Educause Security Discussion mailing list archives

Re: Locating Personally Identifiable Information

From: Charles Young <charles.young () TUFTS EDU>
Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2008 11:40:52 -0500

I'm not sure if this has been discussed, but I once heard an urban legend about crafting customized virus signature(s) 
to use A/V as a PII discovery tool. Tons of drawbacks immediately spring to mind, but it was an interesting concept to 

Any positive experiences with A/V in this unusual capacity?

Doug Markiewicz wrote:
(1) Which tool are they using?

Carnegie Mellon has rolled out Identity Finder for the Windows
platform.  For the OSX platform we are currently recommending Cornell's
Spider tool but we are also pushing for an expedited release of Identify
Finder for OSX.

(2) How is the tool being deployed? E.g. Do you just make it available
for use by your staff? Do you have support staff who run the tool for
individuals who request it or can individuals run it themselves?  Is it
mandatory or voluntary to use the tool?

We have made the tool available to all students, faculty and staff
within the US.  It is not mandatory.  We try to avoid "mandatory"
initiatives.  The tool is self service and we've released a survey to
collect some general information related to what individuals find.  For
example:  Did you find PII?  Why did you choose to store this PII
locally instead of using a central storage function?  etc... We avoided
any solutions that would centrally collect the results of searches
because we felt acceptance of such a tool would be much lower.  We did
some campaigning with the deans of our various colleges and some other
groups to help gain support for the initiative.

Hope this helps.  If you have more specific questions, let me know.

Chuck Young, CISSP CISA
Director, Information Security
Tufts University UIT

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