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RE: Additional TPC/IP stack

From: Scott Wiegel <slwiegel () cisco com>
Date: Sat, 8 Nov 1997 14:05:17 -0600

Warning: This may be construed as one person's support of a particular
product.  I am a primary contributor (technically at least) to the
Centri Firewall product.

As one of the primary architects of the Centri Firewall, let me add a
little bit to this discussion.

An NT based firewall I've been reading about is marketted as using an
additional TCP/IP stack, which performs additional checking before
transerring the packets to the native NT TCP/IP stack. (The firewall
question is Cisco's Centri)  My questions are:
    Do you feel that such additional checking in an ad hoc IP stack

The stack implemented in the Centri product is NOT an ad hoc IP
implementation.  It is an IP implementation that was developed with
security being the first and foremost thought on everyone's mind.  If
you simply implement a protocol stack in accordance with available
specifications and not much security knowledge, then all advantages of
a dual stack architecture are truly lost.

In general, I believe that error checking can never be a bad
thing. One of the reasons that software has so many security
problems is because there is an insufficiency of "sanity check"
interlocks between layers of software. There's too much trust.
So, it's probably not a bad idea to have different implementations
that effectively check eachother over for bugs or loose
of specifications.

The TCP, IP, and UPD modules that have been implemented for the Centri
firewall were written with one primary goal: To ensure that any and
all known problems with these specifications were handled in some
fashion.  When you have your own stack (instead of blindly relying on
someone elses), the information that you can gather and the additional
security checks that can be implemented allows a level of confidence
that will never be gained from utilizing some one elses

Most security experts also agree upon a minimalist approach.  This
approach basically states that the software in question does what it
is supposed to do and nothing else (my loose interpretation).  Many
vendor provided stacks are also responsible for performing additional
non-security related processing.  As such, they tend to grow well
beyond their original purpose.  This slow growth over time can make
performing any type of security analysis very, very difficult.  And
when a new release arrives every other month...

    What kind of additional checks would make sense?

Mostly, in an IP stack, I'd expect you'd be looking for large
or corrupt or fragmented or tiny or otherwise weird packets.
I suppose you might also look at sequencing issues, and
so forth -- that's about all that you have available to you at
the IP level, unless you start reassembling all the traffic
and looking into the data streams (that's a hard problem!).

This is a very accurate list of things that you would look for.  Many
of the problems in modern day TCP/IP stacks can be attributed to poor
handling (or sometimes correct/accepted handling) of bizarre cases.

For modern firewalls, the information present at the IP, TCP, and UDP
layers is not sufficient, IMO, to enforce desirable security policies
for a large number of end-users.  In addition, many end-users want
firewalls that can run on smaller hardware footprints.  This was one
of the driving forces behind the original architectural decision of
the Centri design team to re-assemble packets (IP and TCP reassembly)
and allowing the Centri security kernel module the ability to scan all
application data that passes through the system (without a requirement
to traverse the Kernel/User Space boundary).

In other words it makes sense but I'm not sure there's a huge
"bang for the buck" in doing it -- the bulk of the interesting
holes that are going to let someone punch through a firewall
are in application software BEHIND the firewall -- which means
that looking through the stack is less interesting than looking
at the application stream.

But there is a huge "bang for the buck" if, in addition to these
checks, you also check the most common application flaws and security
weaknesses with knowledge (or state, or whatever the term du jour is)
gained from the protocol stack implementation (and not just the data
available via the BSD ioctl or Winsock interface).

    Is this a valid/reasonable approach or is it just hype?

I don't know if I'd dismiss it entirely as hype. But I don't know if
I'd say it adds dramatically to the security of the system in
It's also quite possible that the vendor in question chose to go
that route because of problems (performance/quality/interface)
with the existing IP stack. I'm cheating here because I already
know the poster was referring to a particular NT based product
and I know the guys who wrote it -- a lot of the decision to
replace the stack was based on early experience with NT's
IP stack.

Correct as usual.  Although two of the other primary driving forces
were performance and security.  We wanted the higher levels of
security that only an application layer gateway can offer with
performance metrics similar to a packet filter.

It would be very difficult to state definitively that any of these
three criteria was the primary driving force behind the architectural
and design decisions that were made with the Centri Product.  It was
really the combination of all these factors that lead to most of the
arcitectural/design decisions.

Scott L. Wiegel
Director, Software Engineering
Cisco Systems, Inc.
107 S. State Street
Monticello, IL 61856

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