Firewall Wizards mailing list archives

Re: Counterrant (Was Rant, Was Our friend FTP)

From: Joseph S D Yao <jsdy () cospo osis gov>
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 1999 18:53:54 -0400 (EDT)

Bennett Todd co-coutner-ranted:
Back in the early 1990s, the prediction was that the Internet was about to

I was on Usenet back shortly after it was born, when it was a star-configured
network with "duke" at the hub. "Death of the net expected; news at 11" was
old then.

Was anybody on this list around when the first generation of ARPAnet was
rolling out? Was the imminent death of the net an old prediction in the early

In the early '70s, it was a miracle that the 'Net stayed up; so nobody
worried about it dying.  I think we were running NCP then.  Steve
Holmgren at UIUC did that, I think.  Somebody else whipped up a batch
of IP and TCP for folks to use.  But it was only when enough stuff
started to storm the 'Net that people could start to worry.  Mail
storms in the late 1970s.  Usenet was on the dial-up UUCP networks, and
didn't start to be a "problem" on packet-switched networks until the
UUCP-over-IP and then NNTP software.


I think our friends at Duke had the privilege of first inventing
something that could bring the network to its knees - Network News, the
moral predecessor of the Web.  ;-)

Joe Yao                         jsdy () cospo osis gov - Joseph S. D. Yao
COSPO/OSIS Computer Support                                     EMT-A/B
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