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Re: Tuning false positives

From: "David W. Goodrum" <dgoodrum () nfr com>
Date: Wed, 28 Dec 2005 09:01:06 -0500

Turning off detection techniques alltogether is not usually the preferred method. I'll give you a few examples of some alerts that NFR might generate out of the box and how you would tune them.

Scenario 1: You deploy a sensor inside your network, and out of the box, you start to trigger hundreds of false positives because we see lots of "public" SNMP community strings. This is quite common inside people's networks. At the very least, almost every printer you have will have this on by default. You then have a number of options. You can say that these alerts are relevant, and that you will make it your mission to obliterate public community strings on your network. Or you can accept that you can never get rid of these public community strings altogether, so you decide that public community strings are "okay" inside your network. Just so long as you don't see them in certain areas, such as your critical data center, or your DMZ. So, you _tune_ the system. You decide to ignore public community strings from every IP address inside your network, except the ranges in your DMZ and critical data center. This gets rid of most of the noise from userland, but still allows you to keep a tight grip on weak community strings on critical or exposed equipment.

Scenario 2: Same deployment as above. NFR alerts on weak passwords, such as short passwords, alphabetic only passwords, etc. This would apply to protocols such as FTP, telnet, HTTP, POP, IMAP, MYSQL, etc (all the clear text protocols). The default policy alerts on passwords less than 8 characters long. The NFR box starts alerting when it sees users connecting to FTP servers outside of your network. i.e. You are allowing users to connect outbound on port 21 to servers that you don't control, which is fine. However, you can't control the password policies on those servers, so when the users create 7 character passwords that are all alphabetic, we generate 2 alerts that you don't care about. In the course of the day, depending on the number of users you have, and the type of company you are (for example, a research organization), you might generate hundreds of these alerts... maybe even thousands. And you don't care about them at all. But, you don't want to just turn off this check. So, you _tune_ the system. You decide to ignore these alerts as long as the source IP is inside your network, and the dest IP is outside your network. This gets rid of the noise, but still alerts you if somebody outside the network tries to come in with a weak password, or if somebody inside your network connects to another IP address inside your network with a weak password.

There are lots of these types of scenarios, and a solution for every one that allows you to get rid of noise. Tuning is the right solution. Turning off detection techniques is not tuning.

In my experience 5 or 6 alerts generate 90% of the noise. If you have a system with 1000's of checks, and you find yourself tuning out only a couple of alerts, then you're in good shape. Statistically speaking, that's actually really good. In the end you still might end up, after tuning, with 4 or 5 alerts that still popup as false positives occasionally, that you just can't figure out the best way to tune them. So, you classify them as really low priority. If any other alerts shows up (out of the 1000's of possible alerts you've never seen before), you can quickly identify it without it getting lost in the noise.

Some might recommend using a SIM product to try to manage the large volume of alerts. To that, I have one answer: Bad data in... Bad data out. SIM products are not a solution for tuning your system. SIM products do server a good purpose, but that purpose, IMHO, does not replace the intelligence that goes into tuning a system. I've seen too many SIM implementations fail because customers want to use them as a silver bullet to their data overload issues.

Hope this helps,


David W. Goodrum, CEH

Sam Heshbon wrote:

My company is testing a few intrusion detection & prevention products. On the first few hours/days
after deployment the machines alert on ten of thousands of events, which is way too much for us to
ever go through, most of which are false alarms.
The vendor’s solution is tuning the systems, which means shutting down signatures, detection
mechanisms, omitting defragmentation tests and so on. These tunings do reduce dramatically the
number of alerts, but it seems most of the detection capabilities have been shut off too, so
things are nice and quite but we've no idea what's really going on in our network apart from catching the
trivial threats such as old worms, which don’t get false alarms.
Has anyone encountered this situation? Anyone got a solution?
Thanks Sam

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