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Open source VA-IDS correlation daemon QuIDScor v1.2 released!

From: Laurent Demailly <ldemailly () qualys com>
Date: Fri, 10 Oct 2003 11:51:49 -0700

 Hello everybody,

I'm pleased to announce that we made major improvements to
our BSD licensed correlation daemon QuIDScor. The new 1.2
release included a much smarter and faster correlation engine,
now using more information from the Vulnerability Assesment
data source as well as from the IDS (Snort).

Some of the changes include:

- Classification of alerts into three categories: Validated, Unknown,
  and Invalidated
- Correlate using information about services and applications
- User-defined mapping file for ID, service and application mappings.
- Performance enhancements, including:
  - Offline processing of Snort-fastlogs
  - Reprocessing of QuIDScor-logs
  - Separate processes for correlation and communication to VA

All the details, download link, etc... are on :


(As I don't want this to be seen as an infomercial, I don't
mention with which VA system QuIDScor works with but I let
you guess from my email :-) It could be extended to work with
more IDSs (it has a plugable architecture to support already
several IDS alert sources (live snort sockets, log files, ...)
and possibly more VA systems)

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