Educause Security Discussion mailing list archives

<SPAM> Re: OT: vendor contacts after list posting

From: "Crawford, Tim M." <tcrawford () GSB STANFORD EDU>
Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2007 13:03:06 -0700

I should have been clearer too. It is not that I am against having vendors on the list. However, there need to be 
"rules for engagement". Specifically, avoiding the cold call sales. If that can be addressed, I am ok with the 

One other aspect would be sharing sensative information with other higher-ed folks vs vendors. Maybe that is a more 
sensative issue for some than others. 


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-----Original Message-----
From: Cal Frye <cjf () CALFRYE COM>
Sent: Wed Apr 11 12:33:21 2007
Subject: Re: [SECURITY] OT:  vendor contacts after list posting

Paul Russell wrote:
On 4/11/2007 14:32, Sarah Stevens wrote:
I realize that you may not appreciate the cold calling from vendors 
regarding their products and services.  I can understand that this can
become overwhelming.  However, there is another perspective to look at
here as well.  I own an information security company.
I'd like to believe that I provide a valuable service and 
that I can continue to participate on this listserv as a valuable asset
instead of "vendor scum".

Sarah described one of many ways that a vendor may choose to interact with
other members of this type of forum. I, for one, have no problem with this
approach. I have no problem with vendors who provide meaningful replies to
specific questions. I have a problem with vendors who use my subscription
on a 'security' list as justification to bombard me with marketing dreck
about every 'security' product and service they are trying to sell this

Let me clarify my position; sorry I was too brief before.
I'm with Paul in welcoming measured, useful interaction with vendor
representatives on this list. The mosquito drone I referred to was
strictly in reference to the uninvited ringing of my telephone in
response to list postings.

Both open and closed lists have their uses; I don't think the vendors
participating on this list have caused me much trouble and have, indeed,
contributed to the community. I'm not calling for any changes in list
-- Cal Frye, Network Administrator, Oberlin College,

"I have a total irreverence for anything connected with society except
that which makes the roads safer, the beer stronger, the food cheaper
and the old men and old women warmer in the winter and happier in the
summer." --- Brendan Behan.

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