Educause Security Discussion mailing list archives

Re: Mysterious Email Problems

Date: Sat, 13 Sep 2003 07:44:52 -0500

What "may" be happening is that the DNS software on the server
that is supposed to be answering the rdns queries is locking up
or which case the .edu server would default to the
isp or some other DNS server listed as backup, now the other
DNS servers and ISP will not have the necessary intranet info's.

If the server is locking up or crashing that should be evident in that
server's logs.  But as Greg from PCC states, he can have a client send
a message and do an nslookupo at the same time *from the client* and
get the domain rejection.  I'd suggest having the test run again but
this time doing the nslookup from the sender(s) mail server.  The
recent flood of SoBig.F was enough to cause mail performance problems
for us, and I suspect it could impact the mail server's ability to do
reverse lookups.

Also what can happen if the DNS server is loaded too heavily
is that it will queue it's queries and then the remote mail server
will possibly have passed it's allotted "response" period or ttl
(time to live) for a reply to its rdns request.

This confused me at first because of the use of "ttl".  A DNS ttl tells
how long to cache the dns entry.  Presumably those trying to mail PCC
and experiencing problems have clients and mail server pointing to the
same DNS server at "", so since PCC has already run
simultaneois mail send and dns lookups on the MX record, the dns ttl
issue isn't a factor.

Now, perhaps the MAIL server is too overloaded and can't query's DNS server. Again, the proper test is to send a
message and do a lookup from the mail server at

Both of those and many other issues have been tended to in
our commercial DNS server software.  One site license will
serve for all units on a campus (inclusive of server and clients).
(configurations compatible with basic bind syntax)

Been using BIND for over ten years, never have had a performance or
security problem.  I *do* believe it is important in your DNS structure
to use differnet OS's and packages though for your primary and
secondaries.  But while Windows DNS is easier to configure, I would not
suggest using it as your primary.  And while I believe in good old
capitalism, why buy a DNS product when BIND as open source works so

Greg  Tips & Tweaks

Best regards,
R Vaughn
Information Systems
off :(254) 710 4756
fax :(254) 710 1091
dept:(254) 710 2258
mailto:Randy_Vaughn () Baylor edu

Friday, September 12, 2003, 7:51:04 PM, you wrote:

Wow, I thought we were alone.  We have some cases where the
mail doesn't deliver from some locations, and in some cases
it comes days late.  We've tried working this out with our
vendor and the organizations involved.

Technically we believe the problem is as follows:  The MX
record of the destination domain is not present in the
default DNS query, therefore, our mail server does not see a
legitimate destination mail system and causes the failure
reported.  In some cases the primary entry isn't processed
because it is not "valid" but several days later a secondary
entry will work.  We've been exploring the following items:
(1)  When we moved from BIND to Windows DNS in December of
2002, did the "query mechanism" change?  (2)  Are the
differences between the registration records for the sites
that work and the sites that don't work significant to the
problem we are experiencing - but that doesn't pan out.  We
note here that several of the places with email disruption
are medical facilities - hospitals in particular.  Are they
doing something different?

Theresa Rowe

---- Original message ----
Date: Fri, 12 Sep 2003 16:29:32 -0700
From: gmalone <gmalone () PCC EDU>
Subject: [SECURITY] Mysterious Email Problems

Hello Group,

Over the last two or three months, Portland Community
College (PCC) has had
mysterious email problems related to receiving incoming
email messages.  A
college or vendor will send an email message to an
individual at PCC and
sometimes it will go through and sometimes it won't.  We
have worked with
two vendors and two universities to try and determine the
root cause of the
problems.  It appears that when the sending email server
sends a reverse
look-up for our domain it can find it sometimes and other
times it
can't.  We have checked and rechecked our external DNS
records.  We have
even had IT staff at the sending institution perform DNS
look-ups at the
same time a message is sent.   We have found cases where the
DNS look-up
will work but the email will be rejected because our domain
unknown.   I've been told that both of the universities we
are working with
have similar intermittent problems.

We have heard and discussed several theories such as the
Spam software may
be casing the problem, or the need for a second
authoritative DNS server
out side PCC, and even the possibility that the virus
problem may be
causing this by flooding segments of the Internet
periodically.  I'll admit
that this is not my area of expertise and all these worms
and viruses have
caused us all to second guess our fundamental strategies.  I
like to find
out if this is an issue unique to PCC so I can decide what
actions to take
next.  Are there other colleges or universities out there
who have been
experiencing problems like this?   If so were you able to
determine the
root cause? Thanks.


Greg Malone
Portland Community College
Manager, Technical Services
Sylvania Campus CC219
12000 SW 49th Ave
Portland, OR  97280-0990
email:  gmalone () pcc edu
Phone:  (503) 977-4390
Fax:  (503) 977-4390

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