

Forget it. In their world, full disclosure is irrelevant. Dead. A bad

joke. Grow up and stop kidding yourselves.

I'm not the one kidding myself.

So you actually mean to say you think JTF-CNA analysts believe in full
disclosure? Oh wait, you don't care. Nevermind. Dream on. 

Do you lay awake at night to think this stuff up?  It's really

Unfortunately, I do lay awake at night about what's happening to this
country. I wonder how bad it'll have to get before you quit feeling so
smug and stop laughing too. 



"Americans used to roar like lions for liberty. Now we bleat
like sheep for security." - Norman Vincent Peale.


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