Firewall Wizards mailing list archives

RE: Hacked

From: "R. DuFresne" <dufresne () sysinfo com>
Date: Mon, 1 Mar 1999 00:08:27 -0600 (CST)

Run it even tighter then that, why rely on one single tool?  Tcpd has been
in most packages, slackware for sure, for ages.   Set hosts.deny to deny
all, and only let in those select machines you feel comfortable with,
limit that to ssh and protocals you are 'sure' of.  Now there are a few
hoops to be conquered for unauthorized entry.  Yes, this means you have to
address changes in both ipfwadm and also the tcpd databases, buy avoiding
a single point of failure via one application has to outweight the
disadvantages here.  And make sure as hell you dont let it stop there, tos
in all the measures and countermeasures available till you get warm

On Sun, 28 Feb 1999 jonathan () leto net wrote:

You didn't get hacked, you got script kiddied.
Your running redhat right? The 2 most infamous redhat exploits are named and
imap. There are scanners that search for just these 2 things, and they still
find plenty. 
First of all, NEVER use any type of default. Its defeating the purpose of
linux, customize it. Make it do what you want to do. If this is just a home box
that you want to be able to get to, disable everything and install sshd. Telnet
is not secure. Make sure you get a brand spanking new ftp daemon, a couple
weeks ago a big exploit was found in many of them. Or just be really 3leet and
pipe ftp though ssh.

On 26-Feb-99 Steve wrote:
Hacked this last weekend or sometime.

What I'm running:

Linux 2.0.35 with ipfwadm, all defaults, added masq for to to feed my home LAN to ppp through a little 56.6k dial up.

How I found out:

Tried to log in telnet from an inside machine, wouldn't allow me to log in
under any user name I had configured - root, col or steve.  Finally rebooted
(Windows habit) and noticed that syslog couldn't write to any of the log
files and still couldn't log in.

Long story short:

Got the machine back up with a new hard drive (install fresh on the hacked
drive???!!!  Hell no!!!  It's evidence and possible clues as to
who/what/when/how - the whole deal.

So I mount the drive and find a message in my root directory:


imap, huh?  I knew I was running lots of services - it was a hacker's dream,
most likely.  But this was at home, and it was quite sloppy.  But it did its
purpose - my LAN *seems* okay - no evidence of any tampering, though it was
quite possible - again, from sloppiness.  Anyway, I have a real,
honest-to-goodness hacked drive over here - something live to study and
learn from.

BTW - first thing I did was to check for messages, and, just as the messages
on boot-up said, the log directory is gone.  First thing this weekend - I
will buy a computer for logging - do that transmission trick with the
wiring - wire a cable only with the what - 1 and 2 wires, so it would be
physically impossible for them to receive any feedback on the connection to
try to delete those files on the other machine.  (But I may wait until next
week - it's First Saturday down here in Dallas).

Besides that, I'll be keeping that hard drive off the network, except to
look at it - I don't want anything to happen to it!  I just may do a dd get
a backup while I'm at it.

I'm writing to share my experience, get some feedback and learn.  I'd love
to hear from anyone with ideas on what to look for on that drive, and
anything else that comes to mind.

Finally, am I ashamed to be writing this?  No way!!!  I love this!  It's all
just a game, and I love to play . . .

--] jonathan () leto net [--
--] 28-Feb-99 14:39:45[--

        admin & senior consultant:

"Cutting the space budget really restores my faith in humanity.  It
eliminates dreams, goals, and ideals and lets us get straight to the
business of hate, debauchery, and self-annihilation."
                -- Johnny Hart

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