Firewall Wizards mailing list archives

Re: Solaris Configuration List

From: Roger Marquis <marquis () roble com>
Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2000 21:24:23 -0800 (PST)

Brad Van Orden <Brad.VanOrden () netisi com> wrote:
Does anyone know of a checklist for preparing a solaris computer to be a
firewall? Thanks!

Here's an outline for Solaris 2.6 that we used several months ago.  It's
somewhat out of date but good reading all the same.

Roger Marquis
Roble Systems Consulting

        Solaris Firewall
        Example Installation & Configuration
        Roble Systems, Inc. 1998

Table of Contents

        0) Disclaimer
        1) Compile system information
        2) Install OS from Solaris CD
        3) Configure the system
        4) Enable encryption and authentication
        5) Test and retest
        6) Additional software


0) Disclaimer

        NOTE: This procedure details one way, of many, to configure a
        secure firewall platform based on Sun Solaris.  It will be too
        restrictive for most other uses.  It may even be to restrictive
        for your firewall.  No warranty is made as to the accuracy or
        reliability of this document.  Use at your own risk.

1) Compile system information

        1.1 hostname = _______________________________
        1.2 IP addresses = ___________________________ 
        1.3 defaultrouter = __________________________ (if any)
        1.4 timeserver = _____________________________ (if any)
        1.5 date = ___________________________________
        1.6 root password = __________________________
        1.7 part of a subnet = _______________________ (typically = no)
        1.8 timezone = _______________________________ (i.e., US/Pacific)
        1.9 naming service = _________________________ (typically = other)

2) Install OS from Solaris CD

   2.1 select the "core system" software cluster
   2.2 customize by adding the following packages: 
        a) "automated security enhancement tools"
        b) "interprocess communication"
        c) "network time protocol"
        d) "source Compatibility" (usr)
        e) "static utilities"
        f) "sunOS 4.x binary compatibility"
        g) "system accounting"
        e) "system & network administration"
        h) "volume management" (root & usr)
        i) "xcu4 utilities"
   2.3 manually layout the disks
        (partition - manual layout - customize)
          root = 1.9GB+
          swap = 500MB+
          if there is a /var partition (not recommended on
           single disk systems) use the remainder of the disk
        * swap size is application dependent 
        * root partitions larger than 2GB are not supported 
          on older hardware
   2.4 select "install & reboot"
   2.5 install the current recommended patch cluster from 
        Sun's Sunsolve website at:

3) Configure the system

   3.1 edit configuration files
        vi /etc/hosts (define loghosts, mailhost, timehost)
        vi /etc/hostname.* (substitute IP addresses for hostnames)
        vi /etc/vfstab (comment out /tmp swapfs if not needed)
        vi /etc/resolv.conf (domainname and 2 nameservers)
        vi /etc/nsswitch.conf (hosts:      files dns)
        vi /etc/power.conf (comment autoshutdown)
        vi /etc/defaultrouter (IP address of default router, disables RIP)
        vi /etc/ntp.conf (IF using xntp for time synchronization)
        vi /etc/default/{su,login} (CONSOLE=/dev/console)
        vi /etc/mail/ (Mprog, PrivacyOptions, MaxDaemonChildren
         MaxMessageSize, SuperSafe, ...)
   3.2 create account files
        vi /.cshrc /.profile /.kshrc /.bashrc /.exrc
        more /etc/skel/cshrc
   3.3 install sysadmin utilities (
        RCS: mkdir ~admin/RCS ; ln -s ~admin/RCS /etc
          cd /etc ; ci -l inetd.conf host* ftpusers, ...
        bash, gzip, less, lsof, rsync, sudo, tar, tcsh, top, zip, ...
   3.4 disable unneeded startup scripts
        mv rcS.d/S50devfsadm rcS.d/s50devfsadm
        cd /etc/rc2.d
         mv S92volmgt s92volmgt
         #mv S88sendmail s88sendmail
         mv S74autofs s74autofs
         mv S73nfs.client s73nfs.client
         mv S99dtlogin s99dtlogin
         mv S85power s85power
         mv S47asppp s47asppp
         mv S70uucp s70uucp
         mv S80lp s80lp
        cd /etc/rc3.d
         mv S15nfs.server s15nfs.server
         mv S76snmpdx s76snmpdx
         mv S77dmi s77dmi
   3.5 configure logging
        vi /etc/syslog.conf (convert all spaces to tabs)
          syslog,auth,local7,local5.debug;daemon.notice;;user.none /dev/console
          *.alert;auth.debug;kern.err;daemon.err;user.none        operator
          kern.notice     /var/log/kern.messages
          daemon.debug    /var/log/daemon.messages
          user.debug      /var/log/user.messages
          cron.emerg      /var/log/cron.messages
          news.debug      /var/log/news.messages
          uucp.notice     /var/log/uucp.messages
          lpr.debug       /var/log/lpr.messages
          local1.debug    /var/log/local1.messages
          local2.debug    /var/log/local2.messages
          local3.debug    /var/log/local3.messages
          local4.debug    /var/log/local4.messages
          local5.debug    /var/log/local5.messages
          local6.debug    /var/log/local6.messages
          local7.debug    /var/log/local7.messages
          debug @loghost2
        create the logfiles under /var/log (touch)
        kill -1 <syslog pid>
        touch /var/adm/loginlog 
        chmod o-w /var/{log,adm}/* /var/log/sysidconfig.log
   3.5 enable aset
        /usr/aset/aset -p -l med
   3.6 schedule periodic administrative tasks
        crontab -e
          22 * * * * /var/admin/cron/hourly
          22 22 * * * /var/admin/cron/daily
          2 22 * * 0 /var/admin/cron/weekly
          2 2 1 * * /var/admin/cron/monthly
   3.7 cleanup non-root crontabs
        cd /var/spool/cron/crontabs
          rm -f uucp sys adm lp
          chmod go-rwx . *
          ls -l
        sed 's/:.*$//' /etc/passwd | grep -v root > /etc/cron.d/at.deny (or rm at.deny)
        sed 's/:.*$//' /etc/passwd | grep -v root > /etc/cron.d/cron.deny (or rm cron.deny)
   3.8 email aliases
        forward root & postmaster to real user
        forward system accounts to /dev/null
        rebuild: /usr/lib/sendmail -bi
   3.9 delete extraneous files
        rm -f /usr/sbin/{eeprom} /dev/openprom /devices/pseudo/openeepr@0:openprom
        ls -l /usr/sbin/{eeprom} /dev/openprom /devices/pseudo/openeepr@0:openprom
        rm -rf /var/spool/uucp* /etc/uucp
        ls -l /var/spool/uucp* /etc/uucp
        rm -rf /tftp* /.dt* /.Xauthority /.wastebasket /xfn /net /export /mnt /core
        ls -l /tftp* /.dt* /.Xauthority /.wastebasket /xfn /net /export /mnt /core
        rm -f /var/adm/spellhist
        ln -s /dev/null /var/adm/spellhist
        ln -s /dev/null /core (?)
   3.10 disable incoming ftp
        sed 's/:.*$//' /etc/passwd > /etc/ftpusers      
   3.11 disable 'cron' logging (to avoid full disk bug)
        vi /etc/default/cron (CRONLOG=NO)
   3.12 create login banners
        echo "------ Unauthorized Access Prohibited ------" > /etc/issue
        echo "" >> /etc/motd
        echo "    ------ Unauthorized Access Prohibited ------" >> /etc/motd
        echo "" >> /etc/motd
   3.13 disable kernel routing
        echo "" >> /etc/rc2.d/S69inet
          echo "ndd -set /dev/ip ip_forwarding 0" >> /etc/rc2.d/S69inet
          echo "ndd -set /dev/ip ip_forward_src_routed 0" >> /etc/rc2.d/S69inet
          echo "ndd -set /dev/ip ip_forward_directed_broadcasts 0" >> /etc/rc2.d/S69inet
        vi /etc/default/inetinit (TCP_STRONGS_ISS=2)
        touch /etc/notrouter
        touch /etc/defaultrouter
   3.14 restrict standard and rpc services
        vi /etc/inetd.conf
          comment out everything (:1,$s/^/#/)
          uncomment as needed
          kill -1 <inetd_pid>
        echo "rpcbind : ALL" > /etc/hosts.deny (modified rpcbind)
   3.15 check the password files
          add /bin/false shell to system accounts
          (change root shell to /bin/csh if /usr is on /)
          (add "admin" user (admin:x:0:1:Super-User:/var/admin:/bin/csh))
          (add "operator" and "suoperator" accounts as needed)
          check /etc/passwd for errors
        awk -F: '{print $2}' /etc/shadow
          check /etc/shadow for errors
   3.16 tighten permissions and other misc holes (per ISS & CERT)
        find /opt/SUNWrtvc -perm 777 -exec chmod go-w {} \; -ls
        chmod 660 /devices/sbus@1f,0/espdma@e,8400000/esp@e,8800000/st@4*
        chmod 550 /usr/lib/fs/ufs/ufsrestore
        chmod 555 /usr/openwin/bin/ff.core
        #chmod 550 /bin/su
        chmod 000 /etc/default/sys-suspend /usr/openwin/bin/sys-suspend
        vi /usr/openwin/lib/
        chgrp sysadmin `which admintool`; chmod o-rwx `which admintool`
        chmod -R ugo+r /usr/openwin

4) Enable encryption and authentication

   4.1 install ssh
         vi /etc/services (ssh 22/tcp)
         vi sshd_config (see below)
         kill -1 `ps auxww|grep inetd|grep -v grep|awk '{print $2}'`
         telnet localhost 22
        If there's no inetd: use a startup script (/etc/rc2.d/S81sshd)
                else add to inetd.conf 

5) Test, test, test, retest

   5.1 local
         ps auxww (ps -ef) ; showrev -p ; prtconf ; ...
   5.2 remote
        strobe ; portscan ; rpcinfo -p ; ...

6) Additional Software

 6.1 compile secure rpcbind (if something uses rpc)
  Download from
  make; cp /usr/sbin/rpcbind /usr/sbin/rpcbind.ori;
  cp rpcbind /usr/sbin/rpcbind; reboot
  vi /etc/hosts.deny (and /etc/hosts.allow) for access control

 6.2 periodic cron scripts
  (/var/admin/cron/ or /etc/periodic/)
        ping remote hosts
        test/set emailbox permissions
        check daemons (syslog, sendmail, named, fwm, ssh)
        rotate any log files larger than 1.5MB
        check disk utilization
        check sendmail queue
        synchronize time (ntpdate, rdate)
  weekly (report emailed):
        disk utilization
        check/report (password file, SYN queue, hosts.{allow,deny}, 
                ftp access, sendmail queue, wtmp/wtmpx size)
        ASET report
        Solaris patches
        run tripwire and mail separate report
  monthly (report emailed):
        rotate and archive log files

 6.3 ssh

        PermitRootLogin no
        IgnoreRhosts yes
        StrictModes yes
        QuietMode no
        FascistLogging no
        PrintMotd no
        KeepAlive no
        SyslogFacility LOCAL3
        RhostsAuthentication no
        RhostsRSAAuthentication no
        RSAAuthentication no
        PasswordAuthentication yes
        PermitEmptyPasswords no
        AllowHosts ...

 6.4 skey
  Download from
  compile the skeysh
    to allow logins to the root account
        comment the section in skeysh/skeysh.c: "ROOT LOGIN REFUSED"
  (create an skey account (with or without a password) for ssh)

 6.5 Firewall-1

  1) install under /opt/SUNWfw
        apply any patches
  2) add the following to /.cshrc
        if ( -d /opt/SUNWfw ) then
                setenv FWDIR /opt/SUNWfw
                setenv PATH ${PATH}:${FWDIR}/bin
                setenv MANPATH ${MANPATH}:${FWDIR}/man
  3) vi /etc/rc3.d/S95firewall1
        add $FWDIR/bin/fwm
  4) vi /opt/SUNWfw/bin/fwstart
        comment out snmp startup (if not needed)
  5) add mgmt users
        fwm -a
  6) add mgmt hosts
        vi $FWDIR/conf/gui-clients (not $FWDIR/conf/masters)
  7) clean license file (as required)
        cd $FWDIR/conf
        mv fw.license fw.license.ori
        mv fw.LICENSE fw.LICENSE.ori
        ../bin/fw putlic ...
  8) disable SNMP; Security Policy, Properties, ...
  9) reboot & check /etc/rcS.d/

 6.6 one time passwords (root account only?)
        /usr/sbin/skeysh, skey account; keyinit+key
 6.7 heavy duty filesystem and integrity checking
        iss s3, (axent), tripwire, ...
 6.8 if inetd services are enabled
        tcp_wrappers (for logging and authentication)
 6.9 sendmail
        spam filters, RBL, DUL, ORBS

see also

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