Educause Security Discussion mailing list archives

EDPACS - A Call for Articles

From: Dan Swanson <dswanson_2005 () YAHOO COM>
Date: Mon, 3 Dec 2007 16:19:47 -0800

AIN'T IT SO - You can observe a lot by watching.  -- Yogi Berra.

  Good afternoon.

  Consider subscribing to EDPACS as part of your ongoing professional development.

  I'd also appreciate your support in obtaining new articles for the EDPACS publication.

  Please encourage your colleagues to write for EDPACS and/or take the time to submit an article yourself. We are 
looking for comprehensive articles regarding IT Audit and Security, Governance and Risk, and finally Internal Auditing 
``in general``.

  We are also looking for book reviews; i.e. is there a book you'd like to highlight in 2008?

  A recent (free) example of EDPACS is accessible at:

  The free example issue includes:

  1) The State of IT Auditing in 2007 - by Gary Hinson.

  2) Why is Security a Software Issue? - by Julia Allen.

  Finally, more information on EDPACS is provided below and on the web site.

  >>> Do note that the annual subscription includes online access to more
  >>> than TEN (10) years worth of very comprehensive articles !!!

  HAGW (have a great week).


  Dan Swanson
  Editor EDPACS

  1. The call for articles (PDF).

  2. The EDPACS Editorial Board (current membership).

  3. The EDPACS subscription page.

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