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REN-ISAC ALERT: NTP-Based Distributed Denial of Service Attacks

From: Doug Pearson <dodpears () REN-ISAC NET>
Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 19:03:11 -0400

March 10, 2014

To:     IT Security Staff and Network and System Administrators
        (A CIO version of this Alert is available at [6])

REN-ISAC ALERT: NTP-Based Distributed Denial of Service Attacks -
Prevent your institution from being an unwitting partner in these

The REN-ISAC [1] wants to raise awareness and drive change
concerning common network time protocol (NTP) and network
configurations that fall short of best practices and which, if left
uncorrected, open the door for your institution to be exploited as
an unwitting partner in delivering crippling distributed denial of
service (DDoS) attacks against third parties.

In a companion note to CIOs, the REN-ISAC recommends the following:

=== ACTIONS ===

1. Distribute a copy of this message to your network administrators,
information security staff, system administrators, and other
relevant personnel.

2. Identify hosts on your network with ntpd installed and running.
Disable "monlist" capabilities on those NTP servers. Or, for systems
which cannot be updated or configured to eliminate the monlist risk,
apply network filters to prevent external requests to these insecure

3. Ensure your institutional networks are unable to originate
Internet traffic with spoofed source addresses as described
elsewhere in this document.


Although DDoS attacks exploiting the NTP and network configuration
weaknesses have been around for a long time, the frequency and
impact of these attacks have grown over the past year. The traffic
sourced by any single system may be small enough to go unnoticed at
an institution, however, the aggregate traffic from many sources, as
experienced at the target, can be crippling. Recent attacks [2,3,4]
average around 7.3 gigabits per second of traffic aimed at the
victim organization - more than the full Internet bandwidth of most
small and medium-sized colleges and universities.

Given the history and success of recent attacks, we expect these
attacks will rise in frequency and magnitude in the months ahead.

There are two issues:

1. NTP is a protocol used to synchronize the clocks of networked
devices. A deprecated command, "monlist", permits a requesting
computer to receive information regarding the last 600 connections
made to the NTP server. A small input request can generate a large

When a malicious actor spoofs the source IP address of a victim
targeted for attack, and repeatedly sends monlist requests to
thousands of insecure NTP servers located all over the Internet, an
avalanche of traffic is directed at the victim, overwhelming the
victim's network capacity.

Monlist has been removed from newer versions of NTP and monlist can
(and should) be disabled in older versions.

The NTP issue is complicated by the fact that not only is NTP
running on upgradeable enterprise servers, NTP is also employed on
infrastructure devices and embedded systems in your enterprise, some
of which can be updated only with great difficulty and expense.
Concerning these "difficult" systems, network firewalls may be one
approach that can be used to mitigate the problem of these
vulnerable-but-uncorrectable devices.

2. The second issue, the network configuration issue, involves the
problem of traffic with forged apparent source addresses. Systems on
your network should not be able to transmit packets that appear to
be from a source IP address that doesn't belong to you -- your
systems should only originate traffic with accurate source IP

In addition to the problem of educational institutions being
leveraged as the sources of attacks against third parties, there
have been incidents of institutions being targeted as the victim of
DDoS attacks. Best practices for mitigating DDoS attacks against
your institution apply: know in advance how to partner with your ISP
to mitigate the effects of an attack; concerning Internet2, refer to
the "DDoS Attacks Policy" [5]. DDoS mitigation services are also
available from commercial organizations.


===== Overview =====

While NTP is the DDoS amplification mechanism de jour, the problem
encompasses a number of network service protocols [16], e.g. see our
earlier Alert concerning open recursive DNS servers [17].

Too many higher education institutions contribute to this avoidable
problem. Unfortunately, this problem goes unsolved because
organizations targeted in the attacks are not the same organizations
that fail to follow best common practices (and which end up being
exploited to conduct the attacks). The exploited organization often
experiences little ill effect; therefore, motivation to solve the
problem depends on each site's willingness to go the extra mile and
be a good Internet citizen, even if doing so doesn't result in
benefits to them directly.

===== Solutions =====

[ NTP ]

   Highly Recommended:

      Concerning systems on which NTP can be updated or configured:

         Upgrade NTP to version 4.2.7p26 or higher [9]

         If upgrade isn't possible, disable monlist in the ntp.conf
         file [9]

      Concerning all other (e.g. infrastructure devices and embedded

         Manage NTP traffic (inbound destination port 123 tcp/udp),
         e.g. by using router ACLs, so that queries from outside the
         enterprise can only reach intentionally permitted
         enterprise time servers. Do NOT blindly block all incoming
         and outgoing NTP traffic, because NTP serves an important
         role in synchronizing system clocks.

         Review the Team Cymru Secure NTP template [10] for
         inclusion in your router template.

         Depending on your environment it may be difficult to limit
         queries from inside the enterprise to external servers
         (outbound) because many infrastructure devices and embedded
         systems rely on preconfigured NTP services.


      Provide a means to monitor NTP for evidence of abuse.

[ Network ]

   Highly Recommended:

      Apply BCP38/BCP84 filtering to prevent spoofed source address
      traffic from leaving your network. [11][12][13]


      Collect and store network flow (NetFlow/Sflow/J-Flow) data.
      Real time network flow allows backtracking spoofed network
      traffic. Historical network flow facilitates incident response

===== More In-Depth =====

[ NTP monlist ]

NTP monlist is a remote command used in older versions of NTP for
monitoring which hosts have connected to the server. Upon request, a
list of the last 600 hosts will be sent. Monlist is a deprecated
command, but in older versions of NTP, it is still enabled. New
versions of NTP (after 4.2.7p26) have removed monlist capabilities
in favor of ntpq mrulist [8]. The "Most Recently Used" (MRU)
functionality also includes the ability to rate limit and "Kiss-of-
Death" packets, which explicitly request the client to stop sending
and leaves a message for the system operator [14].

You can request a free report of NTP servers on your network from
the OpenNTP project group [15].

[ Network Filtering to Prevent Source-Spoofed Packets ]

Systems should not be permitted to send spoofed traffic to the
Internet, pretending to be traffic from some other site's IP
addresses. Roughly 80% of all networks have already installed
filtering rules on their network routers to ensure any spoofed
network traffic won't hit the Internet, but some networks --
including potentially yours -- have not yet done so. We need your
help. Please ensure your institutional networks prevent traffic with
spoofed source addresses from leaving your network.

Blocking spoofed network traffic from leaving your network is an
IETF Best Common Practice ("BCP"), see: and

Filtering can be done at the subnet level, or at the institutional
border, or both.

===== Additional Considerations =====

Unrelated to NTP amplification DDoS attacks, but of related concern
to NTP, is the local denial of service (DoS) vulnerability involving
NTP Mode 7 messages [18]. Upgrading NTP to a current version or
applying a network firewall rule to restrict inbound NTP traffic to
intentionally permitted servers will eliminate/reduce this local DoS


Print-friendly copies of this Alert and the companion CIO version
(with clobber-free long URLs) are available at the REN-ISAC web

We'd appreciate your input on additional means to protect from this
threat, and general feedback concerning this Alert. If you have any
questions, please don't hesitate to e-mail us at soc () ren-isac net.

Special thanks go to the members of the REN-ISAC Technical Advisory
Group (TAG) [7].

On behalf of the REN-ISAC team,

Doug Pearson
dodpears () ren-isac net
Technical Director, REN-ISAC
24x7 Watch Desk +1(317)278-6630



[2] Hackers Spend Christmas Break Launching Large Scale NTP-Reflection Attacks

[3] DoS attacks that took down big game sites abused Web's time-sync protocol

[4] NTP reflection attack

[5] Internet2 DDoS Attacks Policy

[6] CIO version of this alert

[7] REN-ISAC Technical Advisory Group

[8] remove ntpd support for ntpdc's monlist (use ntpq's mrulist)

[9] DRDoS / Amplification Attack using ntpdc monlist command

[10] Secure NTP Template

[11] Network Ingress Filtering

[12] Ingress Filtering for Multihomed Networks

[13] Securing the Edge

[14] Access Control Options

[15] For a list of open NTP by ASN, e-mail ntp-scan /at/

[16] Amplification Hell: Revisiting Network Protocols for DDoS Abuse

[17] ALERT: Prevent your institution from being an unwitting partner in denial of service attacks

[18] NTP mode 7 denial-of-service vulnerability

[ Other Resources ]

In addition to the references made in the text above, the following may be useful:

Alternative to NTP - OpenNTPD

NTP DoS reflection attacks

A Free Solution For DDoS Reflection Attacks: A Decade In Waiting

NTP Reflections


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