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Re: Code review/audit and/or version control

From: George Capehart <capegeo () opengroup org>
Date: Tue, 23 Jul 2002 09:56:39 +0800

Joseph S D Yao wrote:

If you are doing version control, you have access to previous versions
and the commentary from when it was checked in.  Just as with in-line
comments, the version control comments have to be MEANINGFUL, not just
"made changes."!!!

ISTM that the old versions can be used to good advantage in two ways:

(1) New version introduces greater and unforeseen (of course!) security
problem; quickly get out old version with known but lesser security
problem, and also re-install whatever shim we had used to work around
the security problem until the "fixed" version was installed.

OK.  You got me there.  I didn't say exactly what I was thinking.  I had
in mind two scenarios . . . one where, say, a format string bug or a
memory leak was fixed . . . and nothing else was broken in the process 
;->, and the other where there is parallel development going on and a
bug gets fixed in one branch but then overwritten when a patch/hotfix is
created.  What I'm concerned about here is a breakdown in process . . .
not a valid reason to roll back a change . . . 

(2) Determine that the neat new way to do something has already been
tried, and read the MEANINGFUL version control comments to determine
why it was removed from service!


Joe Yao                         jsdy () center osis gov - Joseph S. D. Yao
OSIS Center Systems Support                                     EMT-B
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