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Tcpreplay v2.2.1 released (and then some)

From: Aaron Turner <aturner () pobox com>
Date: Sun, 16 May 2004 17:46:29 -0700

Hey everyone,

I've just released Tcpreplay v2.2.1 which includes a number of
enhancements and bug fixes that are probably of interest to anyone who
is interested in testing or evaluating sniffer or inline IDS/IPS's.

Specifically, tcpreplay's IP address (Layer 3 and ARP) and Layer 2
rewriting features have been significantly improved to allow replaying
virtually any packet capture (ethernet, RAW, and LINUX_SLL) onto
arbitrary networks.

Download it here:

Anyways, to help me plan the future of tcpreplay, I would really
appreciate it if everyone could answer a few questions regarding

- How important is raw performance? 

- How important is accurate timing between packets (sending packets
according to their timestamps)?

- How important is the ability to modify packets via tcpreplay?

- How important is the ability to split traffic between two interfaces?

- Is tcpreplay (with currently 40 options) too complicated?

- What features are the most useful?

- What features are of no use?

- What size pcap files do you work with?

- What do you use tcpreplay for?

- What features are most confusing or poorly documented?

- What other tools do you use to work with pcap files? (tcpdump,
  ethereal, netdude, etc)

- If you use tcpreplay at work, school or for a project, tell me about

- If there was a public and free pcap vulnerability database, would you

- Any other comments, suggestions or rants?

Please reply back to me directly, and I'll summarize the results on the
tcpreplay homepage; thanks!

Aaron Turner <aturner at|>
They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary 
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. -- Benjamin Franklin
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