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Re: Proxy 2.0 secure? (AG vs. SPF)

From: "Ryan Russell" <ryanr () sybase com>
Date: Tue, 30 Jun 1998 10:12:01 -0700

AGs are completely vulnerable to problems in the lower layers
of IP stacks.

No. A-G's are completely vulnerable to problems in their own IP stack,

Thats what I was trying to get across.

but completely invulnerable to problems in other IP stacks.

That's going a bit far, but it's more true than not.

Packet filters, on the other hand, have reduced vulnerability to direct
attacks on their own
IP stack (because they have less of a stack, see Bellovin's principle)

Agreed,  If they do it right.

--- but they have increased vulnerability to problems in other IP stacks,
because they are allowing remote hosts to communicate directly with those

I disagree with this assumption.  Current SPF implementations do this.  It
doesn't mean someone couldn't write a better one.

It is valid to assume that the IP stacks of end-systems are less secure
than the IP stack of the firewall. If nothing else supports this
assertion, we assume that there are (or will potentially be) multiple
different IP stacks on the network, each of which has it's own unique
bugs. One stack is more secure than many stacks; all stacks have bugs,
general-purpose stacks have more bugs than hardened stacks, and it is
easier to manage the security of one centralized piece of code (the
firewall IP stack) than the security of distinct programs from multiple

Agreed.  Pretty much why you want a firewall to begin with.

A well-designed proxy server does not allow *any* external network traffic
to reach the internal network.

I assume you're speaking of up to layer 3/4?

Instead, it completes all interactions
between the inside and the outside, relying on the internal machines only
to provide the actual data needed for those connections. Internal machines
only receive traffic that originated from the proxy server, and we can
thus assume that, at least at the low level of TCP/IP, that traffic is

If you completly trust the IP implementation running under the AG, yes.

Packet filtering firewalls work by allowing *some* external network
traffic to reach the internal network.

If you're still speaking of up to layer 3/4, it wouldn't be that hard to
write a SPF to redo all that info.  SPFs that do NAT already do
much of it.

Security is improved by interposing
a packet filtering engine that attempts to make a determination about the
security of each packet. Stateful packet filters simply support this
reasoning by considering each packet within the context of a network
traffic stream (a TCP connection, for example). Internal machines only
receive traffic from the outside world, and we cannot assume that any of
that traffic is safe.

Most SPF implementations currently allow a lot of the original reply
through.  This is appropriate for some protocols, and obviously
not for others.  An SPF can be written to strip off as much as you like.

The choice between application-gateway and packet-filtering firewalls
comes down to this simple issue: we can decrease the exposure of
end-system IP stacks by increasing the exposure of the firewall IP stack.

So... if there was some IP-layer root compromise was discovered, the
machine running the AG would get compromised.  For a bad
SPF gateway, some inside machine might get compromised.  Neither
one sounds great.  So... you'd want an AG with a really good IP
stack, or an SPF with a really good IP handler?

The reason that application-gateway firewalls are more secure than packet
filters is that it is easier to maintain the security of one stack
(especially when it's well-understood that it's pivotal to the security of
a whole network, and especially when it is specifically designed for
security) than it is to maintain the security of many stacks.

An SPF doesn't have to know how to deal with every IP stack it protects.
To get the equivalent protection of an AG, all it has to do is emulate
the behaviour of a good IP stack, like the one you hope your AG is running

There are application gateway firewalls that rely
entirely on general-purpose vendor IP stacks. The TIS firewall toolkit is
a good example. Naturally, a firewall that rides a standard stack is
vulnerable to attacks against that stack. Indeed, it is probably true that
an application-gateway firewall riding on, for instance, the Solaris
TCP/IP stack is LESS secure (considered as a whole, implications to the
internal network included) than a stateful packet filter.

Of course, the response to this point is "So what?". I can design a
stateful packet filter that won't perform stateful inspection of IP
fragments, instead passing them directly through and assuming them to be
safe. Does this mean stateful firewalls are insecure? Of course not. It
simply means that it is possible to design a bad stateful filter, which is
an obvious point.

So.. an SPF may be better than an AG running on a bad stack
(my original point) and bad SPFs can be written (like the ones
currently on the market.)  No argument there.

While it is true that, as a practical matter, we must consider the actual
implementations of A-G and filter firewalls when discussing their
security, and, in light of that consideration, the stateful filter market
may very well have a better track record than the A-G market (I doubt it
does, but it's possible),

It doesn't so far.

the point I am making is that, by design, A-G is
the more secure approach.

I disagree.  I won't argue that you couldn't easily buy an AG right
now that would be better than any SPF (that I'm aware of) that
you can buy right now.  I do believe the SFPs can provide more
comprehensive security when done right, and I expect to see
the market reflect that in the future.

In other words, if you compared the best A-G to the best stateful filter,
the A-G would be conclusively more secure.

I disagree.  I haven't seen many great AGs, and I know for sure I
haven't seen any really good SPFs.  The comparison can't be made
presently, as I doubt "the best" exists yet.   As mentioned above,
if you change that to "best on the market right now" you're probably
right.  The basis for my conviction is that SPFs have access to
more of the data, and therefore could make better decisions.  It
remains to be seen if they ever will.

Security isn't the only issue. Performance is a major issue. The fact is
that it takes more code to perform high-level proxying than it does to
evaluate and filter network traffic. Stateful filters are faster than
proxies (right now, significantly so); this speed comes at the expense of
a design goal (minimize exposure to external traffic).

This is a result of current SPF vendors doing a sloppy job.   If you
write a SPF filter to do the same job as a good app proxy, it will
likely take as much code.  The SPF may be slightly faster still,
as it would have a little less overhead.  At that point, the speed
advantage would probably be negligable.  Speed is irrelevant to
security, anyway, except where it causes PHBs to force you to
pick weaker security in favor of speed.

On the other hand, a stateful filter is vulnerable to fragmentation
attacks designed to confuse traffic analysis as to the "state" of a
reassembling fragmented packet. The stateful filter must either block all
fragments until the complete packet arrives (in which case the firewall is
actually proxying fragments), or else allow fragments to pass without
knowing what future fragments will arrive.

Nothing wrong with SPFs doing reassembly.  No, it's not doing "proxying"
by most people's definition that I've argued with before.

If an attacker can find an
exploitable inconsistancy between a vendor IP stack on the internal
network and the stateful filter, she can slip arbitrary fragments through
the filter.

With a bad SPF, sure.   Again, I claim that SPFs can do as much, or more,
than "real" IP stacks.  Heck, it would be pretty easy to pick a random
of bytes out of the datastream, and buffer outside packets until you had
that many, and then make a new packet to send to the inside machine.
Somewhat similar to how an AG behaves.

We've already seen one example of this attack --- the Windows NT "start
reassembly at offset=(n != 0)" bug, which caused NT to reassemble invalid
fragment streams. No A-G firewall was vulnerable to this attack, because
A-G's don't pass fragments.

But any AG running on NT with the MS stack was?

This attack was a recent discovery, and I have
seen no literature (our IDS paper excluded) that explored the
ramifications of this type of attack.

I imagine the IDS vendors will have to start assembling fragments,
and checking for valid frag pointers.  Are you implying that they
can't, won't, or it's too hard?

In my opinion, supported by months of experience expirimenting with
precisely this issue (in the context of intrusion detection), it is
unwise to assume that the exact same underlying problem won't resurface in
TCP or stateful UDP traffic.

It's there now.

A-G's won't be vulnerable

Just the firewall machine itself, and not machine behind it?

, but the vulnerable
stateful filters will be, and in the worst possible way; attackers will be
able to bypass the firewall as if it wasn't even there. Is this a risk you
want to take with your network? More power to you.

Not particularly.  Might be a good reason to wait before deploying
a SPF firewall.

It's a matter of how you like to do your firewall software.  SPFs could
do it all in one piece.  AGs do it in at least two pieces, and if the
AG comes with it's own IP stack, then the vendor has as much

Issues of code integration have nothing to do with the security of
firewall design approaches.

Then why does it matter if the security is in two seperate pieces..
IP stack and AG code, versus one piece, well written SPF?

Know what the difference between an AG and an SPF is?
The AG allocates the socket from the OS.  The SPF allocates
the connection from itself.  If one wants to write an SPF that
answers the system calls that allocate sockets, you can have
all the security you like at the application layer, and get the extra
security available with a really well written SPF.  Anyone know how
the transparency kits for the FWTK work?  (I'm not being facetious..
honest question.. I don't know myself.)


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