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Outsourced e-mail troubleshooting

From: Cal Frye <cjf () CALFRYE COM>
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2008 16:49:41 -0400

We're leaning toward joining the Google Mail bandwagon, too.

One thing that concerns me a bit is losing the ability to see when one
of our accounts has been compromised (or a user gets entrepreneurial)
and the spam starts to flow.

In particular, if the GMail user's password is the same as used for our
on-campus systems, as we've done for some time, then I'd like Google to
alert me when one of my sheep has gone astray. Have any of you who've
gone down this road obtained that sort of agreement? Would it be
unreasonable for us to gang together and try to make this happen if it's
not currently available? Thanks.

-- Cal Frye, Network Administrator, Oberlin College,

"As soon as men decide that all means are permitted to fight an evil,
then their good becomes indistinguishable from the evil they set out to
destroy." -- Christopher Dawson.

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