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Re: Security policy language

From: "Stephen P. Berry" <spb () meshuggeneh net>
Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2007 12:43:45 -0800

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We would like to implement/adopt a high-level  
specification language for the definition of a security policy,  
something that should let to specify the policy at organizational  
level. Such a policy should then  be translated into specific fw rules.
I'm puzzled because it's not a new problem, but I can't find good  
references. Several standards, especially in the XML-Web Services  
area, have been proposed by W3C, OASIS etc., to define security  
policies, but to me they seem quite useless in our case since I can't  
see how and why Web Services should be integrated in this context.

Just about any standard expressed in XML isn't going to help you because
about ten times out of ten you'll discover that it is just a descriptive
taxonomy, not an actual grammar.  And if I understand what you're trying
to do, you need a grammar.

Put in slightly different terms, most existing quote standards unquote
do very little apart from defining a list of terms that can be applied
to specific kinds of things---particular characteristics of a packet or
a log line or whatever (i.e., a packet filter or regex), a vulnerability
announced on bugtraq or wherever (i.e., a CVE number), and so forth.  Being
able to apply consistent labels to things like this is a Good Thing (so
I'm not try to disparage it, although it's sure gonna sound like it in
a second here), but it's still just the equivalent of Og the caveman
pointing at objects and grunting `tree', `rock', or whatever.  If you're
Og, you can't use this system to explain to someone how to build a fire,
how far you should be from your cave before you start a fire, or what to
do to avoid accidentally burn down the forest when you're doing it.

In other words, you can't actually enunciate a procedure using just a
descriptive taxonomy;  you can't define a policy using one;  and you
can't express contingencies, confidences, counterindicators, and so forth
with one.

I've actually spent a fair amount of time thinking about/coding around
this general class of problem---not specifically concerned with producing
as output specific firewall rules, but rather the more general case of
attempting to formally enunciate one or more risk assessments, one or
more threat models, and then evaluate incoming raw data (syslog output,
captured packets, and so forth) in terms of them.

My observation is that most people approach the problem by trying to
develop something that looks sorta like perl---an elaborate procedural
language in which the details of the analyst-level decisions (the risk
assessment and so forth) are enunciated as hard-coded logic as part of
the design of the system itself.  I.e., in designing your solution, what
you're effectively doing is coding up all the special cases you can think
of, and you end up with something like a library call to handle each of them.

The problem I see with this approach is, well, the standard litany of
problems you could enumerate with any security product of any stripe:  it's
tryin to hit a moving target;  it is only really suited for solving a
narrow class of problems (whatever the developer---or the developer's
customers---were worried about at the moment);  it leads you to trying
to state (and then solve) your problems in terms of what you -can- do
instead of what you -want- to do;  and so forth.  I'm not really trying
to make a case here;  I assume most people interested enough to think
about the problem (or read this far) know the sort of things I'm alluding
to here.

So what's the alternative?  Well, I'll start with a disclaimer:  I can't
give you working code to do what I'm talking about right now, today, and
that should make you immediately suspicious.  The fact that I don't have
working code to demonstrate it works leaves open the possibility that
what I'm about to describe is yet another security pipe dream involving
an elaborate system that will never see the light of day and therefore
constitutes a net contribution to the world of security of exactly zero.
Dwell on this point.  It's probably the most important thing I'll say
in this message.

That said, the approach I've been working on is using the formal
specification to allow enunciation of the actual grammar, rather than
being the grammar itself.  If that didn't mean anything to you, I'll
go back to my earlier example:  most existing efforts in effect give
you an interpreter (the moral equivalent of perl, for example) and
expect you to use (or write) scripts that will read and manipulate
input data (i.e., packets) to do whatever you want to do (generate
an alert as the canonical example).  My idea is to treat all the raw
data (packets, log lines, and so forth) as a raw data stream which is
merely tokenised by things like filters--look at the process of filtering
a packet and saying it matches filter `foo' as lexical analysis.  The
output of this process is a token stream.  We then use our formal
specification to enunciate the rules by which we do semantic analysis
of the token stream.  So think of this as being more like what lex/flex
(the packet filter or your log regexen) and yacc/bison (the formal
specification we're interested in developing) do than what perl or another
script interpreter does.

Does this make sense?  I'll hasten to point out that this isn't exactly
earth-shattering stuff.  All we've really done here is slightly
re-define the problem.  The point of doing this is that in the `traditional'
model, the interesting bits of what we're trying to accomplish (the rules/
logic involving the risk analysis or whatever) are effectively buried
in the process---they're just canned routines sitting on a leaf node of
our analysis tree.  This means it will be difficult to manipulate/change/
integrate/whatever them with respect to the rest of the rules.

By forcing your rules to be, explicitly, statements of semantic
relationships you're `centering' the expressiveness of your language in
the stuff you're actually interested in.  If you're trying to talk about
something like a risk analysis, you're not going to be able to just
rattle off a list of things that you should or should not be present (although
such a list may certainly be -part- of such an analysis);  you're going
to want to express contingencies and conditionals and so forth.  With
a `traditional' system, you end up burying this as canned procedure;  with
the sort of think I'm suggesting the rule that you'd create -is- the
expression of the contingency or whatever.

Again:  this isn't intended to be revelatory or anything like that.  All
I'm describing is really just a shell-game in which we shuffle around the
problem description to allow us to gain expressiveness in the areas
we need it.  I happen to think this is a Big Win, but only in the sense
that any notational/data model/whatever change is---it can make it easier
for us to do certain things, and it can lead us to think about problems
in different terms, but it (in and of itself) doesn't acutally -do- anything.

So going back to your original query, I suppose my advice is that you should
think about think about developing a grammar specification---something in
which the analyst can enunciate a grammar which describes his
network/policy/whatever, rather than trying to develop the grammar itself.

I'm not sure how interested the list is in this sort of stuff, but I'd
be happy to go on at tiresome length about the subject off-list if you're

- -spb

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