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Sony Pictures CEO had 'no playbook' for mega-hack on studio

From: Audrey McNeil <audrey () riskbasedsecurity com>
Date: Fri, 9 Jan 2015 13:01:19 -0700

The network was crippled. Days before Thanksgiving, Sony Pictures employees
had logged onto computers that flashed a grim message from a hacker group
calling itself Guardians of Peace. Soon personal information for tens of
thousands of current and former workers was dumped online, including Social
Security numbers and the purported salaries of top executives. Five
Sony-produced movies, including the unreleased "Annie," appeared on
file-sharing websites. Thousands of private, and sometimes embarrassing,
emails hit the Internet.

"They came in the house, stole everything, then burned down the house,"
Michael Lynton, the movie studio's CEO, said in an interview with The
Associated Press on Thursday. "They destroyed servers, computers, wiped
them clean of all the data and took all the data."

More than six weeks later, the studio's network is still down — and is
expected to remain so for a few weeks, as techs work to rebuild and get it
fully back online. In that time, Sony has been thrust into the geopolitical
spotlight as the target of an unprecedented corporate cyberattack that the
United States has attributed to North Korea. In a wide-ranging interview
Lynton talked about the isolation and uncertainty created by the attack and
the unique position the company found itself in, in a case that's
undoubtedly being closely watched in boardrooms around the world.

"We are the canary in the coal mine, that's for sure," Lynton said.
"There's no playbook for this, so you are in essence trying to look at the
situation as it unfolds and make decisions without being able to refer to a
lot of experiences you've had in the past or other peoples' experiences.
You're on completely new ground."

In the early hours of the hack, workers scrambled to find ways to
communicate with the studio's 7,000 employees and keep the business
running. Some dug through basement boxes for old BlackBerrys so they could
email securely and others turned up long-unused check cutters so workers
and vendors could get paid by paper check. A close-knit senior management
team of 10 to 15 people relied initially on word of mouth, an emergency
notification system and town hall meetings to disseminate information and
calm fears. Managers were told to be visible during commissary mealtimes
and gathered with 80 to 90 employees at a time at buildings across the lot
to offer updates.

"People relied on each other and it's a good thing they relied on each
other, because there wasn't a lot of assistance coming out of the
community, except for the FBI," Lynton said.

While most Sony employees already were on the Everbridge emergency
notification system, workers recruited the rest to sign up. If he had to do
it again, Lynton said he would have made it mandatory to already be on it.
Senior managers created text and phone trees to communicate and held
twice-daily meetings. Thirty to 40 people worked day and night through the
Thanksgiving holiday. When employees arrived to work on Monday, one week
after the Nov. 24th hack, a "concierge"-like desk greeted them to help get
them signed onto a temporary email system set up by the technology team.

The focus, Lynton said, was on answering questions and curbing fears as
well as maintaining operations. People were upset and scared and managers
were tasked with trying to assure them and providing information updates
two to three times a week. Focusing on operations and making employees feel
safe helped keep Lynton and his senior managers afloat.

"As long as you could stay true to that, it felt OK, it actually felt OK,"
he said. "They weren't ideal circumstances, and of course, when you went
home your kids or your spouse would say to you, 'Geez, how is it,' and it's
a very difficult thing to recount because every day you go into the office
thinking one thing and go home with a completely different set of events
than you'd imagine. All my colleagues felt the same way."

The Federal Bureau of Investigation and investigative firm Mandiant were
brought in within the first week. Lynton is effusive in his praise of the
FBI, which camped out in a special set of rooms in the center of Sony's lot
and conducted multiple hour-long "clinics" on a sound stage for 400 to 500
Sony employees at a time. The meetings covered identity theft and also some
computer security tips.

But with constant data leaks and rolling threats coming in from the
hackers, Lynton said his team had to work hard to not be too reactive and
to make measured decisions.

"The whole series of events, not just for myself, but for everybody in the
company, had so many twists and turns to it that every time you thought you
were going down a path, every time people thought we got this in hand, the
next thing you knew we'd have another threatening email come through two
days later or another series of events," Lynton said.

And the story was about to take another turn. As the studio grew closer to
a planned Christmas Day release of the Seth Rogen and James Franco comedy
"The Interview," which spoofs an assassination of North Korean leader Kim
Jong Un, the hackers shifted from providing fodder for gossip columnists to
instead fanning fears of terrorist attacks. Threats of violence reminiscent
of September 11, 2001, against theaters planning to show "The Interview"
prompted major theater chains to pull the movie, forcing Sony to say it
would cancel the film's Christmas Day release.

The company immediately faced a litany of criticism over free speech and
censorship from all sides, from Hollywood actors like George Clooney to the
President of the United States, who said during a press conference that
Sony "made a mistake." In the midst of the firestorm, the FBI formally
announced it had linked the attack to North Korea.

"We were so taken by surprise by the events...that we didn't have a plan at
that moment to go forward," Lynton said.

But Sony always planned to release "The Interview," Lynton said, it just
initially didn't know how to.

"We probably in retrospect should have said we're exploring other options,
because that's exactly what we were doing," he said. Almost immediately
after the theater chains pulled out Lynton said he was on the phone trying
to find a way to get the film out, especially after suffering through the
prior three weeks of data dumps and "what could only be described as

"We'd already spent a lot of money, millions and millions of dollars, to
get a national audience to release a picture, the last think you want to do
is then haltingly bring the movie out," he said. But cable, satellite and
digital companies told Sony they were wary of running the film during the
holidays, a traditionally high-selling period, out of fear of becoming
targets for hacker attacks too.

Lynton then called Google CEO Eric Schmidt, who he recalled told him: "this
is what we've been waiting for." Schmidt agreed to help get the film out on
Google Play and YouTube. Sony built its own website and Microsoft's X-box
and Apple's iTunes also ultimately agreed to release the film, Lynton said.
Sony purposely priced the online version of "The Interview" at $5.99 rather
than a typical $9.99 or higher to avoid accusations of price gouging and to
ensure more people could see it after the free speech criticisms it had
weathered. The movie launched online on Christmas Eve and independent
theaters also stepped up to screen the film on Christmas Day. Sony became
an unintended test piece in a new film release strategy of putting out
streaming video at the same time as a theatrical release.

The film, which had a $40 million production budget, has so far made more
than $31 million from its online and on-demand release, Sony said earlier
this week. That is the most lucrative digital release for a Hollywood film
so far. "The Interview" is currently playing in 558 theaters and has been
rented, streamed or purchased 4.3 million times. It had originally been
forecast to earn about $30 million in its opening weekend alone in a few
thousand theaters, however.

Lynton said the studio views the release of a film on on-demand video and
in independent theaters as "still experimental."

"You would never take a movie of this size and do what we did with it in
the end," Lynton said. "It's true, it proved to be that kind of experiment,
but it certainly wasn't planned." The theatrical experience is important,
Lynton said, especially for comedy "because people love to laugh with each

"Had this not come along the way it had, we would've proceeded exactly the
way we planned to do it, which is to put it out on 3,500 plus screens," he

Throughout, Lynton said senior management focused on keeping the business
going. One manager ensured "Annie" would still release over Christmas,
another made sure Black Friday went off without a hitch for DVD sales and
replenishment was made available for all DVDs, another focused on all
television shows shipping on time. As a result, the company didn't lose a
single day of television or film production and Lynton said losses are
expected to be "very manageable" and "not disruptive to the wellbeing of
the company."

He declined to provide a cost estimate but said prior numbers that have
circulated aren't accurate.

Meanwhile, most forensic on-site work at Sony is complete and remaining
techs are focused on getting the system back online. Lynton said it's
likely another week before email is back up and running and two to three
weeks before the network as a whole is back online. The company is now
working on identifying lessons learned and trying to determine what should
or shouldn't be changed going forward.

"I know that we were adequately prepared," Lynton said about the company's
technology and security. "Just not for an attack of this nature. Nobody
could have withstood an attack of this nature."
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