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Re: The Neutron Star

From: Arrigo Triulzi <arrigo () alchemistowl org>
Date: Mon, 1 Jul 2013 21:45:16 +0200

On Jun 27, 2013, at 22:21, Dave Aitel <dave () immunityinc com> wrote:
To paraphrase the Economist article you link to, which I think says it all (below) "No." 

I left my home country at a young age but I still carry its passport, a country which in barely 50 years managed to 
produce a rather colourful set of crooks in government (demonstrably crooks see bit.ly/6n36JJ and bit.ly/1Yb8x or more 
generically bit.ly/12CebJb for the famous ones who made it to the English translation).

These were or are all elected officials, allegedly accountable and yet felt free to do as they wished with the 
citizen's property and life.

Amongst the great productions of this era is how the politicians happily allowed, no sorry, encouraged the national 
telco to set up a private "secret service" spying on who they wanted, when they wanted and, as if this wasn't enough, 
even offered it as a "service" to friends & family. This is apparently now known as the "SISMI-Telecom Italia scandal" 
(bit.ly/aYh2kO), at the time it was just the "Telecom" scandal involving their Tiger Team (Boatti & Tavaroli, 
bit.ly/edL4CL in Italian), without involving the now-renamed military secret service.

So, while I am not privy to anything at all about the current NSA issue, I am pretty sure that Italian exports in bad 
government and criminality in general have made it across the ocean.  Perhaps they are not yet as professional but just 
like in Switzerland they now open a road four times in a row within an year to install different things for the benefit 
of the construction companies (that's Mafia 101, even a child in Italy knows that trick but for the Swiss it is pretty 
novel) perhaps someone else has also learned how to do things on the dirty side in the telco world.

Now of course in other countries what our politicians call "helping a friend" is called "lobbying" but hey, I'm sure 
that is just a misunderstanding.

Cynically yours,


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