Educause Security Discussion mailing list archives

Re: how do you do e-mail outsourcing...?

From: "Hunt,Keith A" <keith () UAKRON EDU>
Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2008 09:20:55 -0400

Since this is being put together by a working group within the Security Task Force, are you primarily interested in 
security-related issues?

Keith Hunt  330.972.7968  keith () uakron edu
Internet & Server Systems
The University of Akron

-----Original Message-----
From: The EDUCAUSE Security Constituent Group Listserv
[mailto:SECURITY () LISTSERV EDUCAUSE EDU] On Behalf Of David Escalante
Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2008 11:36 AM
Subject: [SECURITY] how do you do e-mail outsourcing...?

The Policies & Legal Issues Working Group within the Security Task
would like to put together some resources for schools to use that are
considering outsourcing some portion of their e-mail to a third party.
We believe many schools are contemplating this, and could benefit from
the sharing of knowledge.  We are not seeking links to existing web
sites; rather, we would like to put together one or more documents
listing issues and questions to consider when undertaking this

If you can help us put together such a document, even by simply
to this message with some thoughts, we are seeking your input and
opinions.  Even if you haven't gone down this path yet, but have some
nagging questions, we're interested in those, too.

If you'd be able to help to consolidate the answers, or edit any draft
document or FAQ we put together, please let me, my co-chair Merri Beth
Lavagnino, or Rodney Petersen know.  This is conceived as short-term,
quick-hitting project, not a long-term commitment.

- We recognize that there a number of legal or contractual issues that
have been run into by schools entering into these agreements.  We are
not seeking to know the details of any contract you may have settled on
-- just questions that appropriate to ask of a given vendor in the
contract phase.

- There may be policy issues within your institution in terms of how
e-mail is handled now, versus how it may be handled by a third party.
What are some of those issues to be aware of?

- There may be effective practices in terms of the migration process,
in working with a third party.  Questions about practices that may have
to change or should be implemented when switching to a third party
be great.

- Also, any training or communication issues to consider, what to ask
about the rollout schedule, and similar questions are welcome.

- Anyone willing to share a possible approach or effective practice
they developed in answer to any of these issues?

- We all have different constituent groups, such as students,
faculty/staff, and alumni.  Please be clear which group(s) you are
talking about in posing a particular question or suggesting a
practice.  Many schools are outsourcing only student e-mail -- we need
to be clear when framing questions in the document which constituent
groups they impact.

- Pointers to outside resources or archived discussions of this topic
other listservs are welcome.

- In general, as you can hopefully tell from the above, we are seeking
general questions about general issues.  So instead of saying, "When
University of X contracted with vendor Y to outsource e-mail we ran
issue Z", we would like to obscure institution specific information
might be sensitive and be more general, as in "Be aware that for
faculty/staff e-mail, you might run into issue Z, and this can be
negotiated in the contract, or handled by adopting practice W on your
campus going forward."

Thanks in advance for your advice.
David Escalante
co-chair, Policies & Legal Issues Working Group

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