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Reality TV vs Bas Alberts

From: Dave Aitel <dave () immunitysec com>
Date: Thu, 08 Sep 2005 14:17:19 -0400

One thing that's great about the hacker community is that aside from when people (*cough*Tom Ferris) are being coopted by Microsoft to pretend that "responsible disclosure" is a industry consensus (which it's not), everyone is creating neat artwork. For example, Eldad Eilam (who is this guy again?[2]) wrote a great novel on reverse engineering called "Reversing". Not only the is the material top notch, it's approachable by beginners, and very readable by non-beginners. I even learned a neat Ollydbg trick from the screenshot. My only wish is that it had more information on finding bugs via binary analysis. It has some, but I think there's always room for more. :>

The new Rootkit book by Greg Hoglund, Jamie Butler is great as well, and has a fantastic cover to boot.

I think it's neat that five years ago you would have had to be reading bugtraq and phracks and actually working to get information, and now you can chill on an airplane and just read Shellcoder's, Rootkits, Reversing, etc. It's truly a good time to be a recreational hacker!

Anyways, I think the best art out there right now is performance art. Gobbles, for example, was the best performance art in the community since Fluffy Bunny stumped generations of FBI agents still figuring out the difference between a bullet and an IP packet. And right now, I have to say, the best performance art is Bas Alberts going to college. If I had enough money, I would definately pay to have a camera team following him around campus.

Bas, in case you didn't know, is the member of the Immunity team responsible for things like the GOCode, a shellcode which steals sockets on any platform from Solaris to Win32, PDB, our internal mostly-python debugger, "shellshock" where you can pop from MOSDEF to a shell and back, or our entire intermediate language for SPARC, or our php_limit exploit, etc. We don't hire people based on their collegate degrees or certifications, so it just turns out that he's got a degree in Journalism, and not Computer Science, as you might expect. So now he's going for another degree somewhere in Canada.

Anyways, this semester his classes include Introduction to Unix, and Computer Science 101. Every day we get to hear revelations about things he learned. For example, the first day of CS101 they made him fill out a form where he listed the languages that he already knew. As you can imagine with any security professional at Bas's level, he ran out of room. In today's Introduction to Unix, Bas learned that Windows, Unix, and Linux are all OPERATING SYSTEMS. And, of course, as he left, the professor noted Bas's tattoo, which says "rm -rf /" in 3 inch gothic text on his leg.

Anyways, the whole team waits with baited breath every day for the next installment. :> I've begged for a weblog but Bas is more shy than new bunny.[1]



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