Educause Security Discussion mailing list archives

Re: TargetX vulnerability post

From: Neal O'Farrell <neal () SCHOOLEDINSECURITY ORG>
Date: Mon, 8 Apr 2019 20:48:00 -0400

Looks like I might have sent my last email to the entire list. I'm going to
blame it on jetlag and leave it at that.

But it's an invitation to all colleges on the list to explore an
opportunity to get their security students involved in some great local
security projects that will give them some real world experience. That
won't get them into trouble.

If anyone's curious I'd be happy to share more. And apologies for my


Neal O'Farrell
Schooled In Security
neal () schooledinsecurity org
(925) 914 0248 (EST)

When we say "next generation security," we really mean it!

On Mon, Apr 8, 2019 at 5:00 PM Neal O'Farrell <neal () schooledinsecurity org>

Hi Brian, I thought I'd introduce myself and a project that Educause might
find value in joining.

I'm heading up a unique security program that hopes to address three
security challenges at once:

- Encourage more high school students to consider security careers.

- Give college students in cybersecurity tracks some practical real-world

- Help our SMB community to get more engaged in their own defense.

We're working with a bunch of partners including the Cyber Readiness
Institute, the Global Cyber Alliance, the University of Cincinnati and a
network of high schools to have high school students interested in
cybersecurity partner with college students in cybersecurity, mentored by
industry experts and CISOs, to help shepherd SMBs through a comprehensive
cybersecurity program that's free.

I think there could be a great opportunity for colleges and their security
students and staff to get involved in their own local community, and give
back as they gain.

Would love to explain more if you have a moment.


Neal O'Farrell
Schooled In Security
neal () schooledinsecurity org
(925) 914 0248 (EST)

When we say "next generation security," we really mean it!

On Thu, Apr 4, 2019 at 3:30 PM Brian Kelly <bkelly () educause edu> wrote:


Please see the post below that was published yesterday by a 17-year-old
“security researcher”.

Institutions using TargetX for admissions CRM will want to read\review.

Hacking College Admissions

Getting into college is one of the more stressful time of a high school
student’s life. Since the admissions process can be quite subjective,
students have to consider a variety of factors to convince the admissions
officers that “they’re the one”. Some families do as much as they can to
improve their chances - even going as far as trying to cheat the system.
For wealthier families, this might be donating a very large amount to the
school or as we’ve heard in the news recently, bribing school officials.


Brian Kelly

Director, Cybersecurity Program

*Uncommon Thinking for the Common Good*

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