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Re: The Lost Decade of Security Metrics

From: Andre Gironda via Dailydave <dailydave () lists aitelfoundation org>
Date: Tue, 5 Jan 2021 14:03:32 -0700

Enterprise v8 is more granular than ever before for vuln purposes, but
always has been extensive for threat purposes

If you want to express CVEs in maldocs or malware (including webshells) may
I suggest Yara and/or Suricata (maybe shortcuts such as JA3 or JARM if TLS
If you want to express CVEs in runtime app infra may I suggest
caldera_pathfinder? e.g., this is heartbleed --
There are a few corner cases where a sandbox, debugger, or other frame of
reference is necessary to make the cyber risk use case from a
threat-vulnerability scenario visible -- and in those cases, I think we can
still package all of this up in STIX 2.1 and/or MISP JSON, right?

It's my strong opinion that none of the above need or want CVSS or any
variation of Risk=ProbImpactHamsterdamage. Better to autoenrich every
single field from VIA4CVE (e.g. -- http://cve.circl.lu/cve/cve-2014-0160 )
and cvedetails except the CVSS-related ones lol
It's my strong opinion that there must be a single place to go to grab
CVE-related mappings to/from actors with those
Yara/Suricata/JA3/JARM/Caldera/cvesearch/VIA4CVE/cvedetails STIX 2.1 / MISP
JSON indicator bundles

On Tue, Jan 5, 2021 at 10:00 AM Chuck McAuley via Dailydave <
dailydave () lists aitelfoundation org> wrote:

Throughput* is perhaps the wrong unit of measure. Most of the time you
would be interested in measuring “requests/second” or
“transactions/second”. Aside from say a content ingesting site/repeater
(facebook/twitter/instagram), almost all content for a WAF to handle is
inbound, using low amounts of available bandwidth. The outbound content is
rarely inspected by such a device, with the exception of 5xx error or
similar (headers).

A colleague pointed out you are missing the fact that if the WAF is
oversubscribed, you will miss attacks. They are related to the other sets
of metrics, dependent on the level of performance you desire. However, it
is important to score them in isolation as well, since you need to
understand the value of protection outside the scope of resource
contention. Typically we would encourage users to set the performance
targets they expect, and then test the protection capabilities of said
solution, be it intrusion prevention, WAF, firewall state tracking,
whatever. Then iteratively increase said performance testing until the
device would reach a failure point in terms of performance or security
protection objectives.


* throughput has a technical definition of “the fastest rate at which the
count of test frames transmitted by the DUT is equal to the number of test
frames sent to it by the test equipment.” (RFC 2544). It’s used for
switches and routers. No one cares anymore, but hey, I hold a torch for it.
The term “goodput” is stuff meat of what you care about (webpages,
documents, whatever).

*From: *Dave Aitel via Dailydave <dailydave () lists aitelfoundation org>
*Reply-To: *Dave Aitel <dave.aitel () gmail com>
*Date: *Tuesday, January 5, 2021 at 9:46 AM
*To: *"dailydave () lists aitelfoundation org" <
dailydave () lists aitelfoundation org>
*Subject: *[Dailydave] The Lost Decade of Security Metrics


A thousand years ago I subscribed to the Security Metrics mailing list.
Metrics are important - or rather, I think good decision making is
important, and without metrics your decision making is essentially luck.
But we haven't seen any progress on this in a decade, and I wanted to talk
about the meta-reason why: Oversimplification in the hopes of scaling.

There's a theme in security metrics, a deep Wrong, that the community
cannot correct, of trying to devolve features in their datasets to a single
number. CVSS is the most obvious example, but Sasha's VEP paper here (
demonstrates most clearly the categorical example of the oversimplification
issue, one that all of FIRST has  seemingly fallen into.

If I took all the paintings in the world, and ran them through a neural
network to score them 1.0 through 10.0, the resulting number would be, like
CVSS, useless. Right now on the Metrics mailing list someone is soliciting
for a survey where they ask people how they are using CVSS and how
useful it might be for them. But the more useful you think CVSS is for you,
the less useful it actually is being, since it can only lead you to wasting
the little security budget you have. *CVSS is the phrenology of security
metrics.* Being simple and easy to use does not make it helpful for
rational decision making.

If we want to make progress, we have to admit that we cannot join the
false-positive and false-negative and throughput numbers of our WAF in any
way. They must remain three different numbers. We can perhaps work on
visualizing or representing this information differently, but they're in
different dimensions and cannot be combined. The same is true for
vulnerabilities. The reason security managers are reaching for a yes/no "Is
there an exploit available" metric for patch prioritization is that CVSS
does not work, and won't ever work, and despite the sunk cost the community
has put into it, should be thrown out wholesale.

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