Firewall Wizards mailing list archives

RE: cable modem access

From: dreamwvr <dreamwvr () dreamwvr com>
Date: Sat, 17 Apr 1999 13:12:38 -0600

   FWIW linux ipfwadm is a once done always have it forever to use
and really get to know the rules of filtering. whereas ms proxy is a 
pay ~ $995 for each one you employ and never really know what is going 
on .. and you probably never will. depends ultimately how deep you want to
go.. but this is security after all which by definition IMHO should be 
as granular a understanding as possible. you will also find the tools 
available on linux/freebsd/unix systems are very good and assist you in
tools on the windows platform more constructively. peer reviewed programs 
tend to be better understood and have less bugs as more buggy eyes are 
scanning for problems;-) the downside is that there are those that will 
always take advantage of a good idea. but then again i firmly believe that 
one learns much by public debate which certainly can be spun off into other 
areas. in conclusion FWIW open systems allow you to get a 'baseline' really to
evaluate proprietary products in the proper light. || if you like..
is the product good || not .. compared to what.. what am i basing my
on? how much the co spends in brainwashing me to not read the fine print and 
hand the glossies around?? or what i know to be true.. closed source 
as a foundation of security has real security concerns. .. but if i can
compare what i know to be true against a commercial product then i 
can produce a more valid opinion than i could otherwise hope to provide.
at least the company should be able to provide the source for those requiring 
it to all products that are considered secure for a fee. that way consumers 
are not purchasing snake oil as a standard or if you like vapourware or is 
it betaware:-)
                                                                dreamwvr () dreamwvr com
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