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Book Review : Network Attacks & Exploitation : A Framework

From: Darkpassenger <darkpassenger () unseen is>
Date: Mon, 01 Feb 2016 13:49:44 -0800

how long ago was my last book review ? doubtful . maybe around 10 years ago at the time Pedram Amini's OpenRCE was relevant and rootkit.com an openre had happy contributors . so i write this review for a book on Cyberwar , which is small in size but rich enough for content..as somebody who's been involved with actual cyberwars his whole adult life - no kidding . i hope you read the review , then read the book and find more advanced steps after that trusting you have been show the right direction and language and basics to form strategies of your own in perhaps more complex frameworks - although very similar to the one discussed in the book . all boiled down from experience -- and dudes , trust me , Cyber is young and you can simple get ahead by listening and looking at what folks has done in relatively recent years..and reach to a level of wisdom using the book and there it is ..real life - you and your decisions toward CNA/CNE/CND..

Specifics :
Network Attacks & Exploitation
by Matthew Monte
tech edit Dave Aitel
Published by
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Published simultaneously in Canada
ISBN: 978-1-118-98712-4
very late of 2015
192 pages
25.8 MB in PDF
the names of CIA and NSA is mentioned in the first pages for various reasons . some are ass-covering some are funny law practice by people hungry for a chair in some building . all that aside this tells me the author and his editor and adviser were in ranks of SPY . yeah , of course we are cool with that :>

A.audience : this is a small book . its good . fit the profile of many courses in university or in-job training courses where people got to understand --WITHOUT BULLSHIT -- what is Cyberwar and Why would they care about that . i assume computer students , young hackers who have lost their soul yet , policy makers , think-tanks , military courses , governmental education programs official handbook , a must for Journalists and also for whoever is in Media , a requirements for people involve in strategic decision in other domains whether Senior or Junior -- again this is a relatively small book . i realize this book will have good impact on these social groups .

B. what do i get from reading , honestly ?
here are headlines , chapter by chapter :

1.CHAPTER 1 : understanding what an ATTACK really is and what roles does it play in our warfare you will learn about CNA and CNE and also the possibility of attacks from cyber get Kinetic or not -- and what values any of those situations may or may not have based on our cyberwar strategy .

2.CHAPTER 2 : here you get a through analysis of an ATTACKER , his standard operations and digestion of the operations into the separate parts of PHASE of an Attack . here its also discussed why each phase takes place and what are the outcomes --which one is tactical and which strategic .

3.CHAPTER 3 : talks about the DEFENDER . against the force of attacker . what would be the life-cycle of a defender and what are the primitives in defense a defender must pay too much attention .

4.CHAPTER 4 : discusses the various angles of ASYMMETRIES in Cyber . you gotta know how to think as an attacker or defender to handle the asymmetry effect of cyber in the op you are dealing with . if you are into use or abuse this characteristic of Cyber then this chapter is definitely yours to read .

5. CHAPTER 5&6 : if you are an attacker u most certainly want to know about your possible FRICTIONS . same is true for defenders , although with different point of views but still about possible FRICTIONS . there is a strong saying goes like " you knowww... shit happens" - and if you have faced one of these situations , read these two chapters .

6. CHAPTER 7 : is all about Offensive Strategy . here you learn the steps required to come at a good strategic understanding of your planned offense - what info and resources you gonna need and what are the typical pitfalls ,,, in this part of the book , the word "Framework" is taking shape and real meaning .

7. CHAPTER 8 : obviously about defense Strategy . a 15 pages short discussion how to develop a defense strategy shows one of the two things : either Author didnt want to get dirty in technological side of defense which is very big business and folks livelihood depends on it -- or , he thinks the tone of this book calls for about this amount of defense data not much more . well , its up to you to read the book and make judgments i suppose .

8. CHAPTER 9 : is an interesting collection of very latest Cyber incidents some could be translate to war and you read all the facts here in one place without disruptions . its important you get facts with less propaganda and business or politics disruptions . i assume the author did tried for this to happen . this chapter is interesting for college-type people or law practitioners who may get in different sides of cyber conflict . this is the experience and skill you are gonna need out there

Final notes : this is a small 200-ish mages book with easy and fresh language not complicated for average and above to understand and comprehend . at the same time , it teaches about having strategies and making moves based on a Framework . which makes it different than the usual hack/cyber book . its not about tools and its not about philosophical thoughts -- its a in-between book for a easy read about Cyberwar and what could be defined around it now that we are slowly getting more and more into it , every time with names and shapes and angles and different motivations.. this book hopefully help the reader to analyze a cyber event or if planning one , do it like professionals in recent history done some won some failed and there are lessons to be learned .

judgement : good book . above average . tell your friend specially with average or less experience in cyberwar ..or as we used to call it netwar back in university ;) to buy it

objections : obviously not every book is perfect . across the book author has chosen to place a SHARK picture whenever he wants to demonstrate an attacker . well , i have been an attacker my whole adult life and even if i would want it couldn't be possible to list the sort of mass or targeted damages i caused or my strategies led to them..now when i see that a nice and very "delicious" fish , the lovely shark is set to be the attacker i am insulted ! dude i hope you edit the second edition and put a human as the attacker..human with pink heart..motivations..intelligence and GREED . it would be much more fair and wont bother animal lovers like me :)

i have things to add to this mail . they are coming in the next one .
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