Firewall Wizards mailing list archives

Re: Remote Mail Users

From: Patrick Belliotti <pbelliot () radium ncsc mil>
Date: Wed, 24 Sep 1997 07:35:00 -0400

Doesn't Exchange offer a POP3 option (and is that what you mean by
acting as an SMTP post office)?  I know we had that up and running where
I used to work.  I believe we were using Exchange 5?  Not sure.

Anyway, if it does, that solves the problem, right?  

With SmartGate (from V-ONE--I am quite familiar with this product, as
that's the place I used to work), the gateway still listens on the same
exact ports whether it's for POP3 or SMTP.  The change is at the client
side--the client will have two SmartGate rules, one for reading one for
sending, both talking to sgate=tcp/2023 on the SmartGate server.

So you'll have the same Exchange box acting both as your internal SMTP
mail server and POP3 server, both of which are available via a secure
SmartGate connection.

Hope this helps.

Greg Taylor wrote:


Can I please submit a problem which has had me confused for weeks?

I have an internal network of mail users using MS exchange with an exchange
server.  The SMTP connector of this goes via a Gauntlet firewall to the Internet
(or at least will do when we have completed configuration!)

I also have a community of remote users who need to send mail by attachments to
the main server.  The intention (for strong security reasons) is for them to use
Smartgate providing encrytion of the link.  They will also only be allowed SMTP
via the firewall.

THE PROBLEM - Exchange server can accept SMTP mail but cannot operate as an SMTP
post-office.  I DO NOT WANT to open any further ports in the firewall.  I have
had suggested a POP3 server within the firewall with that connected to the SMTP
connector of exchange but that means that any user who could be both on the
internal network and who could work from home on a laptop would be a user on two
main systems.  How do I ensure that whichever system they log in they get the
same mail?  At the worst case I could accept a system where the mail is sent to
both but can this even be improved on?

Horrible picture follows:

Internet ----> Firewall ----> POP3 server -----> Exchange Server ----> user
              Shiva Modem stack
             Remote laptop user.

The firewall permits only ports 25 and 80.

The preference would be to have the remote users also using exchange client set
to dialup networking although I beleive(?) exchange is not POP3 compliant.

Any ideas please?  I am completely stuck over this one!   :-(


Greg Taylor MBCS, FIAP                             gtaylor () ntyne demon co uk
Open Systems Programme Leader
North Tyneside Council

  |  Patrick Belliotti
  |  Computer Scientist
  |  Content of this is all my idea, and
  |  not necessarily accurate or factual.

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