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Re: C2

From: "Thomas J. Quinlan" <tom () thomasquinlan com>
Date: Mon, 03 Mar 2014 14:19:13 -0800

Hash: SHA512

One of the trends I looked at when I was giving a talk at Info Crime
in London is that "Big Data" will actually become "Huge Data".  Think
of everything that people are monitoring now - and then think about
what they will be monitoring in even just a year's time.

One of the most important things most people are not monitoring is SSL
- - with the new SSL visibility initiatives that most companies are
undergoing, they're going to have A LOT more data to start looking at.
 Of course, they'll have to do this responsibly - it won't do any good
to view the admin's Citibank Online transfers to her daughter at uni
when someone's in your network exfiltrating all your stuff.

On 03/03/2014 12:08, al bell wrote:
The approach taken by many is to focus on quantity (big data)
instead of quality (right data). Knowing where and how to
instrument at the different layers is an art which is not being
taught anywhere. DevOps has improved the effectiveness of software
deployments. There is no reasonably good equivalent, no SecOps
built with a similar mindset.

On Mon, Mar 3, 2014 at 9:59 AM, Dominique Brezinski 
<dominique.brezinski () gmail com> wrote:
SO true Dave. The defender's dilemma is not that they have to
protect everything as you note. The dilemma is choosing the
instrumentation that as syntactically as simple as possible while
being semantically rich enough to indicate (I intentionally do
not use the word describe) a majority, if not all, meaningful
attack activity in the environment. An old friend taught me that,
which he learned from his advisor. That is your just enough data 
notion. Having worked with many of the big data tools out there,
while focusing on security analysis and detection, I completely
agree with you. There are just a couple of sources of data --
themselves observation points -- that when threaded together give
a defender all the insight they need to thwart attackers. Sadly,
this fact is not leveraged by a majority of defenders, nor is it
productized meaningfully in any way.


On Mon, Mar 3, 2014 at 9:03 AM, Dave Aitel <dave () immunityinc com>

One rather facetious saying that has annoyed everyone for a
while is the whole "defenders have to protect everything,
attackers just have to get in once" meme. If you talk to
defenders who are "leading" with new technologies and
techniques, the difference really does blur quite a bit. I was
happily surprised at the Tenable offsite to hear their big 
customers describe their continuous monitoring and SIEM
analytics techniques as their network "Command and Control".
It's a useful change to a more sophisticated mindset. You don't
hear people really acknowledging an advanced persistent defense
that often. :>

Of course, building proper C2C while under attack is itself
very hard. People very quickly fall into the "Big Data" trap -
we try to caution Justin from collecting more than he has to
with El Jefe. We don't want "Big Data" analysis. We want "Just
enough data" analysis!


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