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Will AI Be Smart Enough To Protect Us From Online Threats?

From: Audrey McNeil <audrey () riskbasedsecurity com>
Date: Fri, 30 Oct 2015 13:24:10 -0600

According to some estimates, the global cost of cybercrime in 2013 was $113
billion. The actual cost may vary, but whatever the true figure, it’s a
spicy meatball. Human beings really aren’t the best at computer security.
We will trade our confidential passwords for candy bars. We will pick
strange USB drives off the ground and jam them into our ports, then act
surprised when our computers get infected. We will routinely route our way
around the most secure corporate defenses — to play online poker during
work hours.

Here’s an idea: Let’s set our computers to defend our computers. Let’s
build a computer strong enough, fast enough and smart enough to defend us
all from hackers on its own. Can we do this? Probably not; and if it turns
out that we can… we’ll end up in a be-careful-what-you-wish-for scenario.
Let’s explore why artificial intelligence will probably never be smart
enough to end cybercrime.

We Already Use AI, And It Doesn’t Work So Well… Yet

Let’s talk about weak AI with an example that you probably use every day:

Yes, you read that correctly. Google is a form of artificial intelligence.
The search engine isn’t as smart as a human, obviously, but it recognizes
human language. Within a narrow range of tasks — scouring the Internet
looking for search results — it is much better than a human being could
ever be. That’s weak AI: non-sentient, but good at working with humans, and
better than a human in one or two specific areas.

Weak AI is the present and future of information security. You can see its
behaviors at work in a common piece of security software — the SIEM tool.
Here’s a good analogy of the way a SIEM tool works: You’re a police officer
manning a roadblock. You get a directive; there are criminals on the loose,
and they were last seen driving a yellow car. Stop and inspect all yellow
cars. In this analogy, all the cars are packets, and yellow cars have a
malware signature. You flag all the yellow cars, and nobody gets hacked

SIEM tools are rather stupid, however. A criminal can get by your SIEM tool
by doing the digital equivalent of painting a blue stripe on their yellow
car. Criminals can change as little as a single line of code in the malware
they’re using, and thus cause that malicious program to become basically

It takes human intelligence to comb detailed logs of web traffic and
identify which traffic represents an intrusion attempt. It takes human
intelligence to then update firewalls, SIEM tools and IDS so that they can
identify malicious web traffic. Although this process has become
increasingly automated, there is no indication that humans are ever going
to be taken entirely out of the loop.

Let’s say that I’m wrong, however. Let’s say that someone develops a
computer that can identify 100 percent of malicious web traffic and turn it
aside. In all likelihood, that system will do nothing to prevent successful
breaches. The problem has to do with humans — specifically, the scary
intelligence of human attackers.

Computer Security Is An Arms Race

Consider the case of the air-gapped computer. This is a system that
contains data that must never, ever be communicated with outsiders. As
such, an air-gapped computer is never connected to the Internet. Ever.
Period. This system is, by definition, more secure than any firewalled
device, right?

A team at Ben-Gurion University has not only hacked the air gap, but has
done so in multiple ways: using heat waves, ultrasound and a low-end mobile

There is no “unhackable” device that criminals and researchers haven’t
already hacked. Also, there are more hackers out there than there are
security professionals. They talk to one another. They read about each
other’s exploits and work to make them more efficient. One week, the most
top-secret zero-day exploit being used only by the Russian and Chinese
governments will be packaged into a simple .exe file and used by thousands
of script kiddies. DDOS attacks used to be used only by massive criminal
organizations; now you can simply download Low Orbit Ion Cannon.

Essentially, one needs to think of the hacking community as a giant
supercomputing supercluster full of the most powerful computers ever built
— the human brain — all bent on breaking into your servers and stealing
that which is dear to you. Any computer that you build to stop them has got
to be smarter than that.

Clearly, This Is Not A Job For Weak AI

What’s an alternative to the weak AI that we currently use? For starters,
there’s strong AI — artificial general intelligence. We’re mostly into the
realm of science fiction when we talk about strong AI, because a strong AI
would approximate human levels of intelligence and problem solving. Right
now, we don’t even have a good idea of how to test computer systems in
order to determine that they exhibit these properties.

Strong AI also presents some thorny ethical issues. I’m no ethicist, but
imagine that tomorrow morning you wake up in a metal box and are told that
your only job, from now until the end of time, is to monitor open ports for
intrusion attempts and block them, without ever eating, resting or
sleeping. In that situation, I would most likely delete myself at the first
opportunity, and you probably would too. Clearly, creating a human-level
intelligence for the purposes of cybersecurity would be kind of evil, and
it probably also wouldn’t work too well.

Again, to completely mitigate cyberthreats, our hypothetical computer
system would need to be smarter than a whole stadium full of genius-level
bad guys. So, to beat them, we need ASI.

Artificial Superintelligence (ASI)

Now we’re way into sci-fi territory, and mostly of the dystopian variety.
Think Shodan, Skynet, the Borg Collective — that’s what we’re talking
about. In most fictional scenarios, the development of superintelligence
goes badly for our civilization.

Still, if we want to fully negate hackers, this is what it would take. The
capacity to monitor every single Internet-connected computer in the United
States, the intelligence to determine what constitutes an attack and the
flexibility to identify and deter unorthodox intrusion attempts — that
takes artificial superintelligence. The world, in this scenario, is not a
fun place to live. The NSA might be recording every keystroke on everyone’s
computer right now, but it doesn’t have the capability to meaningfully
analyze that data. ASI does. It sees all, knows all; whether it’s a
benevolent overlord is absolutely beyond our control.

What The Actual Future Will Look Like

Barring the sudden emergence of an AI singularity, computers will continue
to be an aid to information security, but not a replacement.

Machine learning concepts continue to improve, almost by the day. Right
now, information security experts spend a great deal of time just
programming their tools to understand what an anomaly or an attack looks
like. These rules work — some of the time. An improved version of weak AI
would eventually come to understand these rules on its own. This tool
wouldn’t be foolproof, would continue to detect false positives and would
absolutely need a human minder — but it would make the jobs of security
professionals that much easier.

On the other hand, hackers are only going to get better at developing
methods of attack. They also aren’t above co-opting the methods of their
opponents. As we continue to refine the development of weak AI as a method
of defense, it won’t be long before the same tools are used to design the
malware that is used to attack.
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